Dissection w/ Watain, London, 14th Dec.


Malign Paradigm
Jan 8, 2003
Who's going to this truly brilliant gig? I can't wait, I'm coming home 4 days early from Uni just to go to it. Annoying that it's yet another London only gig but I wasn't going to let my gripe stop me from going, it's almost at the end of Uni term anyway.


Anyone going to the Dismember w/ Anata gig in London on 26th November? Yet another London only gig but I've kept some of my cherished student loan back so I can pay for the bitch of a train journey etc... Should be an awesome gig, I heard that Psycroptic are apparently the third band, so quite frankly it's an orgasmic gig. As is the Dissection one.

p.s Apparently the Dissection gig is in Birmingham as well....
Anyone who has the possibility should definitely see both those 2 concerts. Dismember is just a plain awesome live act, and I just saw Dissection in Stockholm a couple of days ago and they were pretty ok except the fact that their new song blows.
I went to that show as well and i think it was awesome, there were nearly 2000 people. Dissection played very tight and strongly. I liket also the new song Maha Kali, it sounded much better live than in that sample they put on internet. I'm sure the shows in UK will be great too.
Can somebody give me a website that I can get tickets for these gigs from please? Thankfully I live right near London, its so handy :)