
As twisted as it may seem, at least he got to go out doing what he loved; shredding out some screaming metal!!!

You know what's really sick? I saw this story first on Yahoo and I went onto the message board and it made me sick! So many of the idiots there were saying he deserved to die for being a lowlife scumbag, etc. Someone even said he deserved it just because he had the nickname "dimebag" because he promoted drug use. Unreal!

The worst of it though were the attacks on heavy metal musicians and our beloved music in general. So many people still think metalheads are slackers, drug abusers, violent, disgusting people who don't have a place in "mainstream society". There was one girl who actually posted a message titled "Metal Bands Suck". She proceeded to state that metal musicians have no talent and that Clay Aiken is a gifted singer. Her final statement was something like "Metal bands suck, that's why they play metal". Or some shit like that.

So I replied and informed her that she knows nothing about metal music. Then I challenged her to do some research on metal musicians and I posted a link to SyX's website's audio link to "The Accolade". I dared her to come back and post that metal musicians have no talent. Don't know if she did, but it doesn't matter. I'm sure she didn't bother to check it out, most idiots on those boards are narrow-minded, judgemental, prejudice idiots who can't admit when they are wrong.

Anyway, rest in peace Darrell!
Oh, by the way, I didn't mean to imply that Clay Aiken ISN'T a gifted singer in my previous post. I don't care for his style of music, but any true music lover can admit he does have a damned good voice and a lot of talent as a singer.

Just wanted to clarify that so people didn't think I was as retarded and narrow-minded as that bitch from the Yahoo board.
Saddening. Completely horrible. DD was a minor influence on me, but some of Pantera's music was the most fun music I've played.

This planet breaks my heart far too often.
I'm very sorry to hear the garbage some people felt the need to spew at this event.

I'll admit it, I probably wouldn't like Pantera if I heard it. I can't say for sure, but there is some metal I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. But it is NOT at all right to dance on a man's grave, as those people were doing. Plus, I have to imagine that perhaps some of the metal artists I do like have had some kind of influence from this guy, even if only in passing.

That image of metalheads is pretty sad, too. Nobody ever expects, when they look at me, that I am one. I am too small, too softspoken, and too conservative in my dress for them to ever think that I could listen to any form of metal and enjoy it. The fact that I'm female and do not dress like a goth--that I appear to fit in with society and enjoy myself and laugh--it doesn't seem to compute with some people. And you know what? I actually enjoy the shock that registers on people's faces when they realize I'm not at all what they expect.

Who knows...maybe it'll help change someone's mind. It's obvious from the narrowminded reaction to Dimebag's death that there does need to be a lot of improvement. :(
I touched with one
who made me run
away from my own soul...
In this world with its
many illusions
We are moving like mice through a maze

And now I find
what's left behind
has served to make me whole
full of doubt, deception, and delusion
seeking purpose to all earthly days

I search within
beneath a skin
that bears both pleasure and pain
In a world full of constant confusion
I will not be a par to the craze

In the Afterlife
will dark be bright?
will cold be warm?
will the day have no night?
In the Afterlife?
will the blind have sight?
In the Afterlife.

Behind closed eyes
some comfort lies
In knowing the truth never spoken
Through this world with its
hidden conclusion
we'll keep moving like mice through a maze
In the Afterlife
will dark be bright?
will cold be warm?
will the day have no night?
In the Afterlife?
will the blind have sight?
In the Afterlife.

In the Afterlife
will dark be bright?
will cold be warm?br> will the day have no night?
In the Afterlife?
will the blind have sight?
In the Afterlife.

Charlie Dominici (former DT vocalist)
im greatly saddened by this pathetic displays of human idiocy. i still cant contemplate how some one can just go on stage and start shooting.dime is one of the most inluential american metal guitarists and im completley sickened
by this event

R.I.P dimebag
I feel sick......saw the guy play twice...the second time was only in front of 150 people max in a place designed to take a few thousand.....but he played just as hard as he would of in front of a full house. A great guitarist and from what i've been told he was a top bloke. Unbelievable.
You know that someone is going to turn this into a CONCLUSIVE PROOF THAT LISTENING TO HEAVY METAL TURNS YOU INTO A MURDERER sorta thing.

R.I.P. Dimebag
arglebargle said:
You know that someone is going to turn this into a CONCLUSIVE PROOF THAT LISTENING TO HEAVY METAL TURNS YOU INTO A MURDERER sorta thing.

R.I.P. Dimebag

That's exactly what I was thinking. People will just never realize that heavy metal is moral music.

