Discussing Vocals in a Metal Mix!


New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2016
Hey guys!

If anyone is interested, I made a video upon request to discuss ways to get vocals to sound good in a professional mix! Let me know what ya'll think! And if people have specific things they like to do for vocals i'd love to hear them!

these days everyone seems to be just slamming vocals through LA2A and 1176, usually so hard that you can just use a brickwall limiter as well. To my ears that sounds like shit though, very unnatural and without any dynamics, or even release of amplitude at the end of phrases.
I prefer to put (a lot) more work into vocals and automate Pre-FX, Post-FX and the FX itself a lot, and make the compressors (usually 3 of them) work a lot less. Takes a few hours instead of five minutes, but sounds really different

De-Esser: yes, absolutely necessary 99% of the time!
However, I use a much broader frequency range (sometimes 5 - 15k instead of 7.5k - 11k), that sounds much smoother and more natural. Got Pro-DS as well.

Your EQ usage seems really extreme, I never found myself doing 12dB notches or such a strong mid-scoop. Is that a requirement for xyz-core? I:confused::)
that´s the point: why does it? I can´t do that on any vocal source I got here. But I don´t record vocals with midrange-heavy stage mics, that is.
Maybe there should be more emphasis on the point that this is not typical, it´s kinda mentioned in a subclause only