Dillinger Escape Plan - Miss Machine

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
It debuted at #106 on the Billboard Top 200. It is the fastest selling/biggest-first-week-sales ever for Relapse. It was the #2 Heatseeker album (whatever that is) and the #4 indie album during its first week.

I must say this album REALLY impresses me. I think the UM review of it SUCKS! First things first . . . the new singer sounds like Mike Patton on a couple songs (one in particular), but it is only his clean singing that has a similar delivery. This is a GOOD thing, because he sounds similar . . . HE IS NOT MIMICKING PATTON. The music is less brutal most of the time, more melodic at times, and generally easier to digest (or maybe I'm just numb to all this now). After about 5 or 6 listens I was completely impressed by this album. There are a couple songs that deserve some serious attention from indie radio. That isn't a bad thing, though. DEP has found a way to progress in more ways than simple brutallity. In fact, its a good thing that they moved slightly away from the extreme technicallity and brutallity of their early stuff, because too many bands were trying to copy them. 'Miss Machine' is still quite technical, though.

This band is already well on their way to being legendary, and this album is another huge step. Give it several listens and you will agree. The album sort of reminds me of Faith No More's 'Angel Dust' in the way it flirts with the mainstream but totally pisses on it at the same time.

This is the most enjoyable album I've bought this year. I imagine the new Mastodon might compete with that title, though.
So is DEP something I'd dig on? I've never heard them. Angel Dust is one of my favorite albums EVAR.
NAD said:
So is DEP something I'd dig on? I've never heard them. Angel Dust is one of my favorite albums EVAR.
Yes! I'm about 99.9% sure you would lactate all over DEP. They don't really sound anything like Faith No More, but the new one definitely has some Patton influence on it (more than just a vocal or two). The music has become more than just a barrage of chaotic time signatures and riffs.

I'd recommend starting with 'Miss Machine' for somebody like you, NAD. It is as close to 70's prog/fusion as you get. DEP's closest cousin is Meshuggah, in my opinion. DEP is not grounded in thrash, though. They are really hard to pin down in a genre. I guess that's why people gave them their own genre . . . math-metal. Although, I don't see 'Miss Machine' as being nearly as technical as their old stuff.

Willowtip has 'Miss Machine' with the limited edition DVD for $12. Get it!
Demonspell said:
Angel Dust flirts with the mainstream? Maybe on the more accessible tracks, but overall it comes off as their attempt to frighten transient "fans" who thought Epic was so cool, and in that regard it worked.
Exactly the same with 'Miss Machine'. They both have songs that make you think you should be hearing them on the radio any day now . . . but you know you won't. 'Land of Sunshine' (1st track on Angel Dust) could have easily been on the radio. 'Be Aggressive' . . . if it wasn't about sucking cock.

I guess the new DEP video will be on Headbanger's Ball tomorrow night. "Panasonic Youth".
Nate, I'm totally with you on the 'Angel Dust' comparison.

I haven't stopped listening to 'Miss Machine' all week, I'm enjoying it way more than Calculating Infinity'. I think this album could really see the band taking off in the mainstream, which can only be a good thing.

I haven't heard the new one, but Calculating Infinity never impressed me much. I did dig the Patton EP though.
I think its pretty good, but it didn't blow me away
certainly not a patch on the ep with patton
maybe in a few more listens
have you noticed one of the songs is a spit for Nine inch nails?

been reading a bit about the new mastodon, great concept with the moby dick influence etc
the cover looks brilliant again too
according to replapse the special version will come with an audio dvd disc
would that be 5.1 ?
I'm looking forward to the new Mastodon. The cover, indeed, looks great.

And doesn't Pig Destroyer have a new one this year?
Okay so I just found a CD-R of DEP - Irony is a Dead Scene, apparently somebody else thought these dudes were a good idea for me. :p