Disturbing e-mail I received...


ghetto philosopher
Jul 7, 2001
behind closed eyelids
Visit site
When I opened my e-mail account today, I didn't expect to see this. It was a message from some guy named "aryanmetal". He invited me to his Yahoo! Club called "MRMETAL" at http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/mrmetal. This fellow also sent me a personal message saying, "METAL RACIAL MUSIC EMPOWERING THE ARYAN LEGIONS". This made me very interested/disturbed that this floated into my inbox. So, I looked at his profile and found this link where he makes pathetic attempts at trying to somehow tie good music in with his neo-nazi bs.


Towards the end of the page I found this "review" of Opeth-Harvest "The Jew has no standards and would mix with a sheep if it could."

This is really sad that these idiots are spreading their hate all over the net. If you are in the mood to witness human stupidity at its greatest, then I certainly suggest you check out that link. I just think it's crazy how he takes his beliefs and tries to interpret them in all of those songs. I was glad to see that people took a stand against his so-called club on their messageboard.
There isn't much one can do about racists short of whole-heartedly arguing with them, or else full-bloodedly fighting them.

But I'm glad just to see people anywhere who are anti-racist, anti-nazi.

These kind of people are just the scum of the earth. They're a disease of society, and it's the ignorance and hate of people like them that are causing so much pain in the world. Fuck them all.
The dangerous fact about racism is the idea behind that cannot be erased...
it is really horrible that there are so much neo nazi sites in the internet, which spread this nonsense idea of fascism.
i think its disgusting:mad: , but i dont hate people for their beliefs in christianity, hinduism, budhism etc. and although this mans beliefs aren't religious in a sense, they are still his views and although its disgusting hes intitled to hold his own views, as he has freedom of speech. maybe he should have a bit more tact or whatever though, bastard!!!!!!!!!:mad:
that's GOTTA be a joke.... if it's not, it surpasses pathetic.... the guy works jews into every song on every CD: it doesn't even piss me off: i just want to laugh.

britney spears: stupid jew.

beethoven: stupid wigwearing jew.

master p: stupid black jew.

:err: it's pathetic.
I have a friend is into U.O. big time. (Ultima Online) And he was selling a house on there and a guy (screen name: fullofhate) asked how much, and he told the guy the price and the guy just started. He said, "What are you my pals. I bet you have a Jew wife. You fucking make me sick. I happy that your country is being bomb. Fuck all of you."

My friend was like---> :yow:

Then you can check profile identities, and he checked it and the guy had this big long thing about how he was a Nazi and in the KKK in Germany or some shit. Nuts, huh?!
You call that a disturbing E-mail . Try gettin hatemail , e-mails from friends thinkin they are gonna kill themselves (and not reading the message tell 3 weeks after they sent it) . Try gettin E-mails from girlfriends that want to end it , and not getting a chance to read them , then showing up to there doorstep and hearing something like " What the hell are you doin here , didn't you get my e-mail"
I meen what do you say to that .


Goddamn sick.

In Finland we have a chain of grocery stores called the "K-Market" (stupid Finnish translation of K-Mart? I dunno..) and they have four "sizes" of stores, the smallest have one "K" and the largest has four "K"s in the name.

You can imagine how much confusion or amusement it stirs up in foreigners when they see the "KKK Market". :rolleyes:
Originally posted by _Transparent_
i think its disgusting:mad: , but i dont hate people for their beliefs in christianity, hinduism, budhism etc. and although this mans beliefs aren't religious in a sense, they are still his views and although its disgusting hes intitled to hold his own views, as he has freedom of speech. maybe he should have a bit more tact or whatever though, bastard!!!!!!!!!:mad:

theres freedom of speech and theres being a liar and bastard! hows that gonna look when someone reads that and think opeth are racist:mad: , im pissed off:mad: :mad:
Goddamn sick. In Finland we have a chain of grocery stores called the "K-Market" and they have four "sizes" of stores, the smallest have one "K" and the largest has four "K"s in the name. You can imagine how much confusion or amusement it stirs up in foreigners when they see the "KKK Market". :rolleyes:

NO SHIT?! :lol:

BTW, Oyo, I don't have an account on UO. Sounds really interesting though, but awfully addictive. I've already got one online addiction :grin: can't have another. They're making so the houses on there refresh automatically for the rest of the year I hear. Some like it, some are selling their accounts because that's all they do is gather the goodies from fallen houses. Which boat are you in?
Originally posted by Opet
Goddamn sick. In Finland we have a chain of grocery stores called the "K-Market" and they have four "sizes" of stores, the smallest have one "K" and the largest has four "K"s in the name. You can imagine how much confusion or amusement it stirs up in foreigners when they see the "KKK Market". :rolleyes:

NO SHIT?! :lol:

:lol: wow, lets take a picture outside the KKK mart beating up a person in them hood things, or have a protest outside it. but another funny thing like that is in a spanish lesson we got work sheets with people in those KKK dress thingys and hoods, and although they are meant to be religious clothes for ceremonies it looked like those KKK clothes too :lol: , and lets just say a few people got upset and started arguing. (although i think that was just to waste time in an otherwise boring lesson :grin: )