Discharge - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing...Most Important Album of the 80s

Planetary Eulogy said:
So you're suggesting that the primary melodic element in Hendrix's songs is the guitar line, despite the demonstratable fact that it isn't?

Stupid often?

Sometimes, yes; often, no.
Hendrix's vocals were not melodic and closer to spoken word. The hook, the melody, the most memorable part of any Hendrix song is the guitar riff, which is very melodic, in an almost vocal fashion.
Hyperborean Exile said:
...and the portion of the speed/thrash movement that actually left descendents (in the form of death and black metal) was heavily influenced by Dishcharge. Megadeth and Metallica were evolutionary dead ends.

So, when are they letting you back in over at LotFP?

That discussion was actually interesting, but they sure didn't like it when it became apparent that they were losing! :lol:
Hendrix's vocals were not melodic and closer to spoken word. The hook, the melody, the most memorable part of any Hendrix song is the guitar riff, which is very melodic, in an almost vocal fashion.

Not really, Hendrix songs follow a pretty basic blues format, and like traditional blues songs, tend to have vocals of limited range. The melodic elements in the playing, however, always either double the vocal line or are played as straight leads.
byrne said:
is there any particular reason you choose to run two different accounts then? its kinda weird though. when you use pe, you refer to things in a more positive manner. when you use that "laeth" account generally it is ragging on "overrated" bands/albums etc.

ocd? split personality? huh?

Hyperborean Exile said:
..and the portion of the speed/thrash movement that actually left descendents (in the form of death and black metal) was heavily influenced by Dishcharge. Megadeth and Metallica were evolutionary dead ends.
