Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
To class this album as Black Metal is an insult to this band's talent. This album is totally awesome, and while cult fans of Black Metal will whinge and moan that Dimmu Borgir are not "True" enough, not -nearly- noisy enough, and too damn talented to fit under the ever so annoying Black Metal umbrella, anyone who loves their metal should get into this.

Admittedly, i wasn't a fan of anything even slightly black-ish until i saw past Dani's vocals in Cradle of Filth (actually, i really respect the guy's throat, goddamn can he scream), and finally decided to ignore the rediculous image of basically all Black Metal bands. After getting into more modern stuff like Cradle of Filth, Emperor, Dragonlord (i know they aren't "True", but true can suck my dick :rolleyes: ) etc, i finally got into Dimmu Borgir, first with the song Mourning Palace, which still today rips my head off, and then with the album PEU.

The string into to this album is nice, it's a dark, brooding peice that sets the mood for the album, right before Blessings upon the throne of Tyranny totally rips your head off, and you are then taken into the slightly infectious groove of Kings of the Carnival Creation. This album really can't be classed as Black Metal at all, and i shudder every time i'm asked what kind of music the band that is on my shirt plays, and i sheepishly have to say Black Metal. Really, this is no less thrashy than Testament or Politics-era Nevermore, and sure as hell keeps up with the guitar work of old Metallica or Testament.

At first i thought the vocals left a little to be desired, but after a few spins of this record, you begin to realise just how important Shagrath's screaming and whining is to the band's sound. And while he still makes me laugh here and there, isn't really that bad. He even attempts a Dani like squeal on one of the tracks (...Sympozium i beleive...), which really adds another dimension to his vocals.

One thing that i really like about this album is the keyboards. Usually i hate keys, and they make me shudder with annoyance, but really, the keyboards in Dimmu are as integral to their sound as Hetfield's growl was for early Metallica, and i sure as hell wouldn't change a thing.

Not for the Black Metal elitists in any way, this album would more appeal to thrash fans, and those metalheads that would prefer to bob their head and tap along to a cool riff instead of running through a dark forest with whips, chains, ball-gags and boots that come up to their ribs (what the fuck?).

Cool stuff, 10/10 for Dimmu Borgir on this one...
I've totally given up on Dimmu Borgir, and this review isn't going to change that. I first bought SBD, and was thoroughly BORED by it. Then I bought Stormblast, and was bored by it, so I've basically given up on this hella-boring band.
I like that album yeah... and you're right, it is more of a thrash rifffest than black style stuff.

The song Puritana is a bit shitty though, keys are for symphonics not industrial style stuff when playing this type of music.

And most of the songs are good, some a bit repetetive, but the album overall is pretty good.
Slaughter.... I agree with you man, their old stuff is ASS... this ones different tho, it's really not blackmetal, and it's got a great production job...
I use to own Stormblast, EDT, SBD, and PEM. I wanted to like these albums. Other than a few good songs on Stormblast, SBD, and EDT, everything else was just boring, PEM especially.

Advice to Dimmu: Ditch Shagrath and give lead vocal duties to Vortex.
Yeah. If they let Vortex do lead vocals, my god, would they be an awesome band! And I'm open minded about metal too, and I hate Dimmu. The only song I can stand is the very last song on SBD, which I forget the name of. :lol:
Ofcourse it has to do with taste too. But I find PEM anything but boring! The music is like melodic blackmetal with thrash & death infuences and then above that they have an ocresta that plays in many songs. And the basist "clean" singing make it even more intressting and better, fits perfect into the music to! Then all the keboard and other effects (like the talking vocie for example) make it futher more intressting! All in all the whole albums has a great felling and it fells like you being taken to a whole new dimension in metal! Its brutal, melodic, verying and has so many things that makes it intressting that makes it one of the best metal-albums ever IMO!
Originally posted by SlaughterofSoul
Yeah. If they let Vortex do lead vocals, my god, would they be an awesome band! And I'm open minded about metal too, and I hate Dimmu. The only song I can stand is the very last song on SBD, which I forget the name of. :lol:

I don't know what that song is called. But my favorite song off SBD was 'The Insight and the Catharsis'. And guess what? Vortex sings a lot in this song. Too bad it's at the end of the album.

I also remember liking the third song off EDT. THat was really good.
Originally posted by Chief Rebel Demon
Dimmu Borgir have turned to be a better band but they would be much better if they didnt have Nicholas on drums, he suck at drums and thats destroying the band.

don't be a fucking moron. obviously you've never seen them live..because he's a damn good drummer.
Originally posted by markgugs
I have a very open mind about metal (go find my posts over the past 5 months you don't believe me). And Dimmu Borgir still sucks.

I find it quite curious then, the prescence of Susperia's 'Vindication' album cover as your avatar! They're not all that dissimilar from Dimmu really, and Vindication is a pretty poor job (especially the vox) compared to Predominance, which kicked ass....but still wasn't as good as Dimmu's best. I think most 'open-minded' metalheads would agree. I like Susperia, but they all too often just sound like a bunch of riffs one after another and no decent structure. Do you really like Susperia and hate Dimmu? Hell, their guitars even have the same screeching tone and string synths are all over the place. Thin lines. Thin lines indeed for one so open.
Originally posted by Chief Rebel Demon
Dimmu Borgir have turned to be a better band but they would be much better if they didnt have Nicholas on drums, he suck at drums and thats destroying the band.

I think he's actually pretty damn good, even if he is a completely unsalvagable trigger-puppy. He's a fuckload better than Tjodalv anyway!
Originally posted by Chief Rebel Demon

I dont like him, plays the same thing all the time. Yeah, he is maybe good drummer but he is very boring.

That's what I think of Tjodalv, except he isn't a good drummer in the first place.
Originally posted by SculptedCold

I find it quite curious then, the prescence of Susperia's 'Vindication' album cover as your avatar! They're not all that dissimilar from Dimmu really, and Vindication is a pretty poor job (especially the vox) compared to Predominance, which kicked ass....but still wasn't as good as Dimmu's best. I think most 'open-minded' metalheads would agree. I like Susperia, but they all too often just sound like a bunch of riffs one after another and no decent structure. Do you really like Susperia and hate Dimmu? Hell, their guitars even have the same screeching tone and string synths are all over the place. Thin lines. Thin lines indeed for one so open.

Perhaps you need to have your ears checked. Just because the sticker on the front of your CD says "featuring members of Dimmu Borgir..." doesn't mean they sound ANYTHING AT ALL alike. Because they don't. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to find 2 bands that sound further apart and who feature the same members (perhaps Alas & Hate Eternal). Susperia is about 90% recycled thrash riffing played at melodic death metal speeds. Dimmu Borgir, in case you didn't notice, is a very symphonic black metal band where guitars aren't even close to the predominant instrument. Susperia uses *some* clean moany vox during the chorus-type parts, whereas Dimmu has far more of that shite going on. No thin lines here, mate.