nafnikufesin said:
Yeah, but to do that properly, that costs money. And when gun shop owners are trying to make money, why would they waste their money on something as silly as that? The money that might get spent on criminal checks is better spent on funding the NRA to be the most powerful lobby organization in the US.
I don't know what the answer is, but putting a gun into every "innocent" persons' hands "to protect themselves" seems like more of a problem than an answer. The US has always had "the right to bear arms". The US also has the highest rate of firearms death in the world (this is a rate per population, so it's not just a matter of the US having a larger population). Is there a connection? What do I know, I'm a bloody Canadian
Would different gun laws have prevented Dimebag's death? Maybe, maybe not. It's a hypothetical question now. All I know is a great guitarist and a great man is gone. RIP
Agreed. Since I´m swedish a lot of yanks don´t think I even seen a gun or know anything. Let´s be honest, the people most eager to get "wonder-nines", machine-pistols and activly use them are people who don´t care about laws. "Professional" criminals use guns right? Does your moral and choice of income make you more eager to pull out your gun and shoot at a show? I belive mental stability have lot more to do with it than if you´re a criminal or not.
Gale said to friends that Pantera stole lyrics he´d wrote and that they stole his identity... I think this state of mind has more to do with the tragedy then his record of minor offences. Bangers and weirdos who rob pizza-deliverers and newsstands have more in comon with Gale than guys who steal expensive cars, a person who steal cars or hit armoured transports wants minimum fuss, they are after the money or valubles, they use guns, expolosives and tools to get what they´re after. They plan where to hide and how long it should take (if the robbery goes wrong and an unexpected guard or policecar comes around the corner that´s when the guns come out in a situation like that).
How is a gunmanufacturer gonna be able to construct a pistolgrip that can sense a persons state of mind? Pro-gun people say a gun is a tool, THAT`S RIGHT... a gun doesn´t kill by itself... so do you think the NRA is right when they say that most of the shootings like this will go away if only good, conservative, lawabiding, god-fearing (insert your religion of choice here) will have access to guns? How is a gun supposed to identify that it´s one of those people who´s holding it (beside the persons mental status)? That´s the same think as saying that Dime was a necessary sacrifice for the right to protect our lifes with firearms. I know it´s dumb when a tragedy turns into politics but I´d rather have a couple of thousand guns less in the hands of weirdos and and Dimebag and the others alive.
In Sweden we a had a huge problem with knifes, every fucking hick took his butterfly along to the bar and the government choose to forbid knifes in public places. I personally think that was a great idea. Knifes have no place in a bar, in the streets or at the local store. Some people who complained said:
"Oh, I carry a knife since I´m outdoors a lot and work in the woods. What am I supposed to do?" Well... leave the damn thing in the car while you buy a magazine, or are you carrying it just in case a banger runs into the store to rob it? Good luck to you, hope the guy you´re up against don´t carry a gun or is a much better fighter than you are. Don´t carry a gun, knife or whatever if you´re not prepared to use it.
For home-defence and in the car, yes, here I can understand why people want something that makes them feel safe, the weapon must be within reach so you can use it quickly and not locked away and to make sure it won´t be stolen or kids will play with it and so on you have to carry it around yourself and thus take it to places where it shouldn´t be. Educate kids about the dangers of the weapons you own are no 100% guarantee that the kid won´t take the gun to make him/her safer from bullies or as something to show off with.
The "right to carry a consealed firearm" is something I will never quite get. I suppose the "concealed" thing is supposed to make the gun an ace up your sleave if you get into a situation where a robber, psycho (like Gale) waves a gun around or a group of scary looking guys are comming after you. Being prepared to use a weapon is one thing but if the situation is more complicated, say you don´t leave the gun under your seat when you´re walking to pick up a friend, you se a crowd of people outside a store, hear two pops and someone shouts "GUN", are you pulling out your gun right there? People starts moving away in different directions from the store and some of them spots you with a gun in your hand the chance are they´re gonna think you shot. I saw a TV-programe about situations like this and it´s very difficult to get a good picture of what´s happening. (It was a study the FBI had done by the way).
I am more worried about being stabbed than someone pointing a gun at me since there is this idea that it´s harder to kill a person with a knife since you have go get in close (even though most people who are killed and wonded by guns are shot from ranges under 5 meters) so people who walk around armed have a tendency to use knifes to get respect and to threat people.
My last thought is this reasoning about the personal freedom to carry arms and to make sure that only the right peopole carry them. This would take some kind of thought-police a la "Big Brother", hows that for personal freedom? "We know you wished your boyfriend would get hurt when you yelled at eachother lst night, we have confiscated your handgun ma´am." Silly thought but making sure that guns won´t end up in the hands of people who might use them for bad reasons would require something like that. Not all dangerous people walk around tattooshops and drool about "Pantera", "they stole my lyrics" and "The Haunted made me do it". Maybe it should be a crime to be weird and to have no friends so that people who fit that description can´t at least get guns the legal way? The most dangerous people are sociopaths, they are friendly and actually have great people skills, but make them pissed in some way and they will do things to you.