"Dirge for November" Live?


New Metal Member
Apr 2, 2004
Has "Dirge for November" (the fifth track on Blackwater Park) ever been played live?
Good question. It`s one of my favourite songs. Of all time. I`ve seen `em once (they`ve been here twice) & it didn`t get played.
Saw them when they came here to Australia (in Brisbane), they didn`t play it. Did get to hear "Master`s Apprentices", "Deliverence", "The Moor", "Blackwater Park", "Windowpane", "In My Time Of Need", "The Drapery Falls" etc, + a couple of old songs I`m not too familiar with (SORRY!). "Dirge..." would`ve fit the set list well to balance things out. It started out heavy as a really heavy thing, went mellow, then finished with big metal riffing tacks (much like many of their songs).
Why did I bother to say all that when many fans already should know this? I give up, this entry`s been pointlessly long winded. I`ll stop right about......... here