Divina Enema

Ermm... I don't know how Off-Vintersorgish we get around here, but on Opeth board we just ramble about whatever, so I will do that until someone yells at me.

Does anyone here like Divina Enema? They are a lesserknown band from Belarus. I guess you could say they kind of sound like Arcturus, but they have their own kwazy sound. They are well worth checking out, and I was curious as to if anyone here has their first CD, or knows where it can be bought. I have At the Conclave and am anxiously awaiting their next release which has three samples available.


I would recommend checking out Handful of Hay, and Gargoyles Ye Rose Aloft.

Hehe, Divina Enema are weird. I think it was
Soulburner (as usual...? >:eek:P) that
recommended them to me. If I listen to them
too much in one go I get all messed up in my
head, so I have to take them in small dozes >:eek:P
But they're good, and very special :eek:)
I jump to the Opeth board occasionally, since, well, Opeth is my favorite band of all time, but too many people over there are too antagonistic. Starting shit just for the sake of seeing people get worked up. I'm not saying most people do that, but too many. It still feels like a group of strangers than a group of friends. Which is what we have here.
god forbid we end up like the Opeth board, as the regulars there seem to like it OYO hehe....but lets keep the Vintersorg board as it is.....

as for Divine Enema.......never heard them and their kwayzy sound! Are they indeed as KWAYZY as you say???
Yes, we like our Opeth board. It is an interesting place, it used to be like this board here, but it got bigger. In getting bigger you meet more people and the chaos and kwaziness increases, which can be good and bad.

I'm not trying to change this board at all, but if it keeps getting bigger, it will change :D

I don't make pointless threads or posts here either, something that I ruv to do on the Opeth offtopic section :D

Sometimes a thread about fuzzy kittens is more enjoyable than a deep discussion :lol:

O, and Divina Enema. They aren't just kwazy, they make incredible music. At the Conclave is set up like a play, there are about ten characters, and the vocalist reads their lines in different voices. It has a very classical feel to it, while still being very metal, it's verymuch worth checking out :D
Actually! I should've known you like Divina Enema,
Oyo! :eek:) Cause you're like that in your head, at
least it seems like it >;oP Don't get offended or
anything now! Lol. but you seem sort of ....what's
the word.... grrr...can't fint the right word!!!!!

Well, it seems like you have a very fast, funny and
a bit stressed way of thinging... But you might be
totally relaxed :eek:) Just, all your funny posts on the
Opethboard makes me think you're not >:eek:P Hehe...
Always makes me laugh :eek:)
That damn board has become too damn big for me!
and some people seem to have way too much time and way too little imagination to use that time to some other things than posting on Opeth forum..
but that forum has it's moments, it's just that I'm often too lazy to search for them through loads of uninteresting shi.. posts :)