metal + food culture =true

Sep 14, 2007
ok my hard rockin´ amigos,this is the thread where you praise the country which in your opinion has the best and worst food culture.
Me,i bow down to the italian chefs,fucking superb combination of taste and second favourite would be the Vietnamese kitchen,if you like spicy food,check it out!

so which do i consider worst then?
england,the country with the most cooking tv-shows in the world,is
ironically probably the worst food country in the world with their fat dripping sausages and fish and chips.Likewise with america(is mcdonalds even considered a food-culture?)

anyway,this was my opinions,and english and americans,no hard feelings:D,you´re allowed to disrespect the swedish kitchen as well if you like:)
Best eating culture:Chinese food,I really like my mom's home-cooking.numberous kinds of cooking make you clear that any kind of vegetables could be cooked any taste you like,and any form!!!still remain high nutrition.Remember,come to CHINA to eat real chinese food.

worst:I think it should be the fastfood.
I love chinese food, but i have never been ti China to taste real chinese food.
I also love Italian food. Belgian food is not bad either.
And swedish meatballs rules. :headbang:

For the worst: I'd say America and England (i hate those thin slices of roastbeef and that kind of brown sauce...).
Best: Chinese food/Good old english food.

People think english food they think battered mars bars (Which ironically is scottish) and dodgy fish and chips.

Gotta love Sheppards Pie, Toad in the hole, Full-English and roast dinner.

Worst: McDonalds etc. Doesn't even fill you up.
Indian food is fucking superb; different spices, wildly different colorings, it's all completely badass (if not a little hot)!

The award for worst would definitely be England and America. England pours salt and vinegar over every damn thing (disgusting in its own right), and eel pie? wtf!?. And even if you wanted to eat super healthy in America, in most areas the good food is so overpriced, you have no other option but to buy the crao made out of cardboard and salt.
The award for worst would definitely be England and America. England pours salt and vinegar over every damn thing (disgusting in its own right), and eel pie? wtf!?.

WTF at you man.

Most people don't even put vinegar on chips, let alone everything. And only generic londers eat jellied eels, or eels in general.

Facts straight pl0x.
I love Italian, Mexican, and Chinese food, but my favorite is steak and shrimp, and I'm not sure that has a "parent" culture.

Worst food culture: McDonald's is definatly up there.
WTF at you man.

Most people don't even put vinegar on chips, let alone everything. And only generic londers eat jellied eels, or eels in general.

Facts straight pl0x.

I have facts counting a quarter of my aunts family (married in) are from England; all 20 of them have disgusting eating habits.

Also, England still has better eating habits than America; look at all the indian resturaunts you guys have! :dopey:
American food is great. American food is really just other cultures food reinvented over here. The best pizza in the world is made in N.Y.C. American chinese food is awsome. BBQ is F*CKING God, nothing like Texas beef brisket, BBQ ribs & chicken. Fried Chicken, french fries. as far as the worst? not sure I know some cultures consume insects. Korea has a dish where you consume live octopus tentacles, I'm very open minded with food. I know you brits eat some strange stuff like black pudding and tripe, but I'm not one to judge since I have never tried it.
Blackcore: have you ever eaten "boulets à la Liègeoise"? mmm delicious!

Mexican food is awesome! The best one I had was when I was in the US for my exchange year, there was a small place run by mexicans, where all the mexican people of the town would come and ask for their food in spanish. Thas about the only thing i miss from that place where I stayed!

Fish and chips is quite good actually. But roastbeef is :puke: .I only like roastbeef when my mom cooks it (the slices are not so thin, and no brown sauce, only cooking juice)

One thing I like about autum is that a lot of good food comes with it: pumpin soup, corn, venison (with a sauce calle "grand veneur" in French, i cant find any translation for it.)
And in Germany we will soon have gingerbread (Lebkuchen in German) :headbang:

I am hungry now...
American food is great. American food is really just other cultures food reinvented over here. The best pizza in the world is made in N.Y.C. American chinese food is awsome. BBQ is F*CKING God, nothing like Texas beef brisket, BBQ ribs & chicken. Fried Chicken, french fries. as far as the worst? not sure I know some cultures consume insects. Korea has a dish where you consume live octopus tentacles, I'm very open minded with food. I know you brits eat some strange stuff like black pudding and tripe, but I'm not one to judge since I have never tried it.

i dont know man,i agree pan pizza is pretty good but have you tried eating pizza in Napoli Italy?They probably stand in a level of their own
i also want to praise the swedish kitchen,tons of good sea food and crabs and stuff here.And we have surströmming which is rotten harring in a salt bath,probably the highest gastronomic experience you can have in sweden
i dont know man,i agree pan pizza is pretty good but have you tried eating pizza in Napoli Italy?They probably stand in a level of their own

I'm going to take a guess and say that their pizza is pretty thin, am I right? I know the original roman pizza was very thin, and could be cooked in about 30 seconds, and it was garnished with all kinds of herbs and spices... I really really really really want to try one!
I'm going to take a guess and say that their pizza is pretty thin, am I right? I know the original roman pizza was very thin, and could be cooked in about 30 seconds, and it was garnished with all kinds of herbs and spices... I really really really really want to try one!

yeah that can probably variate but my girlfriends brother works making pizza there and yes they are pretty thin,and they are pretty wide too