
Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
Well I'm waiting to call digi still this morning (dam pacific time) but yesterday i had a band come out to finish vocals on there album. Now when i would try and open protools it just kept telling my my hardware was unable to connect. I started flipping out cause it worked fine the day before recording these guys and nothing was different:zombie:

Well i thought maybe my firewire cable was bad so i went and bought a new one and also a firewire pci card just to make sure it was not my pc. 100.00 bucks later and with 2 computers still the same problem. Well these dudes drove an hour to come record and I Had to send them home:erk:

So now I'm about to throw my digi 002 in the middle of the road:heh:

Well i did some research after they had left and i guess its a common problem for the digi 002 power harness to go bad so I'm really really hoping this is my problem as I have bands lined up record for the next 3 weeks and I'm skipping work today just to get in touch with digi and be here to run through my problms.... I guess digi ships parts free of charge and next day shipping!

Well anyone else have these problems with digi002????

I will also report back with details and if indeed my power harness is the problem or not.....
I had the same issue w/ mine. Not a bad harness tho, one of the boards went bad.
My experience was this:
1. digidesign repairs are overpriced
2. the service from the repairs is very good-- fast (day turnaround) and comes w/ a 90 day warranty.
yea I'm starting to think mine is a bad board also... I took the power harnes off and cleaned connections and stuff and its the same still:Smug:

Everything on mine seems to be working fine my 44.1 light is lit and i can turn my mute light on and off and my link light on the firewire plug is lit and it clicks 3 x when i turn on which all usually are messed up when power harness i bad so I'm most thinking its a firewire chip on the board... Digi s sending me new power harness (next day delivery) anyway just to be safe:kickass:

What did your digi002 do Egan when it went south??
yea I'm starting to think mine is a bad board also... I took the power harnes off and cleaned connections and stuff and its the same still:Smug:

Everything on mine seems to be working fine my 44.1 light is lit and i can turn my mute light on and off and my link light on the firewire plug is lit and it clicks 3 x when i turn on which all usually are messed up when power harness i bad so I'm most thinking its a firewire chip on the board... Digi s sending me new power harness (next day delivery) anyway just to be safe:kickass:

What did your digi002 do Egan when it went south??
Yeah, everything on mine seemed ok but it just wouldn't function. Mine went bad right before I left to tour for a month so I didn't really have any scheduling issues. Had I been in a pinch I might have done the old "buy and return" trick.
I got my 002 on eBay a few years ago, so as far as Digidesign is concerned, I doubt I am entitled to any kind of support or communication with them as a registered owner would be. Anyhow, I had the power harness issue a while back, and I cleaned the connections myself and it's been working great ever since...I'd say that was probably a year ago at least. I read that it will be a reoccurring problem if I don't actually replace the parts, but if all I have to do it clean some oxidation from some metal pins every few years, then I don't really want to bother hassling with trying to register with Digidesign.
hassle? registering took me like 3 minutes.. tops. but then again, you might have to transfer, right? i heard thats a P.I.T.A.
When I sold my 001 several years back all I did was printed and signed a form and sent it w/ the unit to the new owner. He just had to complete it and mail it in. I guess it could be a PITA if the original owner doesn't start the transfer process for you tho.
hey Aaron i bought mine used also and I'm not registered but digi sent me a free power harness next day delivery! So its def worth a call.....

Yea the power harness didn't fix the problem for me either and its something with firewire pcb board. I have to call back Thursday (dam holiday today) and figure how much it will be and what exactly went wrong:waah:
yea its in the shop and I'm getting pretty upset with service. I was told on phone dude could probably have back in the same day. Well i left work early and rushed there on Tuesday and made it there by noon. Well i called back 4 hours later and they were like sorry repair guy had to leave on a call. Which fucked me on wenday session i had booked:mad: They said Thursday for sure though he could get done. Well i called them 4 times today and they just were clueless with what dude (digi repair tech) was doing and if he would be able to finish today (Thursday). Now I'm getting a bit frustrated cause i left work to rush this thing Tuesday with the intent to pickup same day then they say Thursday and now again nothing and i asked if guy would be able to repair tomorrow and there not even sure if he will be in so i might have to wait till Monday:zombie:

Shit i have not even got a price qoute to agree to yet which they have to do before even fixing......

I'm def buying some backup equipment so this won't screw me again i just hate being promised things twice and let down!!!