Best bass distortion plug-in

It's an RTAS/TDM only plug-in sadly. On the bright side there is an actual hardware unit that it's based on, so you can use that instead :).

too bad! :waah:

Until then maybe just try recording through any of your guitar stompboxes and see if anything fits.

My problem with that approach is that you get all this fizz and nasty shit in the bass distortion. I'm after something a little more organic.

Exact the same here... I do not need a grind-core sound with just white noise :)

Ok, I have the possibility to reamp through some cool stuff.. I have a Mesa Quad Preamp here together with a Mesa Strategy 400 Amp. Sounds very cool on bass. Can give you all kind of sounds.

But usually I have no time to set up the shit, messing around with that preamp for ages, reamping everything... A lot of mixing I do don't have the budget to spend half a day with the bass...

AND I usually modify the sound during the mix a couple of times.

Maybe I should get into the Mesa-thing a little deeper. This would give me organic results... :rock:
Ok so we're in agreement that the very best bass distortion is going to come from a fairly moderate gain analogue circuit, like a guitar amp, distortion pedal etc.?

Good luck with the Bass Driver, Brandy. I hope it gives you what you're after. I had a brief stint with those and they weren't to my personal liking, but I've heard many others get what they need with it.
Just ordered the Sansamp Bass Driver. Should be here tomorrow. Beeing very curious :)

meinst du die hardware version?
hatten wir letztes jahr getestet... ging direkt wieder zurück..
vlt hast damit mehr glück! :)
do you mean the hardware version? bought it last year... sent it back the next day... maybe you'll do better :)
IMHO Super Angry Distortion is the best new distortion... Very simple and really modern sounding bitcrusher in it. Nasty Nasty Nasty Nasty


I also have Ozone which I use the harmonic distortion and also I like to overload withthe Ozone uhm plate reverb that sounds really nice shimmery in the high end but waves is only good if ur post processing, for live i use the Super Angry and just beat on it :hotjump:
Maybe it's better to bump an ancient thread than opening a new one about the same exact subject, no?
Magix' Vandal, Overloud's Markbass 1/2, IKMultimedia's Amplitube - they all are good enough to get a slamming bass tone, I think.
There are also Softube's Bass Amp Room, bass amps from the PODFarm coming to mind, but haven't dug them actually.
TSE B.O.D. - the best bass SansAmp (BassDriver, the same, yeah) among freebies.