
Dec 12, 2005

The existence of “race” has been questioned, - yet the existence of ETHNIC DIVERSITY is undisputed.

"We found an enormous amount of diversity within and between the African populations, and we found much less diversity in non-African populations,"

Africa has always been a war-ravaged continent. Can there ever be peace in Africa?

Study paints bleak picture of ethnic diversity.
“His [Harvard Professor Robert Putnam’s] research shows that the more diverse a community is, the less likely its inhabitants are to trust anyone – from their next-door neighbour to the mayor.”

So perhaps the question should be: Can there ever be peace anywhere ever again, thanks to immigration? And: how long until we have the same violence and corruption over the whole world?

Discrimination and Ethnic Nepotism
“We all discriminate all the time.”
“An abundance of research has shown that people tend to give preferential treatment to others who are genetically similar to themselves, whether they’re actual blood relatives or simply share an ethnic background.”

How well we treat others depends upon how much such behavior benefits copies of our genes . “Kin selection theory predicts that animals are more likely to behave altruistically towards their relatives than towards unrelated members of their species.”
Science agrees: “The importance of kinship for the evolution of altruism is very widely accepted today, on both theoretical and empirical grounds.”

We should not fight nature or try to change nature. The more homogeneous a society is the more peaceful it is. History proves this time and time again, yet this is a modern heresy.

The consequences of not facing these facts can only be catastrophic.
I am always reminded of this 1987 Classic slice of wisdom via Pete from "Carnivore" :

"Xenophobic tenedencies instilled in us at birth-
Are mislabled racism, hostilities getting worse-
Accept the fact my distant cousin we cannot live in peace-
Isolated environments may just be the key-

Human beings suspicious, soon fear grows to hate-
We'll have each other by the throat when forced to integrate-
Mothers watch their children die at each others hand-
Cain and Abel set the course, ethnocentric command-"

...ah, the oldies!!:kickass:
Your cause is lost......

Only in the West...the rest of the world looks out for their interest. In fact, even non whites in the West look out for their interest, even though they are attacked by people with multiracial agendas. But it is only a matter of time before tribal loyalties take over everyone.
Yeah, you are right, that was VERY recent:lol: :rolleyes: The world hasn't changed much since 27 BC, has it?

You asked 'when'...without giving any timeline. You also said 'but since when has there been peace ANYWHERE to begin with?' Yes the world has changed a lot…many thanks to the Greeks and Romans and their academia being rediscovered centuries later by other Europeans such as the northern Italians, Germans, British etc. The works of the best and brightest thinkers of the classical world were deliberately suppressed by European Christendom, if you possessed academia from antiquity that could have been a trip to the inquisition and then you could have been burnt at the stake.
Only in the West...the rest of the world looks out for their interest. In fact, even non whites in the West look out for their interest, even though they are attacked by people with multiracial agendas. But it is only a matter of time before tribal loyalties take over everyone.

I guess its just human nature........

The existence of “race” has been questioned, - yet the existence of ETHNIC DIVERSITY is undisputed.

"We found an enormous amount of diversity within and between the African populations, and we found much less diversity in non-African populations,"

Africa has always been a war-ravaged continent. Can there ever be peace in Africa?

Study paints bleak picture of ethnic diversity.
“His [Harvard Professor Robert Putnam’s] research shows that the more diverse a community is, the less likely its inhabitants are to trust anyone – from their next-door neighbour to the mayor.”

So perhaps the question should be: Can there ever be peace anywhere ever again, thanks to immigration? And: how long until we have the same violence and corruption over the whole world?

Discrimination and Ethnic Nepotism
“We all discriminate all the time.”
“An abundance of research has shown that people tend to give preferential treatment to others who are genetically similar to themselves, whether they’re actual blood relatives or simply share an ethnic background.”

How well we treat others depends upon how much such behavior benefits copies of our genes . “Kin selection theory predicts that animals are more likely to behave altruistically towards their relatives than towards unrelated members of their species.”
Science agrees: “The importance of kinship for the evolution of altruism is very widely accepted today, on both theoretical and empirical grounds.”

We should not fight nature or try to change nature. The more homogeneous a society is the more peaceful it is. History proves this time and time again, yet this is a modern heresy.

The consequences of not facing these facts can only be catastrophic.

:lol: :lol:
YOU WHAT !?????????

wouldnt you feel more at home posting on s t o r m f r o n t darlin ???