the influence of "black culture"

Darth Kur said:
Did you even bother to read the information on those links? YES or NO?
yes i read it, laughing all the way. i deleted the extraneous part of the quoted post for clarity.

your "info" comes from sources that are all very clearly and openly biased and therefore they are illegitimate. "Stormfront" is a White Nationalist organization, and so is "National Vanguard". as well, they have done no research. the research they reference is undocumented if it is even present at all. they are not scientists. their views on the subject matter are CLEARLY biased, and they have nothing. basically, you've linked a whole lot of Bullshit. :wave:

and i'm baffled by you calling me "leftist" as if i have any correlation to the left, right, middle, up, or down of politics. i think for myself, i am an affiliate of no party, no regime, and no "side" but my own. once again, you patronize and assume incorrectly when you really know jack about me.

PS: yes that is me in my avatar. i'm sure that attack came from insecurity.
Bad rap is not "black culture". Langston Hughes, jazz music, and Martin Luther King, Jr. are black culture. Bad rap is no culture. If it wasn't for MLK and the other civil rights leaders, I would be either dead from lynching, a slave, or living in a third world country; so would all my minority brethren. If it wasn't for Black jazz music, METAL wouldn't exist.
I find it amusing how many stereotypical angry and bitter metalheads have posted in this thread.

So you don't like rap, big fucking deal. A lot of people don't like metal, how would you feel if someone said all metal and metal culture should be eradicated? How do you feel when some religious nut condemns metal?

If you don't like rap, ignore it and listen to music you DO enjoy instead of propogating negativity. Damn, it's no wonder metal isn't more popular, what with all the angry fans.
Darth Kur said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I KNEW IT! You're just a stupid little impressionable kid. I assume that's you in your new avatar. Now I feel more sorry for you than anything. You're just another victim of the Z.O.G. propaganda machine.
Listen sonny, I figured you'd just discount all of the proof I supplied you just on the account of where it's from. If you bothered to look you would have seen that the information is backed by a vast amount of different sources.
I also noticed you didn't and couldn't refute those quotes from your great book of lies.
Just answer one question. No x-tian rhetoric, no leftist programmed responses and no bullshit side tracking. Did you even bother to read the information on those links? Just a simple yes or no. No other frivolous tripe is required. YES or NO?

so, let me guess, Varg is your hero isnt he?

look pal, do yourself a favor and go listen to some Dream Theater, and Symphony X.
wayne the goblin/robot said:
so, let me guess, Varg is your hero isnt he?

look pal, do yourself a favor and go listen to some Dream Theater, and Symphony X.

I second that.
We all need to chill out and listen to some quality music and stop our bickering because it is quite pointless arguing about something as stupid and ignorant as this.
I'm really sick and tired of coming onto metal forums and hearing ignorant people complain about "how crap rap is". As far as I can see, most of these people have never listened to any hip hop other than the drivel fed to us by MTV. Judging this entire genre by this is like saying that metal is crap just because you don't like Avril Lavigne. Look a little further into the genre and you may be pleasantly surprised with some of the creative and talented stuff you can find.
black people had a huge part in pioneering blues and rock guitar. It doesn't matter to me, but i just kinda wonder if these kids now days even know that or care.