Disillusion's "Back to Times of Splendor", just how wide reaching is this album?

I had a feeling you would like Disillusion, and I even thought you'd prefer "Gloria", so I'm glad you like. That said, you came to some massive conclusion here in only owning the album for 3 days! ;)

Well, i too say that it's too early to jump on such conclusions i made, still these are the things that i feel about the album now. I don't think that i will change my mind and some of the album's value cannot be objectively denied.

jimbobhickville said:
Is the reformed Depressive Age's new album ever coming out? Pretty sure it's just the singer that's the same, and the samples sounded like a step down, but still decent.

Yes D-Age only had Jan Lubitzki in the lineup. The website that was done, is down for some months, so probably the idea of this "reunion" is down too.
my main beef with "Gloria" is the abuse of vocal effects. If Vurtox's vocals hadn't been fucked with, I probably would enjoy it much much more

with that being said, I'm going back and giving the whole album a listen rather than the few songs I really enjoy
I am really glad you like it. perhaps i should change my rec? hmm

I dunno...I just know that Lying In Wait is fucking brilliant and uber-original and the best CD I ever bought for a penny. :loco:

I heard one song from Electric Scum and it was WAY different. I probably wont enjoy it initially, but I'll give it many spins upon spins to acclimate myself to it since I know where they started now. Now I need to get the other two.
What I hate about Gloria is Don't Go Any Further, the talking in the beginning just fucking SUCKS. There are like 5 or 6 tracks that are ace, I should go back and listen again.
yeah the talking intro and throughout the song kills it which sucks because the music in the song is pretty killer

having re-listened to it the whole way through again, it's not as bad as I initially labelled it as, but it'll take a while for it to grow on me. again, my major complaint are the vocal effects and whathaveyou. Also, "Lava" is a shitty instrumental.
yeah the talking intro and throughout the song kills it which sucks because the music in the song is pretty killer

having re-listened to it the whole way through again, it's not as bad as I initially labelled it as, but it'll take a while for it to grow on me. again, my major complaint are the vocal effects and whathaveyou. Also, "Lava" is a shitty instrumental.

Lava is good in the middle but the rest sucks. I'm listening agian, but those talking intros just fucking suck, and really ruin the album for me.
whoaz! i know its gonna take time for me to get into it, if i do.

Lying In Wait just flat out fucking RULES. The vocalist is sick too. And for .01 ?!!?!?!?!?! :zombie: :zombie:

WTF are these people thinking?
just thought it could be of interest for you all that prog-death band DISILLUSION will play BACK TO TIMES OF SPLENDOR live in its entirety (and a few other surprises according to them) on 29 May 2015 in Vienna, Austria at Viper Room.

for more information check
regularly. more info will be available in the next few days.

metalheads listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reBf2eNZpKA
gourmets listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUYaN2jowLY