Dime's senseless death is a good reminder that we need better gun laws...

I don't really give a fuck about gun laws anymore because the guns are already out there on the streets. Reforming or making gun laws more srict wouldn't make much of a difference. But, if Dimebag was packing heat, I doubt he'd have much of a chance to "protect" himself.
More guns=Less death.

Think about it. I am an armed citizen, and I refuse to let my safety be secured by police officers. When someone breaks in my house and tries to rape my wife, or kill my son, would I rather call 911 and wait 10-15 minutes while the police make there way to my house, and find my wife, son, and I dead in our own blood?.....or....
Do I take out my own pistol and kill the scumbag? One death versus three....I know where I stand. Protection for my family first, by me.

All the laws in the world, will not keep the assholes from getting (illegal) guns.

Maybe if someone on stage (security or whatever) had there own piece, maybe...just maybe this fuckwit would not have had time to kill all those people.

Let's not turn another tragedy into a power play to get guns out of the hands of those, who own them safely and reponsibly.
jdelpi said:
Yeah, I'm against disarming the potential victims.
What a scary, paranoid world you live in. Every time I take a breath I could be a "potential victim" of something. I work with "mentally unstable" people everyday. And I don't feel a need to carry a gun or keep one in my house. I guess I'm taking a big risk, huh? What a scary world this would be if everyone did carry a gun around. We don't need more guns in this world in "innocent" people's hands.

Like I said before, I don't know what the answer is. If I did, I'm sure somebody would have figured it out long before me. Maybe there needs to be more investment in police and crime prevention, rather than actually changing any laws. No, not "Big Brother", but certainly have them more visible in the community, on the streets, in the busy areas, BEFORE crimes are committed, not after.
One reason another country wont invade the usa is because we have the right to own a gun, too many people would stand and fight them off. I dont know about you but that makes me feel kinda safe. It is sad that people are killed but its not the guns its the people. Face if he didnt have a gun it would be a knife or maybe a rock. The day they take our guns is the day we lose our freedom.
ITs already been said that if somebody else there had their peice the outcome would be different. Dime could still be dead but the others could still be breathing. If the laws were changed to allow a person to have their CCW in a bar, providing they are completely sober and/or the designated driver, shit like this would not happen again and the shit bag that took Darrell would face justice, either legal or mob whatever caused him the most pain.
ThraxDude said:
Even if we could get Superman to collect all the guns on our planet and throw them into outerspace (like he did with nuclear weapons in Superman 3), criminals would make their own guns for their sick deeds.
would it hurt to try to amend some laws so that maybe just maybe prevent even 1 less death each year.
nafnikufesin said:
What a scary, paranoid world you live in. Every time I take a breath I could be a "potential victim" of something. I work with "mentally unstable" people everyday. And I don't feel a need to carry a gun or keep one in my house. I guess I'm taking a big risk, huh? What a scary world this would be if everyone did carry a gun around. We don't need more guns in this world in "innocent" people's hands.

Like I said before, I don't know what the answer is. If I did, I'm sure somebody would have figured it out long before me. Maybe there needs to be more investment in police and crime prevention, rather than actually changing any laws. No, not "Big Brother", but certainly have them more visible in the community, on the streets, in the busy areas, BEFORE crimes are committed, not after.
That's nice that you have your chosen level of security. That doesn't give you or my government the right to choose mine.
mrthrax said:
would it hurt to try to amend some laws so that maybe just maybe prevent even 1 less death each year.
Sure, you might be able to prevent one death, and the other people left defenseless are never seen. Governments all over the world and throughout history have mastered this chaotic art form of touting achievements and hiding the costs. Raise the minimum wage and make someone lose a job and eliminate job opportunities. Place a tariff to "protect" domestic producers and ruin the opportunities for industries that use that product and raise the prices for consumers. Outlaw drugs and create a black market. Ban guns and make people sitting ducks.

"The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but a the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups." - Henry Hazlitt in Economics in One Lesson

