Diseases, Injuries, Illnesses

My wife and I both have this sickness where we're tired and achy and have an incessant dry cough. She's been struggling with it for over a week now, and I've been hacking for 3 days. I feel really bad for her, but I'm no better, because last weekend I had a sever asthma attack that scared the fuck out of me. I kept trying my medicine that I keep on hand and used home remedies to no avail. Finally had to go to the clinic to get a nebulizer and steroids. Laying in bed gasping for air for hours on end really reminds you of your mortality.
My wife and I both have this sickness where we're tired and achy and have an incessant dry cough. She's been struggling with it for over a week now, and I've been hacking for 3 days. I feel really bad for her, but I'm no better, because last weekend I had a sever asthma attack that scared the fuck out of me. I kept trying my medicine that I keep on hand and used home remedies to no avail. Finally had to go to the clinic to get a nebulizer and steroids. Laying in bed gasping for air for hours on end really reminds you of your mortality.

Could it be a chest cold? I know when I have major chest colds I feel tired and achy all the time, plus my lungs feel fucking tight as hell.
I'm finally over my chest cold. I have been hacking up epic loogies. Sometimes I spit them into the sink, but they have the consistency of glue, so they won't rinse down. I literally have to push them down the drain with my fingers and then I have to furiously scrub my hands afterward. It's sooooooooooooo gross.
Pinched a nerve in the pit at a Rotting Christ show last year. Still have numbness in my fingers (also have Carpal Tunnel).
I have serious heartburn. Everyday. It is to the point now that I take Prilosec daily instead of for the one week you're supposed to, and even that is starting to be in vain...ugh. Ulcers or something forming, probably.
got a giant bruise on back of my right leg at the bottom of the calf muscle

it's been there for a few days
Well. So the last 10 days were fucking strange. The hot weather here makes me actually sick and there has to be some reason for that. I was drinking quite heavily during the weekend of 6th and 7th and since then I'm not feeling right. It's not that this is the first time I get sick on the sun, but never this much. I have fucking troubles getting somewhere because I get sick on trams and buses. WTF.

Haven't had a drop of beer since 8th so this is the tenth day and I think we can exclude alcohol from the causes now. I've been to the doctor on friday well he started talking about some minerals and about how I should drink a lot of water blah blah. I have other doctors but oh well. The last two days I had my usual evening run and that feels great. However today I went to pick up my sister from school and on the tram, again, I felt like shit. And mind you, it's below 25C now.

Either I'm a hipochondriac or there's something wrong with me that can't be seen by pulse, blood pressure nor blood samples.