Question for Yahoo! Mail Users - Spam Whitelist?


Metal Mistress
Feb 4, 2006
Baltimore, MD - USA
A question about avoiding good messages getting tossed out with the :Spam: :

After seeing the message from Glenn on the main board about Gold Badges and the e-mail he sent out, I found his e-mail in my spam box for my Yahoo! mail. I made sure to add him to my Yahoo! address book thinking that would prevent further incidents of his messages being tossed in with the spam.

Since then I've noticed that even messages that I Cc: myself on (meaning I'm basically e-mailing myself) are going into my spam box. I even have my own e-mail and everything in my Yahoo! address book and this is still happening. I looked for a white-list option for spam, but could not find one.

Does anyone know if Yahoo! (the basic free version) has a white-list option? How do I access it?
go to your bulk mail section and above where your messages are you should see something called turn spamguard off or something like that, see if that works.

if you need a screen shot lemme kno
go to your bulk mail section and above where your messages are you should see something called turn spamguard off or something like that, see if that works.

if you need a screen shot lemme kno

I know how to turn off the SpamGaurd, but then everything will come into my inbox. I was hoping for something more like a white-list that would allow me to create a list of e-mail addresses that should never get tossed in the spam folder. There's a black list option, but not a white list option as far as I can tell. Oh well. That appears to be the only option and I don't give out that e-mail address that much so I don't get a lot of spam anyway. I guess I can just leave the spam filter off for now.

I'd dump Yahoo mail and get a gmail account. Seriously, it's got great spam filtering, and you can access it with POP3 (ie use Outlook, or Outlook Express)
anywhere you can get an internet connection. If you need an invite, let me know, I'll send you one...