Discussion on the new Album:"Stand up and Fight"

BUT: in FIN it is the GENERAL charts. in UK it is ROCK charts.
See the difference ;)

BTW now in FIN it´s on #15...dropping fast... :/
Oh, SUAF! At the beginning I was really surprised, but this album is amazing and seems to be also really important to me, because this thing of the "stand up and fight and not to give up" comes in a frail moment of my life, so again I have to say thank you to Turisas because of their magic! However there is a big discussion here in Italy between Turisas fans, who says that SUAF is a great album, and other people, who says that is really bad and not folk/viking enough. I've read some really awful reviews, but I think that the people who wrote such bad things about the music and Mathias' work have misunderstood the whole thing. But of course there is also a very big part of metal fans who are enthusiastic about it, also people who have never listened to Turisas before ;) Last month in every music magazine there was an interview or a review! They're conquering the land...

I think that Mathias first writes the lyrics and then compeses the music...I have no idea about it of course, but to me it seems to be really "tidy" in this kind of things. But there are songs like Hunting Pirates that seems to come from a flesh of inspiration about the music first, so maybe it depends from the song and the purpose. I am really curious about that anyway! Any other ideas?
I don´t think it´s about misunderstanding, it´s about simply having different tastes and opinions...

I think the songs just come as they come, I guess there is no real thinking about a purpose first...but well, I am not Mathias, so I don´t know *laughing*
everyone is entitled to their own opinion... but anyone who says this album is bad... well lets just say not all opinions should be shared eh.
i love the new album, but then i loved the other 2 as well, i was this close --> <-- to seeing you lot on tour when you were supporting lordi at i think the carling or carlsberg arena in england.

but couldnt get time of work so sent my brother who is now a total fan.

i like how the album tells a story, in my opinion it is the story of harald hardrada especially "the great escape" its the line about svein being the ally and the death of harthacnut that gave it away (if its unintentional then someone was definately paying attention during history)

there are a few things in the album that i think i miss because a) i listen to it in english and i think (though may be mistaken) there is a finnish language version? and things get lost in translation. like the bit at the end of the bosphorous track. i know what the gist of it is, but a direct translation i cant do. and b) there are references to places and events both historical fact but also myth and legend that i am unaware of, for example the "on the side of a lion" again from bosphorous freezes over.

but i think its because i have to think hard about it that i like it.

and i assure you... next time you tour in england, look out for a 6 foot tall viking/celt descendent with full warpaint and a (probably plastic) great axe rocking out harder than anyone else!
everyone is entitled to their own opinion... but anyone who says this album is bad... well lets just say not all opinions should be shared eh.

not gonna start a huge discussion on it, but after freedom of opinion there´s also freedom on speech.

And as long as the criticism is put in a reasonable way, at least I am perfectly fine with it :D
Just in case someone happens to give a shit heres my somewhat of a review of this album:


Read your review, you make some very valid points and it doesn't seem biased, an interesting read. :)

Personally I love the album. BM was cracking for it's aggression and as an introduction into the ethos of the band. TVW was formerly my favourite for the inclusion of the orchestral elements in Dnieper Rapids, Miklagard Overture etc etc.

However I can't pick one album as each gives me something different. When suiting up for a hockey game I'll listen to Battle Metal. When driving I'll listen to Varangian Way and when walking my dog I can listen to SUAF but they are interchangable.

I love the way the band has matured and progressed with the latest album, it is more accessible and although I too missed some of the hard metal vocals at times, it is a polished effort that speaks volumes of the individual musical talents of the folks in the band but also as a way to inspire a bit of awe into a fan like me of te job that Nygard does. The man is incredible! I can't even begin to understand how interweaves and brings this all together.
Too lazy to start a thread so I'll just dig this thread up and post hurr:

From The Bosporus Freezes Over.

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