It encourages virtue and warns against vice.
OfSinsAndShred said:
I wonder how MJR feels, he's a big Pantera fan and all.
I talked to Mike yesterday & the main jist of his mood about it was "WTF is going on in the world?". He was quite bummed by it.
After reading a LOT of forums in these couple of days filled with comments of so many Metal-bands griefing, I think it's fair to say he truly is one of the most influenced guitar players EVER! I still can't believe he's gone. Pantera was the reason I become interested in Metal in general! It's just so fucking WRONG! R.I.P. DD
Some more details, from

DIMEBAG's Murder: Witnesses Describe Grisly Details Of Gunman's Attack - Dec. 10, 2004

John Futty, Evan Goodenow and Aaron Beck of The Columbus Dispatch have issued the following report:

Shortly before DAMAGEPLAN took the stage at the Alrosa Villa, a man approached the band's bus behind the North Side nightclub.

He wanted to know if lead guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott and his brother, drummer Vinnie Paul Abbott, were onboard.

Aaron Barns, the heavy-metal group's sound man, told him the brothers had already gone in the club.

"The next time I see him, he's walking behind the bass player and singer right over to Dime," Barns said yesterday.

As the band played its opening song Wednesday night, the man rushed across the stage and grabbed Darrell Abbott, firing several shots into his head from a Beretta 9 mm semiautomatic handgun.

The gunman, identified yesterday as Nathan Gale, killed three other people and wounded two before Columbus Police Officer James D. Niggemeyer entered the rear of the club shortly after 10:20 p.m.

Carrying a Remington 870, a 12-gauge shotgun, the officer circled a stack of amplifiers and saw Gale, who was at the back of the stage holding a gun to a man's head.

From 20 feet away, Niggemeyer killed Gale with a single shotgun blast.

His decision to enter the club without waiting for fellow police officers to arrive saved lives, many said.

"All of the officers have been trained since the Columbine incident that, if there's shooting going on, to go in and put the pressure on the shooter," Niggemeyer's supervisor, Sgt. Jeff Leesbug, said last night.

In addition to the band's guitarist, those whom Gale killed were Nathan Bray, a 23-year-old fan from Grove City; Erin A. Halk, a 29-year-old Northwest Side man who worked security at the club; and Jeff "Mayhem" Thompson, a 40-year-old crew member from Waxahachie, Texas.

Wounded in the shooting were Chris Paluska, the band's tour manager, and John Brooks, a drum technician. Both were in Riverside Methodist Hospital last night, where Paluska was in serious condition and Brooks was in good condition.

Many in the crowd of more than 400 heavymetal enthusiasts thought Gale was a crew member, a part of the act or an exuberant fan.

"He didn't pull out the gun until he got to Dimebag," said Brian Kozicki, the club's lighting director, who watched from the sound booth.

People who had known the 25-year-old Gale in his hometown of Marysville described him yesterday as an unstable man who once asserted that the Abbott brothers' former band, PANTERA, had stolen his song lyrics.

Some witnesses said Gale fired at Vinnie Paul Abbott but missed and then fired at those who attempted to subdue him. "He probably wouldn't have shot anyone else if other people hadn't tried to stop him," Barns said.

Mitch Carpenter, an Alrosa security guard working in the parking lot, said he encountered Gale before the concert and asked him to "park his car and buy a ticket or leave." Gale parked behind the building near the band's bus and was asked to move his car, which he did.

The next time Carpenter saw Gale, he was in the club.

"He had hopped the fence at the patio," Carpenter said. "He was walking really fast toward the stage and I followed him.

"I thought he was going to get up there and stage dive or something during the first song. I figured he was just a guy who didn't have any money to buy a ticket so he got in the way he did.

"I've been going over it in my mind, but when he came in I didn't want to tackle him. He was a big guy."

Alrosa owner Rick Cautela was tending bar when he heard the shots during the band's opening song, "New Found Power". He thought they were firecrackers.

"I heard the music stop and heard more pops. I figured the band had stopped and was going to start again when they grabbed whoever had the firecrackers," he said of security workers. "I just kept waiting on customers."

But then audience members ran toward the exits.

The panic and confusion can be heard in 10 calls made to 911 operators, beginning at 10:18 p.m., seconds after the first shots were fired.

"I'm at the Alrosa Villa and there's a shooting. Someone is shooting the band on the stage," said a female caller.

"They're still shooting. The person is still loose with the gun."

