Dis-order.com contact information

Hey everyone,
for those who know of dis-order.com, I was wondering if any of you happen to know how to get in contact with them. I ordered an item from them about 3 months ago and have yet to receive it, but I can't seem to find their contact information online what so ever. Any help would be much appreciated.

From http://www.dis-order.com/shop/faq , at the bottom of the page is an address:

Dis-order online metal mailorder / webshop, Ronde Tocht 7-G, 1507 CC Zaandam HOLLAND

They list an email address for inquiries on undelivered orders:
Check out your order status by clicking on the link in you order confirmation e-mail. You will see the state of your order.
If you still can't find the problem, please send an email to dis-order@dis-order.com.
We'll do our best to answer you as quickly as possible.​
But I'm guessing you've seen all that, and are looking for a phone number or something comparable.

I wish you the best of luck!