"Joining" a band has the intention of staying for the long haul, Hellhammer probably has enough commitments without having to worry about anything more than a recording and a tour for a turgid mob like Dimmu.
Hellhammer is featured in the promo shots for the new album...

I think he might join the band... but who knows. I would just find it weird if he was a session musician but then hes in full gear in the new promo pics...
Im sure some people still look at that cover and think it is "deep"...

come on guys... BLIND CHRISTIANS...thats creativity at its finest...
I'm a bit dissapointed, i really hoped they would sound more like they did in the 90's and i thought they were in the right direction after the stormblåst re-recording but this sounds pretty much like their later stuff (except for stormblåst). Not bad though.. The first track is awesome!
It's not better than Death Cult Armageddon and Enthroned Darkness Triumphant, but it's decent. The first track definitely gives it a boost up in ratings, and I like that it is a concept album. Is it just me, or did they intentionally have every song title start with the word "the"? So, overall I give the album 8/10
So I guess the album has leaked...

Im gonna wait till I get it from the store. Im so exited about this album and its kind nice waiting for something good to arrive. Im having a listening party at my house on the 24th of April.

Hail Dimmu!
I'm a bit dissapointed, i really hoped they would sound more like they did in the 90's and i thought they were in the right direction after the stormblåst re-recording but this sounds pretty much like their later stuff (except for stormblåst). Not bad though.. The first track is awesome!

They re-recorded Stormblast ??
the re-recording of Stormblast was great! I look at it as a new album kind of. Theres a mood on the original Stormblast that cant be re-created. So when I want that old school haunting sound I listen to the original, when I want to hear a good production and heavier version of the album, its Stormblast 2005 all the way.
listening to the new album now. the first two songs so far are ok. very meaty sound. they should downplay their cliche moments a little. i definitely prefer hellhammer on drums.
new album kicks ass! Hellhammer does the band justice completely... my only complaints are there are no guitar solos and its very short only 43 minutes. Other than that its a bad ass album with some hard ass riffs and bang your head rhythms, Shagrath sounds wicked, SImen sings in 3 songs.