Diseases, Injuries, Illnesses

Do you mean that you just feel sick (slight nausea), or you're actually getting sick (e.g. vomiting, diarrhea, bad headaches, etc.)?

There are lots of things that can make us feel sick. I drink more coffee than I should, and it often affects me in the afternoons. I have to counter it with lots of water.

And as cliched as it sounds, a diet with lots of vegetables works wonders.
Do you mean that you just feel sick (slight nausea), or you're actually getting sick (e.g. vomiting, diarrhea, bad headaches, etc.)?

There are lots of things that can make us feel sick. I drink more coffee than I should, and it often affects me in the afternoons. I have to counter it with lots of water.

And as cliched as it sounds, a diet with lots of vegetables works wonders.

I don't vomit and I don't pass out, although I feel like passing out or collapsing. I never have headaches, I've had a headache like twice in my life tbh.

I think my diet is good (especially now that I don't drink), and I also drink lots of water. How I feel greatly depends on where I am. I'm like old people.

My artificial colon is inflamed, I took like thousands hurtful shits during the night, now I'm a sleep deprived ball of sadness and fear. At work.

But fuck work, I'm leaving this place in like ten minutes. Fuck this.
I made me a chicken soup and that was my lunch. Soothing my stomach with some tea too.

This has to improve before my trip to NYC.
Well. So the last 10 days were fucking strange. The hot weather here makes me actually sick and there has to be some reason for that. I was drinking quite heavily during the weekend of 6th and 7th and since then I'm not feeling right. It's not that this is the first time I get sick on the sun, but never this much. I have fucking troubles getting somewhere because I get sick on trams and buses. WTF.

Haven't had a drop of beer since 8th so this is the tenth day and I think we can exclude alcohol from the causes now. I've been to the doctor on friday well he started talking about some minerals and about how I should drink a lot of water blah blah. I have other doctors but oh well. The last two days I had my usual evening run and that feels great. However today I went to pick up my sister from school and on the tram, again, I felt like shit. And mind you, it's below 25C now.

Either I'm a hipochondriac or there's something wrong with me that can't be seen by pulse, blood pressure nor blood samples.

And what was it? You being hipochondriac?

My artificial colon is inflamed, I took like thousands hurtful shits during the night, now I'm a sleep deprived ball of sadness and fear. At work.

But fuck work, I'm leaving this place in like ten minutes. Fuck this.

What happened to your first colon?

My butthole is wrecked. I don't know what the doctor did but it's like mordor down there. It was definitely better before she meddled with it. The anesthesia ruined me for like two days as well. Now I'm at work trying to cope with everything.

Another issue is that my left ear is blocked, I can't hear shit with my left ear. Bought some ear spray that's supposed to help, with dead sea water and aloe vera extract, I expect miraculous results.
Butt-report 17.9.2019.

Butt hurts. I opted to sit on a bus to work, what a mistake.

Can't hear properly. I'm spraying that shit in my ear but it's still clogged.
My butthole is wrecked. I don't know what the doctor did but it's like mordor down there.
You better stop hooking up with aug.

Pretty sure I tried a foam for an ear clog once and it didn't work for me, don't know what it was but ultimately all I needed was water. I have a special type of syringe that sprays the water at an angle so it doesn't hit the eardrum directly and damage it. Maybe try that.

Having an ear clog is awful, it's like one of those painless tortures that slowly drives you insane.
You better stop hooking up with aug.

Pretty sure I tried a foam for an ear clog once and it didn't work for me, don't know what it was but ultimately all I needed was water. I have a special type of syringe that sprays the water at an angle so it doesn't hit the eardrum directly and damage it. Maybe try that.

Having an ear clog is awful, it's like one of those painless tortures that slowly drives you insane.

Dude yeah. Apparently the sprays and shit like that work only if the ear is not completely clogged, like a prevention sort of thing, but once it's fucked, they can't unfuck it.

How's your birthday going? Getting drunk?

And enjoy your unclogged ears.