Hello all, 
Be warned that I wouldn't be surprised if my questions may annoy some of the more experienced users here.
The nature of my problem is that my guitar input tone directly plugged into my PreSonus Firestudio is dull and lacks brilliance.
Some of you in a previous thread had suggested I pick up a Countryman Type 85 to connect my guitar into before I run it into my Firestudio Mobile to potentially correct the problem and improve my tone (Potential Impedance factors?). As I also mentioned in the previous thread, a user from another forum posted a sample of what a typical input sound should sound like for user comparison before running the sound into virtual amps/impulses:
Click here for DI Sample
Is this (more or less) the kind of result you're all getting with your setups before running any effects?
This morning I stopped by the local music store and rented a DI BOX (Yorkville YDI-1A, low-end in comparison to the Countryman but bare with me for a moment) Below I've provided a sample of my tone with/without the DI and Amp Simulations:
Click Here
The first riff is without DI Unit directly into the PreSonus. The second is into the DI Unit and then into the PreSonus.
Do you guys hear a significant difference? I have no doubts your recommendations for the Countryman are well established, but is it truly the solution I need? Because from what I can tell, the tone with/without a DI box is extremely similar and not bringing my tone any closer to the reference tone above. Is my problem another one entirely?

Be warned that I wouldn't be surprised if my questions may annoy some of the more experienced users here.

The nature of my problem is that my guitar input tone directly plugged into my PreSonus Firestudio is dull and lacks brilliance.
Some of you in a previous thread had suggested I pick up a Countryman Type 85 to connect my guitar into before I run it into my Firestudio Mobile to potentially correct the problem and improve my tone (Potential Impedance factors?). As I also mentioned in the previous thread, a user from another forum posted a sample of what a typical input sound should sound like for user comparison before running the sound into virtual amps/impulses:
Click here for DI Sample
Is this (more or less) the kind of result you're all getting with your setups before running any effects?
This morning I stopped by the local music store and rented a DI BOX (Yorkville YDI-1A, low-end in comparison to the Countryman but bare with me for a moment) Below I've provided a sample of my tone with/without the DI and Amp Simulations:
Click Here
The first riff is without DI Unit directly into the PreSonus. The second is into the DI Unit and then into the PreSonus.
Do you guys hear a significant difference? I have no doubts your recommendations for the Countryman are well established, but is it truly the solution I need? Because from what I can tell, the tone with/without a DI box is extremely similar and not bringing my tone any closer to the reference tone above. Is my problem another one entirely?