Dio has died.

R.I.P. Dio
He truly was one of the gods of heavy metal.
He was instrumental in my introduction to metal when I was young.

Thought he'd live forever, little giant.

Those were exactly my thoughts, I still can't believe it.

First Pete Steele, then Dio? Not a good year so far. R.I.P

Indeed, I fel the same.

What scares me, is when it comes to entertainment industries, deaths always come in threes.

Oh please, this is enough for me.

I had been crying all day, when I finally stopped. Then I listened to this:

It makes me happy that I got to see him live, it's the best gig of the über-groups I ever saw.
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Are you fucking kidding me, that is it?
Not even 2 pages.
You people fucking suck.

I could post again that I'm really saddened by the news. :( It's true and it helps to aim for page 2, but it won't bring him back...

He wasn't old, either. I've read many an awesome story about his kindness in the past hours and I bet they were all true. It just adds to the frustration.
I could post again that I'm really saddened by the news. :( It's true and it helps to aim for page 2, but it won't bring him back...

He wasn't old, either. I've read many an awesome story about his kindness in the past hours and I bet they were all true. It just adds to the frustration.

My thoguhts the same. When you ponder on how long he was in the scene, he does seem old. But when you look at him as a normal guy, he was, indeed, 67. He died way too young, the chemo really hit him. Life expectancy is 77.5+ in the U.S., so he still had lots of years to go. It's more surprising to see that he got Cancer, seeing that he always seemed a healthy guy and rarely ate the crap most people it. He stayed positive till the end, they had even booked a tour in Europe for this summer.

Wait, it's the same as with Chuck. He seemed 'fine' for a moment, but then the Cancer comes back and kills the person.
Personally I feel disbelief rather than anything else. Very odd feeling which has sort of grown since they canceled the tour and I regretfully returned my ticket to what I expected to be the last gig in town so to speak. No one can go on forever, yet it is a bit of a surprise. I remember that he played "Gates of Babylon" the last time around, which is a mighty tune.

Now, I doubt it is out of any sort of, medical relevance, but I have distinct memories of reading an interview (I believe it was done in Swedish, by Anders Tengner of the then iconic OKEJ magazine) where Ronnie was very clear how he saw eating as a complete waste of time. That it was a bit of a necessary evil which indeed keeps you alive, but also keeps you from doing something productive. A bit odd perhaps, but it does give a hint of the dedication of the man, and it's also a refreshingly philosophical approach to life in general compared to what's been shown by, say, other Black Sabbath-vocalists.
It's more surprising to see that he got Cancer, seeing that he always seemed a healthy guy and rarely ate the crap most people it.

Wait, there's conclusive proof linking diet to stomach cancer? :err: I'd be surprised, people are still uncertain about the whole lung cancer / smoking connection...

Anyway, I know artists die as well as everyone else and it's not as if their life is intrinsecally more important, but still. I guess leaving a trace is the best anyone can hope for, as trite as it probably sounds.
Personally I feel disbelief rather than anything else. Very odd feeling which has sort of grown since they canceled the tour and I regretfully returned my ticket to what I expected to be the last gig in town so to speak. No one can go on forever, yet it is a bit of a surprise. I remember that he played "Gates of Babylon" the last time around, which is a mighty tune.

Now, I doubt it is out of any sort of, medical relevance, but I have distinct memories of reading an interview (I believe it was done in Swedish, by Anders Tengner of the then iconic OKEJ magazine) where Ronnie was very clear how he saw eating as a complete waste of time. That it was a bit of a necessary evil which indeed keeps you alive, but also keeps you from doing something productive. A bit odd perhaps, but it does give a hint of the dedication of the man, and it's also a refreshingly philosophical approach to life in general compared to what's been shown by, say, other Black Sabbath-vocalists.

Indeed, no one can't go on forever, but he was still pretty young.

This is similar to what you said, and it's basically what I was referring to:

Wait, there's conclusive proof linking diet to stomach cancer? :err: I'd be surprised, people are still uncertain about the whole lung cancer / smoking connection...

Anyway, I know artists die as well as everyone else and it's not as if their life is intrinsecally more important, but still. I guess leaving a trace is the best anyone can hope for, as trite as it probably sounds.

Not that I know, but since so many chemicals are put into food, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a direct relation. I was also referring to the previous video.
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I could post again that I'm really saddened by the news. :( It's true and it helps to aim for page 2, but it won't bring him back...

No worries, just pissed off that people on this forum don't seem to care
when a truly legendary figure has passed.

Mainly I'm sad that I never got to see him with Heaven & Hell, was trying
to get tickets to see him here during the summer, but they were sold out.
Not surprising since they were opening for Iron Maiden.

He wasn't old, either. I've read many an awesome story about his kindness in the past hours and I bet they were all true. It just adds to the frustration.

That is the unfortunate thing with cancer, it does not look at age.
As someone with a disease that might lead to stomach cancer, this also
doesn't make me feel any more secure about my state. It's good that I'm
heading back to Sweden next month where the health care is much better
than here in Ireland.

I was reading Blabbermouth all morning and some of the stuff posted there
really made me choke up and anyone that knows me knows it takes a lot to
do that. Especially the letter that Lars Ulrich wrote was very much what,
I think, most of Dio's fans feel about the kind of a man he was and the
impact his music had.
No worries, just pissed off that people on this forum don't seem to care
when a truly legendary figure has passed.

That is the unfortunate thing with cancer, it does not look at age.
As someone with a disease that might lead to stomach cancer, this also
doesn't make me feel any more secure about my state. It's good that I'm
heading back to Sweden next month where the health care is much better
than here in Ireland.

I guess most kids nowadays don't know when a legend has passed on. They're all to busy listening to Between the Crap and Me.

I hope that you're fine and you don't have Cancer.
err? not really, unless they really really want to smoke.. really. :p

Yeah, I guess. It's just that whenever a non-smoker gets lung cancer I always get to hear a bunch of smokers saying "see? see? it's UNrelated! it's GENES!" and stuff. I must be wrong about the cold hard data, they're probably just a very vocal minority.

They're all to busy listening to Between the Crap and Me.

I lolled.
Yeah, I guess. It's just that whenever a non-smoker gets lung cancer I always get to hear a bunch of smokers saying "see? see? it's UNrelated! it's GENES!" and stuff. I must be wrong about the cold hard data, they're probably just a very vocal minority.

I lolled.

There're a lot of cases that non-smokers get Lung Cancer because they're constantly surrounded by smokers. It's actually worse, since one'd be basically smoking without the filter.

Hehe, it is a terrible band to be honest.
I lolled.

As did I.
The sad thing is that you have tons of those kinds of shitty bands
around. Tho I'm sure Dio wouldn't say a bad word about them, he
always seemed to support new bands and I do as well, I just don't
have to like them.

Finally able to listen to Dio again without being saddened by the loss.

NP: Dio - I Speed At Night