That's it. I'm revisiting "Gloria". I haven't listened to "Back to Times..." in a while, so maybe this short break will do it some good.
I had a feeling you would like Disillusion, and I even thought you'd prefer "Gloria", so I'm glad you like. That said, you came to some massive conclusion here in only owning the album for 3 days!
jimbobhickville said:Is the reformed Depressive Age's new album ever coming out? Pretty sure it's just the singer that's the same, and the samples sounded like a step down, but still decent.
I am really glad you like it. perhaps i should change my rec? hmm
yeah the talking intro and throughout the song kills it which sucks because the music in the song is pretty killer
having re-listened to it the whole way through again, it's not as bad as I initially labelled it as, but it'll take a while for it to grow on me. again, my major complaint are the vocal effects and whathaveyou. Also, "Lava" is a shitty instrumental.
why dont you hold your cajones until IoTS makes his reco? huh?!