Political discussions and other rants about useless things like culture

My god, the PVV want leftists to stop "bashing" them, but they make it so damn easy! They have suggested to Uri Rosenthal, our (incompetent) FM, that we should assist Israel in building a railway which runs through the West Bank of the Jordan river. That is, a railway that is illegal by international law. The PVV wants the Netherlands to assist Israel in committing war crimes. Way to go!
:yuk: This guy makes me sick, how has he not violated the free speech clause in the Bill of Rights? I mean I know Americans can pretty much say whatever they want but he broke into slanderous territory with his hate-mongering Islamophobia.
People like Geert Wilders are the whole point behind free speech. Sometimes there are hard but controversial truths that we want to speak. Sometimes we want to spew hatred and filth. It is not the job of government to distinguish between the two.

It is a core American principal that the answer to speech is more speech. Yes, that jackass has the freedom to grace us with as much oral defecation as humanly possible. Your right to speak infinitely against his filth is similarly unlimited. All you have to do is spread the good word, and the sometimes subtle goodness and lust for truth of mankind will align itself to the right side.
Well that's the funny thing about him. He constantly tries (and sometimes succeeds!) to ban lectures etc. that criticise him too much. When the NRC Handelsblad, which is probably the best newspaper in TN, had a not-so-positive article about the PVV he called the paper a gossip magazine, purely longing for sensation etc. The PVV usually get their articles from the Telegraaf, which is known as the biggest sensation paper in TN. If Kaddafi killed another 100 civillians and Britney Spears broke a fingernail, the fingernail would probably be on the front page.

So Wilders' notion of free speech: free speech, but only for me.
I know that he has his free speech, as all americans do, but he went pass the point of appropriate free speech as he is infringing on the rights of others and does so in such a mendacious way that it violates the law, but as Max said no one cares what this bloke does or will even hear about it because we will be too busy raving over Justin Bieber getting a new haircut and news like that.
hmm very interesting indeed Max. you a bigger fan of lefter or righter politics?

Left, absolutely. I vote for GreenLeft, which is, as the name suggests, a left wing and green party. It's not left wing in a conservative way though, as the SP (Socialist Party) is and some standpoints of the PVV are concerning social security. It once emerged from a few very small parties (I think in 1990): CPN (Communist Party Netherlands), PSP (Pacifist Socialist Party) and some other small parties. It has no bonds with communism whatsoever anymore though, I think the current course would best be described as social-liberal-progressive.

For more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GreenLeft