Distorted Guitar: Mixing the High End Frequencies

Michael Franz

Apocalypse Studio
Dec 4, 2016
Hey Guys,

I have a question about how you guys are mixing the high end on distorted guitars. I analysed the guitar tracks by Machine Head and Megadeth. Machine Head was mixed by Colin Richardson (i think). Megadeth was mixed by Andy Sneap.
Both tracks showed up almost the same way of Mixing the high end on distorted guitars. The frequencies from 7 to 8 khz seem to be dropped down with a high narrow and above 11 khz there is a cut. But the weird thing is when you pull the frequencies above 6 khz up, it doesn't sound that painfull like when i do this with my tracks. These frequencies above 6 khz sound actually smooth (almost similar to a Chorus).
I also recognized that the high end frequencies have less attack, so the guitars don't jump out of the Mix
So my next question is, if you have any idea how this "trick" works.

Cheers, Michael Franz
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