Distortion plugins


Ultimate Member
Sep 25, 2007
I know theres already a free VST thread but im recording a screaming vocalist and was just curious to see if any of you had any good distortion plug ins or a plug in that sort of works like a distressor (since i dont have one). Or if theres a name of one that you know of that i could just download for free thatd be great. theres gotta be some people on here thatve recorded screaming.
There is already a thread related to this that was started recently, try looking around before starting a new thread.

I'm sure most people on this forum has recorded screamed vocals, and you really shouldn't need distortion on your vocals, unless you are using it as an effect.
There is already a thread related to this that was started recently, try looking around before starting a new thread.

I'm sure most people on this forum has recorded screamed vocals, and you really shouldn't need distortion on your vocals, unless you are using it as an effect.

as i already wrote--i know theres a thread on free plug ins but i didnt find any that pertained to what i was looking for so i thought id ask. you never NEED anything but in my opinion with a little distortion itll sound better.
Also try the free ssl lmc listen mic compressor. You can really get quite aggressive results with that. It certainly isn't a distressor, but you might be able get pretty cool results with that. It makes the sound a bit lo-fi, but sometimes it might work quite well.