Direct Box required for Direct to computer Guitar Recording?


New Metal Member
Apr 29, 2010
Toronto, Canada
Hello all, :)

Be warned that I wouldn't be surprised if my questions may annoy some of the more experienced users here. :lol:

The nature of my problem is that my guitar input tone directly plugged into my PreSonus Firestudio is dull and lacks brilliance.

Some of you in a previous thread had suggested I pick up a Countryman Type 85 to connect my guitar into before I run it into my Firestudio Mobile to potentially correct the problem and improve my tone (Potential Impedance factors?). As I also mentioned in the previous thread, a user from another forum posted a sample of what a typical input sound should sound like for user comparison before running the sound into virtual amps/impulses:
Click here for DI Sample

Is this (more or less) the kind of result you're all getting with your setups before running any effects?

This morning I stopped by the local music store and rented a DI BOX (Yorkville YDI-1A, low-end in comparison to the Countryman but bare with me for a moment) Below I've provided a sample of my tone with/without the DI and Amp Simulations:

Click Here

The first riff is without DI Unit directly into the PreSonus. The second is into the DI Unit and then into the PreSonus.

Do you guys hear a significant difference? I have no doubts your recommendations for the Countryman are well established, but is it truly the solution I need? Because from what I can tell, the tone with/without a DI box is extremely similar and not bringing my tone any closer to the reference tone above. Is my problem another one entirely? :cry:
Input impedance of the firestudio is 1 megaOhm, which is exactly as it should be, no impedance problems there. Yes, it sounds better with a decent DI, but really i'd say concentrate on settings and impulses.
New strings?


I remember someone on this forum having a problem like this, then someone asked and they said they dont change their strings for a year at a time. New strings compared to old as hell ones are the most amazing tone giver you can get. I play every day and change my strings every 2 weeks.