DIsturbed and System

Originally posted by blakmetalemp
Slim? What about Decapitated, Ritual Carnage, Superjoint Ritual, Susperia, Opeth, Amon Amarth, Behemoth, Arcturus, Devin Townsend, Disturbed and System in here too, Down, Soilwork, Hypocrisy, Myrkskog, Khold, Immortal, and Im tired of trying to think of more but there is tons of metal out there everywhere except the radio. Which is fine with me.

EXACTLY! Just because those bands don't get radio play or have record deals with big record companies doesn't mean they aren't cool!
Originally posted by chaosofanthrax
any angel corpse any1???? im really not these 2 bands and never will. i really don't listen to the radio. but cuz of the internet and the last 5 years ive discovered more extreme bands and some great thrash bands. for example i found about soilwork back in 2000. those guys are insane one of my favorite bands besides anthrax. im into really the haunted, at the gates, dark tranquillity, the crown,immortal, emperor and opeth. im really into more extreme bands. but opeth have hell of talent. not reallly much into the mainstream one hit "so called metal bands". i try not to post on these topics cuz i tend to bitch alot. as you can see. this my opion ya can rape from my pride if ya wnat but im more into the underground i guess. by the way the haunted- one kill wonder out in feb!!!!!!

Man I cannot beleive someone has heard of Angel Corpse!!!!!!!!!!I used to party with Gene when he lived in winona, and to see him get a kick ass band going is cool.. these guys are fucking awsome!!!!!
bro angel corpse is so fucking brutal!!!! i have most of the cds. they just breath brutality. awesome sick death metal probably one the best. if ya saw tem live there were so much better. i saw when they tourin here back a couple of years with incantation and a couple of others. they were so sick live. i wasnt sure if any1 knew about them. but the brutality lives in their music like always.
Disturbed kinda fall out of the "Nu Metal" bracket because of the lack of hype they got. It seems to be made up now with the new CD but still they are not pushed as much as other bands and come across as heavy metal and not Nu Metal.

The good thing is though these bands produce discussion on here and not all bad which is a good thing. I saw Disturbed play in Glasgow the other night and have to say they gave an awesome performance.

As for slim pickings just now that is bs. You just have to look and you will find. The Blueprint, Johnny Truant and Fony to name a few plus all the noisecore bands appearing just now means there is plenty to get yer ears into. Thats without going into the more extreme market

Mon the Anthrax!!!
SOAD is a good band, though I do wish they would take a chance on a song longer than 3 minutes every now and then.

The new album is good, sounds a lot more along the lines of the first album. I just wish they had stuck with the original version of Thetawaves. It stuck in my head a lot more.

Chic N Stu ticked me off. It made me hungry, and I had to order pizza.

What troubled me about SOAD is when I first heard anything about them, people referred to them as rap/rock or compared them to Rage Against the Machine. Wow, I guess they never actually heard that first album.

Still, I can't talk. When I was at the music store the clerk recommended the first album, saying he didn't like it at first, but it got stuck in his head. But I left without it. Wasn't until Toxicity and I heard Chop Suey that I bought their stuff.
someone mentioned The Blue Print, they great I saw their first ever gig which was in Derby, they were brilliant.

Don't rely on music television to give you good bands there are so many out there that aren't on the TV.
Electric Wizard
Orange goblin
High on Fire
The Blueprint
both SOAD albums are great (haven't heard steal this album yet), and the new desturbed is pretty cool. so, i like them both.
Brentney is right.
The nu-metal scene today, is just like the glamrock scene back in the 80's and early 90's.
I'm not a big fan of either band, but I don't think they're quite bash-worthy yet. :) They just don't do much for me. Maybe if the pickings really were that slim, I'd like them more, but actually there's so much great music out there that I can't keep up with it! I wouldn't know any of it existed if it weren't for the internet, but it's there.