Direct Connect Users.

Protected Witness

Magickal Theatre 33
Sep 27, 2002
I'm new to this P2P program. Does it matter what hub you connect too if you're looking for certain things (like...Opeth videos)?

Also, I can't seem to pull up anything in a search unless I connect in passive mode, which only searchs the hub you're logged in on (I think...).

Does anyone else use this? Can I get a little help?
When you connect to a hub, read it's description and it's name. That will clue you as to what most of the users will be sharing. When you find a good hub, add it to your favorites so you don't have to search for it again. I have the same problem with the passive mode. I can't search if I don't connect that way.

If you have just the regular direct connect, not the DC++, you can only connect to one hub at a time. If you have DC++, you can connect to multiples as long as you have enough slots open for each hub you are in. Don't worry if you don't have DC++ though, a lot of the users share it and you can download it from them.

Well, I hope that helps you a little bit. I've used this forever and it is my favorite P2P program by far. There is tons of metal out there. If you have a broadband connection that will make your experience much better with it also.
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
Yes.. the Ultimate Metal DC Hub is currently the best metal hub on DC.

The address was mentioned above:

Uhm.. I entered this hub and it was like 8 users. :confused:
Probably, it was "the wrong" hub. Just saw it in the Public list.
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
Yes.. the Ultimate Metal DC Hub is currently the best metal hub on DC.

The address was mentioned above:

You're sadly mistaken. The best hub for metal is none other than
If you like prog, dont forget about

We should keep this thread here especially for letting others know of new hubs which may be of interest.