SATYRICON - Nemesis Divina (guitar sound)


Jun 6, 2007
Hi guys! :kickass:

Have anyone know what did they use to achieve their guitar sound (amps, cabinets)? I like this album a lot and I'm recording a band playing stuff like that at the moment and they want to sound like Nemesis Divina... so I'm curious what Satyricon have used :) What do you think, guys? :kickass: Maybe someone know? :D
I know they've been using Mesa heads since Rebel Extravaganza (so 1999). What they played prior to that I don't know, I do remember some pictures with marshalls but you never know if that actually ended up on a record.
I know they used a Mesa Stiletto on their latest album, The Age Of Nero, which is excellent-sounding, with great songs, and highly recommended if you haven't checked it out yet.

As for Nemesis Divina, I'm not sure, they were less popular then and not documented as well as they are now. Satyricon have always loved lots of mids in the guitars, so I'm sure you can get the sound with a 5150. Try plugging straight in, no pedals, go for the raw sound of the amp. That seems to be their deal, very pure and raw, should be relatively easy to obtain that sound, a lot of it is in the picking attack too.
I know they used a Mesa Stiletto on their latest album, The Age Of Nero, which is excellent-sounding, with great songs, and highly recommended if you haven't checked it out yet.

Do you think so? The drum production is really nice but I think the guitars are a bit harsh and tiresome to the ears and most of the songs are pretty boring. I've never really liked the guitar sounds Satyricon go for so this might just be a difference in taste. Songwritingwise I think they've gone downhill after Volcano. I like how they try to simplify things and not overplay anything, but they're no Celtic Frost and it just ends up sounding boring to me on the last two records (with some exceptions however, songs like the Pentagram Burns and My Skin is Cold are pretty kick ass).

As for Nemesis Divina, I'm not sure, they were less popular then and not documented as well as they are now. Satyricon have always loved lots of mids in the guitars, so I'm sure you can get the sound with a 5150. Try plugging straight in, no pedals, go for the raw sound of the amp. That seems to be their deal, very pure and raw, should be relatively easy to obtain that sound, a lot of it is in the picking attack too.

Think this approach should definitely get you on the way. Just listened to the record for the first time in a very long while and I agree you could definitely achieve that kind of sound with a 5150.
Hey I had an audition with Satyricon a couple of years back, I got to know them fairly well and asked my fair share of questions lol

They used peavey 5150 (they stopped using them when Mesa started paying them basically lol)

cab wise it was Marshall 1960 lead cab, this is partly the reason my rig consists of the above I love the 5150/1960 together.

Satyr had mention to me that the guitar tone on the albums is due to alot of post eq. I dont think its a sound your going to manage to replicate live im afraid!

I've played with them live and it was stright into a triple rec and standard mesa rec cab.
That are some nice insights, thanks for sharing. Do you know whether they used the 1960 cab with 75 watt speakers or with vintage 30s btw?

Most have been a great band to play live with, the times I saw them live they were very tight and energetic on stage.
satyricon crushes man!

i saw them open from cradle of filth recently and they displayed incredible musicianship. the guitars did not fuck up one note i sware to god they were so precise and their tone was unbelievable. :notworthy

i think it has a lot to do with the fact that they are highly skilled musicians with sweet guitars but i'm sure u can acheive a similar tone with any ol thang' running into a 5150, compressor and eq.:rock:
I think they just did the wall of guitars thing really well on that album. the individual guitars sound like they are EQed to sound really thin by themselves. also when you hear a single guitar playing a part it sounds like a lot of room mixed in.