mrthrax, I know you're pissed off about Dime's death. We all are. It's easy to point and say "it was the guns!" However, we must remember a few realities. The first is that crime is caused by individuals, not guns. The second is that government doesn't work. It's easy to take away guns from law abiding citizens. It's far more difficult and complicated to take them away from people who don't obey laws. My last point is that we must not punish the innocent.
you can say all you want about gun laws and even if there were no guns in the world guns are not what make people do horrible things. even in this time when we have "the Bomb" that is capable of killing millions and millions at a time we have some of the lowest causalty counts due to war in the history of the world. Murder is not because of the invention of the gun, it is because there is so much hate. this horrible hatred that permeates everything that we do. look back to shakespereian time no one was shot but people were getting well over their daily intake of poison. things have gotten way too serious. let the kids fight. let them burn off their anger. they may win they may lose but they live and no one is dead. things have gotten so crazy if you do anything remotely wrong you're suspended if not expelled. there's probably a lot of flaws in what I just said but i just want you to hear this. my great grandpa and his classmates used to bring guns to school. pop off a squirrel or phesant on the way to school or home to feed the family. no one was ever shot. shit they used to throw a couple rounds in the fire just to make class intersting in the winter. I'm not backing everything the NRA believes in but in their defense they pretty much have to counter act the politicians that would like to take away the 2nd ammendment altogether which has come about at least four times in my 23 year lifetime. dimebag was one of the greatest guitarists ever. I actually had the privelige of hanging out with him on one drunken ocasion. I actually feel pretty horrible that his death has to be surrounded with so much politics and not just focus on the man and what he has accomplished. he created over a decade of music that will never be forgotten. I'd really like us to be able to focus on the man and all he has done and yell it out from the highest peaks
instead of arguing and fighting like children. CFH
jdelpi said:
The first is that crime is caused by individuals, not guns.
Just more crimes and more deaths are caused by guns per capita in the US than any other country in the world. So the whole "more guns=less death" argument is a crock of shit. That you have no faith in your government or your police to protect you shows that you have a big problem with your government, which is lobbied by NRA to keep the status quo.

why must people always blame crimes on the weapons? Did the gun magically take a bus to the show, sneak through security, point its muzzle in the direction of Dimebag, cock itself, and pull the trigger? A HUMAN BEING WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATH, NOT THE FRICKIN GUN. Hell, if the killer jumped on stage and slashed Dimebag in the throat with a knife, would you say knives need to be outlawed? NO! and you know why? because you use knives. The majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens, but the liberal-media always puts extra-emphasis on the violent crimes. It is my second amendment right to own a firearm, and I comply with that rule. I own a rifle and a pistol, and both are properly registered and locked up for safety measures. Why the hell would you want to give up your personal freedoms? Hell, if you let the 2nd amendment be abolished, next thing you know, we may be forced to house soldiers, or oppressed when it comes to freedom of speech. Also, outlawing guns wont keep them out of criminals hands. THe criminals dabble in illegal activities all the time. Outlawing guns keeps us law-abiding citizens defenseless, but the criminals will still be able to get firearms with use of the illegal activity theyve beena round so long. BAH.
Guns do not kill people, people kill people.
nafnikufesin said:
Just more crimes and more deaths are caused by guns per capita in the US than any other country in the world. So the whole "more guns=less death" argument is a crock of shit. That you have no faith in your government or your police to protect you shows that you have a big problem with your government, which is lobbied by NRA to keep the status quo.

I'm sorry, but police dont protect you 99% of the time. Most of the time, the police arrive after the crime has been commited. It is too bad, and I'm guessing that the problem is that it takes too long to answer a call. It's kind of like the fire department: one time our classic car caught fire, and i ran acorss the street to the 7-11 and called 911. 10 minutes later they arrived at the scene, and we had the fire under control. The police cant be at a crime scene the second 911 is dialed, so you need to be able to deal with the situation in the meantime, until they can finally arrive.
Arg_Hamster said:
We disagree on this issue(FUCK YEAH WE DO :yell: ), but it´s a law and attitude thing and as for now we can hope for the best. :loco:

I am not a Pantera fan really whatsoever...so I cannot shed a tear with all of you. :blush:

But I DO respect slimebags(sorry...dimebags) :blush: :blush: way of life. He truly lived more than most people will in their entire existense. :rock:

I cannot really see him jamming in heaven(come on now...he was a cowboy from HELL!!!!)...that talk is just...paradoxical at best. :hotjump:

Gun control=government that has the upper hand...draconian control...modern day Hitler lifestyle...a new world order come true for the Rothchilds and Rockefellers of the world...this is their plan...

ANY fan of gun control is a Fucking Inane...Inept...Unintelligent...Foolish...Mindless...Moronic...Sheople thinking...Meatheaded(Michael Stivak)...Half witted...Simple...Crack/Meth/Heroinheaded...Laughable...Addled...Imbecillic...Incoherent...Incautious...Unwary...Senile...As(s)inine...Fatuous...Nonsensical...Do I really need to add any more Homerisms?

If you sheople from other countries(even the commie idiots that live here in the states) believe that guns are better off altogether banned...then you need to be in a dire situation where you would greatly invite them. The scum of the earth will always find a black market for anything that is banned. I would much rather have heat ready for impact, than being a defenseless immolation. You sheople watch too much Oprah or Dr. Dill on the boobtoob. :hypno:
Sideways SloppyJoe Loves Me said:
ANY fan of gun control is a Fucking Inane...Inept...Unintelligent...Foolish...Mindless...Moronic...Sheople thinking...Meatheaded(Michael Stivak)...Half witted...Simple...Crack/Meth/Heroinheaded...Laughable...Addled...Imbecillic...Incoherent...Incautious...Unwary...Senile...As(s)inine...Fatuous...Nonsensical...Do I really need to add any more Homerisms?
Wow, what a solid argument. I am enlightened now. How can I win an argument with someone that thinks as logical as this?

