Some numbers:
The risk of losing a family member killed with a gun is 22 times higher, if you have a weapon at home.
Only 2 (!!!) % of all shootings in family houses are at burglars.
250 000 000 guns are in private property in the USA. 500 000 are stolen every year! (Thats how many criminals get them -> steal it from private gun owners who want to protect themselves!)
Victims killed with guns:
Germany: 381,
France 255,
Canada 165
Great Britain 68
USA 11 127
Citizens (to compare):
Germany: 82 500 000
France 58 000 000
Canada 30 000 000
Great Britain 59 000 000
USA 290 000 000
Its true: A planed murder cant be prevented with better gun-laws.
But a killing spree or an accident (kids finding daddies weapons) wouldnt happen, if there is no gun.
The argument to bear weapons to defend your country from other countries:
Well, youre not Afghanistan. You dont sit on horses anymore. A handgun cant protect you from rockets, planes, bombs or any other invasion.
The fact is, that the weapon industry is a huge and powerfull industry in the USA and (and thats the only argument of the gun lobby that I really believe): Its a tradition in the USA for hundreds of years to bear weapons.
My hometown (2 000 000 citizen) of course isnt free of criminals. Weve many burglars, especially gangs from eastern europe. But the death rate is really low. This weekend we had a headline: a prostitute was shot in her shoulder in a bar. It was a headline, because its really rare here.
I worked in a bar for 6 years. It was in a real bad district and many strange people went there. I had much to do with the police and with drunken people fighting, etc. But I never saw or heard a weapon!
Now Im working with kids between 15 and 18. All of them jobless. Many of them have drug problems or got arrested because of stealing or fighting. I saw many bad things, but I NEVER saw someone with a weapon. (ok, I lied. I saw knifes and brass knuckles, needles, baseball bats, .......but NO guns)
What I mean is: Its not easy to get a gun here. If you want one, its expensive and chancy. The consequence of a strikt weapon-law.
Other example:
In my country, people are allowed to drive very fast, and they do.
Many people die in their cars every year.
In the USA youve very low speedlimits. The death rate is lower than in my country.
Another one?
Alcohol is easy to get here in my country. Its allowed to drink with 16.
When I was a kid, I loved it. But my country has the biggest alcohol-problem in Western-Europe. Weve 12 year old alcoholics! Why? Because its a tradition to produce alcohol and to drink alcohol.
And some parents say: Well, its allowed with 16. So, youre 14. Forget the years. Taste it.
Nobody really controls IDs in bars, etc.
Dont get me wrong: I dont like laws. Normal citizens, like you and me dont need them, because we mostly take care of ourselves. But some people need laws that tell them whats good for them and what is not. I believe, that these numbers up there say everything about the gun laws.
Don't get me wrong. I dont believe, that dime would be alife, if blabla......
I dont want to say, that my country (or any other) is better than the usa. My politicians are the same idiots as yours are ;-).
R.I.P. Dime
PS: Sorry for my bad english. It sucks.