Best bass distortion plug-in

I use tons of weird shit in any kind of order, as long as it ends up fitting the mix. TSE R47 and TSE BOD, heavy eq many times and some limiter are usually part of the chain.
My go-to distorted bass chain is EQ -> comp -> TSE808 -> TSE R47 -> TSE BOD -> EQ. Very tweakable, hits it home almost every time.
old thread is old, but I'd still like to mention that I love to tweak BDDI and B7k profiles in the kemper to get them even more awesome.
Yea I sorted this out in the resulting years. Laboga Mr Hector and Framus Cobra for full out distortion. Sansamp PSA-1, B7K and MXR for the rest. I avoid digital distortion like the plague these days.
Srs question: am I misusing the TSE B.O.D. for the clank track? I find that it gets a nice, clanky but not at all overdriven tone no matter how hard I turn the drive knob..until I hit the max, at which point it introduces some gross distortion. But there seems to be no in-between; 90% of the knob (between 8 and 4 o'clock, in other words) does nothing and doesn't seem to affect the tone. Is my input too low or something? I usually feed it your standard -18db RMS bass DI.
I have the same issue with it. I got fed up and tried comparing it to my BDDI... not even close. In addition to having better distortion, all the way up, the real unit actually scoops out the mids as you turn the bass and treble up, giving you more clank.

You could try putting 808 in front of it - volume at noon, tone maybe down a bit, gain at like 1/4, just to give BOD a bit more to bite onto.
I have the same issue with it. I got fed up and tried comparing it to my BDDI... not even close. In addition to having better distortion, all the way up, the real unit actually scoops out the mids as you turn the bass and treble up, giving you more clank.

You could try putting 808 in front of it - volume at noon, tone maybe down a bit, gain at like 1/4, just to give BOD a bit more to bite onto.

Yeah, I've tried this but it kills most of the sub-lows. I'll have to experiment with an EQ in-between the plugins, or maybe use the wet-dry knob to only feed part of the signal into the 808. Or just wait until I have the $2000 to blow on a Kemper so I can use the B7K profile. :waah:
Yeah, I've tried this but it kills most of the sub-lows. I'll have to experiment with an EQ in-between the plugins, or maybe use the wet-dry knob to only feed part of the signal into the 808. Or just wait until I have the $2000 to blow on a Kemper so I can use the B7K profile. :waah:

Um... have you tried splitting your bass into two or even three tracks? Keep one clean, low-pass the hell out of it and compress it to shit so you have a nice, even low end. Put BOD and/or 808 on the next one, band-pass so you've just got 500ish to 3000ish, and then blend it in with the clean track until it sounds nice.
Um... have you tried splitting your bass into two or even three tracks? Keep one clean, low-pass the hell out of it and compress it to shit so you have a nice, even low end. Put BOD and/or 808 on the next one, band-pass so you've just got 500ish to 3000ish, and then blend it in with the clean track until it sounds nice.

I described it pretty poorly- I do use separate tracks, but I like my clank and distorted tracks to sound balanced and normal until I put the HPF/LPF on so that they have some lows and mids that I can choose to leave in or cut using the slope and frequency choices of the HPF/LPF.
I got a BDDI because I liked B.O.D quite a lot. Sometimes when I was too lazy to reamp through the actual pedal I ended up still using B.O.D hehe. It's a neat plugin.
Haven't bothered comparing them, but from what I remember it got the same vibe down, but wasn't as versatile as the pedal itself. Also the distortion wasn't as usable with every bass.
Managed to get a lot of nice tones with the BOD though.

Haven't used it in ages since I moved to PT.
Late to the party, but "Best" is a term better left out of the AE lingo IMO. It really holds everything implies that there is a single "right way" to do things, which in reality is quite the opposite.
am I misusing the TSE B.O.D. for the clank track? I find that it gets a nice, clanky but not at all overdriven tone no matter how hard I turn the drive knob..until I hit the max, at which point it introduces some gross distortion.
Had same "problem". I find this plugin perfect for klang mids but its just useless if you want some sick OD/DIST. Try TS-999 into SHB-1 (both from Ignite Masters!) and eventually into TPA-1. This is my instant win setup.
Yea I sorted this out in the resulting years. Laboga Mr Hector and Framus Cobra for full out distortion. Sansamp PSA-1, B7K and MXR for the rest. I avoid digital distortion like the plague these days.

Gonna have to check these out. I wonder if you can profile those pedals by themselves convincingly with the Kemper now that they let you profile heads without cabs (in the beta firmware as of this posting).
Btw, does anyone have a suggestion for getting that awesome middy growl in bass like in Behemoth's - The Satanist, especially the part around 1:05?

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I started using Lextac on the distortion channel but i'll have to try out some of the others on here. I just realized I have all the Ignite plug-ins and might give that a go.