People with Yahoo email or ID accounts or eBay accounts should read this.


Nov 21, 2001
Sorry for this posting, but this is important.

Yahoo has set all it's user preferences for "user marketing offers" (or spam) to yes. eBay is going to do the same from what I've heard.

You should set your user marketing preferences on your YahooID back to no unless you like spam e-mails. :)

Here is how to do it:
1) Login to Yahoo! at
2) Go to your Account Information (may require logging in again)
3) Under "Member Information" click on the link that says "Edit your marketing preferences."
4) For every option under your Marketing Preferences, select NO.
5) Click on [Save Changes]
6) Log-out.

You should also erase your address and phone number from your account/ID (or put in fake ones) as they can use them to send offers to you by mail or telephone if you don't change the preferences (and they may do something like this again in the future).

As for eBay, monitor your account and its set preferences. I don't know when that one will come into effect or how to change it.

I just wanted to post this because I know a lot of people have Yahoo or eBay accounts and spam is not good.
Well, yahoo is also closing access to pop3 mail accounts and ftp (through geoshitties) -if i got this right- unless you pay a subscription. They will do this from the 24th April. Yahoo sucks.
well but yahoo has kept the mailing lists for free till now....and I use them quite a lot!!!
as for ebay, I'll have to check it out, I simply LOVE ebay :)
there got my original Moonclad Reflection and many other great stuff :)
They hadn't changed my settings, although I have gotten a lot of spam lately, like the last 2-3 weeks.