I just thank the powers above that I don't live anywhere near you, because you probably do have a gun, and you are obviously irrational, I could be the next "innocent victim". I never said I knew what the answer is, but I feel sorry for you that the only way you can truly feel safe in your paranoid little world is to ensure that everyone has the right to sleep with guns under their pillow, and I take comfort that I don't have to live in your scary society.
gubby said:
I'm sorry, but police dont protect you 99% of the time. Most of the time, the police arrive after the crime has been commited. It is too bad, and I'm guessing that the problem is that it takes too long to answer a call. It's kind of like the fire department: one time our classic car caught fire, and i ran acorss the street to the 7-11 and called 911. 10 minutes later they arrived at the scene, and we had the fire under control. The police cant be at a crime scene the second 911 is dialed, so you need to be able to deal with the situation in the meantime, until they can finally arrive.
Then, as I alluded to in an earlier post, maybe the answer doesn't lie in gun control laws or lack thereof, and the millions of dollars that the NRA is throwing at politicians to maintain the status quo. Maybe that money would be better spent in improving law enforcement to be more prominent in crime prevention instead of crime response. But then if that happened, all the people that were paranoid about criminals trying to hurt them with guns or knives or sharpened popsicle sticks would complain about Big Brother controlling them, because they have to be paranoid of something.
Some numbers:
The risk of losing a family member killed with a gun is 22 times higher, if you have a weapon at home.
Only 2 (!!!) % of all shootings in family houses are at burglars.
250 000 000 guns are in private property in the USA. 500 000 are stolen every year! (That’s how many criminals get them -> steal it from private gun owners who want to “protect” themselves!)
Victims killed with guns:
Germany: 381,
France 255,
Canada 165
Great Britain 68
USA 11 127
Citizens (to compare):
Germany: 82 500 000
France 58 000 000
Canada 30 000 000
Great Britain 59 000 000
USA 290 000 000

It’s true: A planed murder can’t be prevented with better gun-laws.
But a killing spree or an accident (kids finding daddies weapons) wouldn’t happen, if there is no gun.
The argument to bear weapons to defend your country from other countries:
Well, you’re not Afghanistan. You dont sit on horses anymore. A handgun can’t protect you from rockets, planes, bombs or any other “invasion”.

The fact is, that the weapon industry is a huge and powerfull industry in the USA and (and that’s the only argument of the gun lobby that I really believe): It’s a tradition in the USA for hundreds of years to bear weapons.

My hometown (2 000 000 citizen) of course isn’t free of criminals. We’ve many burglars, especially gangs from eastern europe. But the death rate is really low. This weekend we had a headline: a prostitute was shot in her shoulder in a bar. It was a headline, because it’s really rare here.
I worked in a bar for 6 years. It was in a real bad district and many strange people went there. I had much to do with the police and with drunken people fighting, etc. But I never saw or heard a weapon!
Now I’m working with kids between 15 and 18. All of them jobless. Many of them have drug problems or got arrested because of stealing or fighting. I saw many bad things, but I NEVER saw someone with a weapon. (ok, I lied. I saw knifes and brass knuckles, needles, baseball bats, .......but NO guns)
What I mean is: It’s not easy to get a gun here. If you want one, it’s expensive and chancy. The consequence of a strikt weapon-law.
Other example:
In my country, people are allowed to drive very fast, and they do.
Many people die in their cars every year.
In the USA you’ve very low speedlimits. The death rate is lower than in my country.
Another one?
Alcohol is easy to get here in my country. It’s allowed to drink with 16.
When I was a kid, I loved it. But my country has the biggest alcohol-problem in Western-Europe. We’ve 12 year old alcoholics! Why? Because it’s a tradition to produce alcohol and to drink alcohol.
And some parents say: Well, it’s allowed with 16. So, you’re 14. Forget the years. Taste it.
Nobody really controls IDs in bars, etc.

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t like laws. “Normal” citizens, like you and me don’t need them, because we mostly take care of ourselves. But some people need laws that tell them what’s good for them and what is not. I believe, that these numbers up there say everything about the gun laws.

Don't get me wrong. I don’t believe, that dime would be alife, if blabla......
I don’t want to say, that my country (or any other) is better than the usa. My politicians are the same idiots as yours are ;-).

R.I.P. Dime

PS: Sorry for my bad english. It sucks.