DIsturbed and System


Jul 15, 2002
In between
Why is it on here I read "slams" against Disturbed and System Of A Down? BOTH are excellent metal bands and seeing as how the metal market is growing, why is it they "suck"? Just because they play in drop D tuning to sound more "heavy"? So you're gonna tell me, each one of you that replies that SOAD and Disturbed SUCK ASS because they're not like 'Thrax? You mean to tell me you listen to ONLY Anthrax? I think a lot of you that slam the other bands just like to get a rise outta us die-hards because you and we authors of threads don't have much else to do but say crap to piss others off. I'm 33 and I grew up on classic 'Thrax - the 80's stuff and I favor the older material to the newer anyway but Bush DOES indeed kick ass so let's detour off the "Belladonna SUCKS" road. :Smokin:
I agree with you.
I feel both bands are good.
With the current slim pickings of metal or hard rock, you'd think people would be a little more open minded.
Phthrax, I'm going to become a member of the Crab Society, too! I can't believe I didn't think of that!

Oh yeah, and message boards that even vaguely involve metal of any sort are always full of purists to one band or another, just be glad we're not having debates over which one of us is more evil (i.e. The Crown message board).

disturbed and soad ar 2 great bands,havent heard believe album yet but the songs i have heard are killer,same with soad sugar toxicity,chop suey...

these days there aint too many kick ass metal bands and its refreshing to hear some great music from these newer bands.

spineshank disturbed soad are gonna be the metal bands that keep the metal flag alive!!!
Well, System of a Down is awesome. I got into them right before their first album came out. I was working at Tower Records at the time, and was poking around in the promo CD area in the back room. I found the System CD, and saw that they were on American, like Slayer. I grabbed it and rocked it when I got home. The only thing I thought was "fucking BONKAZ!" Such a great album... been a fan of them since.

Disturbed on the other hand, is rotten. The singer is horrible, and the music is lackluster, often sounded heavy for the sake of heaviness."

Originally posted by Phxthrax
Just because they play in drop D tuning to sound more "heavy"?

Disturbed play in drop D, plus one half step down. System of a Down play drop D and a whole step down. But obviously, that is not the reason I don't like them, because Anthrax tune down drop D and a half step often as well. I don't like them because they are worthless nu-metal. And no, I don't only listen to Anthrax. So quit getting all pissed at me. :rolleyes:
SOAD are good, allthough sometimes their political views stand in the way of the music for me. Distured are okay probably one of the better so called "nu-metal" bands. However it seems so many bands have the same freakin sound. Puddle of Mudd, Adema, Nickleback, Saliva,and on and on. Its either that sound or the Vines,Hives,White Stripes sound. And then they all have the same look to boot. But thats just my opinion...
I'm sorry but System is very fucking origional. They are the answer to all the nu-metal. They don't rap nor do they use techno synthetic filler. They are very genuine. They are very talented. The vocals are wonderful. And the lyrics are deep. they are genius. The songs are complex. And the messege is agianst violence. Realy AnarchyX I can't see how they are nu-metal apart from being formed in modern times. But I respect your opinion although I think you should give every song a listen. Especially that one... I don't remember the name I think it's "We will fight the heathens" that is a badass song. I used to be like "I dunno about these guys" but I Listened to that song after I heard the ones they always played on the radio and damn that song blew my mind. anyone who hasn't heard it should check it out.
I like System of a Down and Disturbed for the most part. As far as them being original though, I wouldn't say that at all. Has anybody heard the new SOAD song? Parts of it sound EXACTLY like Slayer, yet you'll never hear Slayer on the radio (at least around here) Things like that kinda make me resent them a little but it's not their fault.
The thing I don't get is why people diss on Nu Metal so much, I agree it's not my favorite thing in the world but it is better then that glam shit some of us listened to in the 80's.
any angel corpse any1???? im really not these 2 bands and never will. i really don't listen to the radio. but cuz of the internet and the last 5 years ive discovered more extreme bands and some great thrash bands. for example i found about soilwork back in 2000. those guys are insane one of my favorite bands besides anthrax. im into really the haunted, at the gates, dark tranquillity, the crown,immortal, emperor and opeth. im really into more extreme bands. but opeth have hell of talent. not reallly much into the mainstream one hit "so called metal bands". i try not to post on these topics cuz i tend to bitch alot. as you can see. this my opion ya can rape from my pride if ya wnat but im more into the underground i guess. by the way the haunted- one kill wonder out in feb!!!!!!
I agree SOAD are very original. They take a lot of sounds and music styles and create a very original product. The "same" comment was more toward Disturbed. The Haunted are very cool. I have been interested in At the gates and the Crown but I just dont want to take a 15 doller gamble. Opath I have one album, Orchid and I dont like it much.
Well not not that my point really matters, i am but a mere lamb in these woods. Though I have to say that soad and disturbed are 2 really bad bands. Come on any band that gets played on kerraaapp 24/7 is!!!
Why cant we all just get along and listen to Testament, Hate eternal, six feet under, nile, DEP, Slayer, Cathdral, etc etc etc etc and as you can see I do not only listen to Anthrax :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
I agree SOAD are very original. They take a lot of sounds and music styles and create a very original product. The "same" comment was more toward Disturbed. The Haunted are very cool. I have been interested in At the gates and the Crown but I just dont want to take a 15 doller gamble. Opath I have one album, Orchid and I dont like it much.
bro for opeth pick up still life, black water park and the new one deliervance. that good albums but such a better production and they progressed alot. hmm me think the new haunted and new anthrax should be coming to the same week in feb in europe. maybe the end will have it.
I don't like SOAD because they have no solos and I find their anti-US governement message really lame!

I don't like DIsturbed because of their rap/ terrible vocals. And again, no solos.
Originally posted by Lordlindsey
With the current slim pickings of metal or hard rock, you'd think people would be a little more open minded.

Slim? What about Decapitated, Ritual Carnage, Superjoint Ritual, Susperia, Opeth, Amon Amarth, Behemoth, Arcturus, Devin Townsend, Disturbed and System in here too, Down, Soilwork, Hypocrisy, Myrkskog, Khold, Immortal, and Im tired of trying to think of more but there is tons of metal out there everywhere except the radio. Which is fine with me.
SOAD are a good band. They only get flak because they get mainstream play. No one even heard of thier first album, but somehow the Toxicity album was a hit. They are a fairly original band (nothing is really original now a days) and are a different side of metal than most like to admit. I enjoy listening to them.

Disturbed though, not a big fan. They seem rather weak both vocally, and musicianship wise. I got thier first album and was disappointed with it off the bat. Haven't heard anything but that one song they have a video for and wasn't that impressed. Just because metal isn't very popular doesn't mean you have to like what IS popular, but if you do, nothing wrong with that either :) but i'm sure you can find better bands on these forums.

my 2 cents