Do any of you do this?


Jun 10, 2008
Get really fucked up, come home, get on the forums, go to the off topic section, type out something long and completely fucking crazy for like 5 minutes straight, only to just close out the page without posting it anyway?

No? Oh, me either.
Well I do this all the time even when I'm not drunk. I delete most of the stuff I've written because I think it may be offensive to someone or just nonsense.
I have a really good "self editor" that is always sitting on my shoulder that tries not to make an ass out of me, even after a few drinks, it still seems to operate quite well. Does this mean I don;t type out lengthy replies to threads that generally I would not get involved with and then just think better of it? Nope - I do do that even when I don't drink (to be honest - If I drink the equivalent of a case and a half of beer in a year it's a surprising thing - I drink wine maybe once a week with my wife, never drink any hard alcohol).

I have no interest in starting or really participating in drama that I add nothing too. If I think my opinion has some validity and may provide a differing view I might add something to an 'Off-Topic" thread, but despite liking reading some of the threads here I tend to skip over the majority, especially some of the long running ones.