Do any other countries have bullshit Hip Hop culture like USA?

Oct 5, 2003
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I love the USA but for fucks sake I can't fuckign take the hip hop culture bullshit that is shoved down our throats. Driving down the street and pulling up to white guys and girls blasting 'nigga' this 'nigga' that, bass hittin all hard in their lowerd cars. What the fuck is wrong with these people? All this mass produced hip hop is fuckin total garbage. I get so angry when I see stupid fucks driving down the street blasting rap out of their cars.

Is this hip hop bullshit culture in other countries besides the USA?
The_Great_WV_Trendkill said:
aghh, i HATE rap so damn much

I not just hate the music I hate the culture even more. You know.. the black guys that have their pants sagged down to their knees, gold chains, speaking in ebonics, making their race look like a bunch of fools. Then you get middle class white kids running around acting like they are black. To make it worse these talentless losers make millions of dollars because fuckin stupid fucking white america goes out and buys this garbage.

What ever happened to the days when artists that wrote and played their own music made all the money?

Fuck I can't stand it I seriously get so angry with it all
The hip-hop scene in Sweden is ok, a lot of crap but at least they diss the bling-bling and fake gangstah-stuff.

Speaking of horrible "music". I remember all the euro-techno shit that infeste Europe about 12 years ago. Horrible, however they should do a where are they now about those "artists".
Well no we ain;t got it like that....we do have some of those africans trying to imitate the US hip Hop culture, but most of the time that only goes as far as clothing...
I don´t care too much about this scene (as for scenes in general) but I don´t think that the situation here in Austria is similar to the American one. There is something like an Hip Hop culture indeed, but it isn´t much about imitating American Hip Hoppers, many groups and artists are rhyming in German and try to do their own thing. The "I wanna be a ghetto nigga" phenomenon (white boys making fools of themselves) is present, but not to the extent described by ironmaidenfan.
spacebeer said:
Well no we ain;t got it like that....we do have some of those africans trying to imitate the US hip Hop culture, but most of the time that only goes as far as clothing...

In Czech it's quite the same as in the Netherlands I guess...but mostly it's not Africans but "wiggers".
Who cares, people will latch on to a style they like, whatever the fuck that may be
Every time some suburban white jerk off drives around in a lowerd car pumpin 2500 hundred watts of bass I don't want to kick him in the teeth. Want I really want to do is ruin his day in such a way he will never forgert me. Then again a kick to the teeth is hard to forget. I want a mini van loaded with a wall of tweeters. This way when I pull up to this wigga at a light I can open the side door and blast him with some opera or Maiden and shatter everwindow in his car. All this while rockin a mullet.
prime666 said:
Every time some suburban white jerk off drives around in a lowerd car pumpin 2500 hundred watts of bass I don't want to kick him in the teeth. Want I really want to do is ruin his day in such a way he will never forgert me. Then again a kick to the teeth is hard to forget. I want a mini van loaded with a wall of tweeters. This way when I pull up to this wigga at a light I can open the side door and blast him with some opera or Maiden and shatter everwindow in his car. All this while rockin a mullet.

:tickled: :tickled: Classic. THis is going in the signature.

btw, i hate wiggaz. I'll kick the shit out of all of them for some of prime's bourbon.

That's why I listen to metal!

in fact it's a double-edged sword:
In Austria (and Germany) there are many gangsta-rap-idiots copying the US Stars. They've much success. Kids love these "bad boys from the hood".
They all suck! Bad image, bad words, jail, shitty trousers, weed, etc.
But some guys really take it serious: Good, authentic lyrics, good music, own style, and NO carnival. But most of them don't get famous.
There's some German and French rap I rather liked, but it wasn't gangsta posturing (MC Solaar, for example). There's a HUGE hip-hop underground all over the world that has nothing to do with MTV bling-bling gangsta bullshit.

freakbrother: frightening picture. New Kids of the 21st century.