Brummie PQ


Brilliant Bastards!!
Feb 20, 2002
Harrow, London
I can't believe i'm sat at home whilst PQ are playing in brum tonight :( :( :(

But saying that i may well be going to bed shortly and PQ probably havn't even hit the stage yet.

This morning i kinda decided, walking into uni at 730am, listening to PQ on my mp3 player, that i would go along to the gig. Dan had told me that the Weston gig was immense so i should defo go. So i wanted to.

But yesterday i spent 13 hours straight in the Robotics Lab at Uni, got 6 hours sleep and then went back into Uni for 8am and only left at 4pm. And i'm thoroughly knackered. So i guess it's just bad timing that i had a robotics deadline today which was rather important and had to spend so much time on it that i'm barely awake :(

Hopefully there'll be another tour soon....

So anyway, everyone who went, tell me how great it was so i really regret it! :D