Kozicki said he took cover in the sound booth and dialed 911 as soon as Darrell Abbott slumped to the floor. He remained on the line with an operator for five minutes, offering details about the chaos and the gunman's actions.

A little more than three minutes after his call to 911 began, he told the operator that police had killed the gunman.

Kozicki, a student at Bowling Green State University, called the officer's action "100 percent in the right."

"If he hadn't done it, more people probably would have been killed," he said yesterday.

Niggemeyer had just begun his shift at the 18 th precinct, at Karl and Morse roads — about 2 miles from Alrosa — when the report of a shooting came in. When he arrived at the club about two minutes later, security workers pointed him to the back door.

At least five other officers came through another door of the club seconds after Niggemeyer fired. Ultimately, about 60 detectives were at the club, many working overtime. They interviewed about 250 witnesses, putting them on three buses provided by COTA.

This is the first time the 31-year-old Niggemeyer, who joined the force in 1999, has shot a suspect. He has a clean record, with many compliments from citizens, said Sgt. Brent Mull, a police spokesman. The division would not release his personnel file yesterday.

Band members spent Wednesday night on their bus then went back to Texas, where they're based.

"Vinnie crashed in Dime's bunk and was crying," Barns said.

Fans of the band created two memorials in front of the club yesterday. Flowers and a bottle of Rogue Dead Guy Ale were among the items on a large rock beside the club's driveway. A wooden cross with the phrase In memory of the lives lost: RIP December 8th written on it was leaning against a pole.

David Moran, a 29-year-old fan from German Village, was among those who placed bouquets of flowers on the rock.

He wrote "RIP Dimebag" on the wrapper.

"He was one of the best guitar players out there," Moran said. "The music world lost one of its greats."
I'm sick and saddened over this, I haven't gotten over the Rhode Island club fire incident which could have / should have been prevented. Here is just my opinion and I'm sure there will be disagreements.....I hate to see it come to this, but I believe all niteclubs and concert venues should have a metal detector you have to walk through to get in to detect guns and knives. Security within the club could not have prevented this tragedy, a metal detector would have. There are a lot of unstable people in our society, and it's only getting worse. :cry:
heres a few pics i have been sent that are from various sources online:

my new desktop:

and this one killed me. from zakkwylde.com

Has anyone else found anything similar? Post them guys!
Pharoah said:
I'm sick and saddened over this, I haven't gotten over the Rhode Island club fire incident which could have / should have been prevented. Here is just my opinion and I'm sure there will be disagreements.....I hate to see it come to this, but I believe all niteclubs and concert venues should have a metal detector you have to walk through to get in to detect guns and knives. Security within the club could not have prevented this tragedy, a metal detector would have. There are a lot of unstable people in our society, and it's only getting worse. :cry:
I agree...they had detectors at the Megadeth show here in Portland, and with the way everything is setup at that venu, it would be really friggin hard to get a gun in that place. Nonetheless, I witnessed some violence among crowd members that could have gotten out of control. Of course without weapons it is much easier for fan intervention, and that's what happened. But security was nowhere to be found. Those participating should have been tossed out.

But it sounds like it the security at the venue in Columbus was not that great, I read somewhere that the dude jumped the fence to get in.
I couldn't help noticing the way the article described the cop who shot Gale...I am really hoping they're not going to subject him to some humiliating investigation and forced leave or anything like that. The guy's a hero as far as I'm concerned, and I hope he's treated like it. He surely prevented others from dying that Gale probably would've shot along with all his other victims. I mean, what the hell else are you SUPPOSED to do when there's some maniac running loose with a gun who has already shot people? Really, I think that stopping someone like that--who was clearly whacked out of his mind and didn't care about his own life--without using potentially deadly force would be a superhuman and near-impossible feat.

I also agree with what people are saying about concert security. Yes, it would mean longer, more annoying lines, but think of it this way...we put up with the same stuff at airports for a reason. It's not because people just decided one day they wanted to harass people with all that security--it's because things really happened and people really died because of it. And I would MUCH rather put up with the annoyance of extra security than the "annoyance" of being hurt or killed or seeing it happen to others, in such a senseless act.

Of course, on the other hand, while we do need much better security procedures, I hope that this won't dissuade bands from performing or people from attending concerts. It would be a real shame if that happened. :(
The scariest thing is, that this is exactly the place where you don't expect some lunatic coming in and killing 3 people. When I go to a metal concert I always feel safe, the mood is always relaxed and people come there to hear the music and have a good time. Now something like this happends..:s