the influence of "black culture"

you may be through with me, but i am not through with your failure to see beyond your own perspective.

i am completely aware of your "references" and what you claim i "fail to see" and am "blind to".

you simply cannot seem to comprehend that someone would still hold views such as mine despite you. i suggest you start getting over that fact right now, it'll be easier in the long run when others don't share your view on topics.

no matter what you post, and no matter how many times it includes "fuck" and "x-stain" you will never convince me that Jesus is not God, that God is not real, or that (in the case of this thread) one race is superior to another. these things i have studied and i cannot accept such fallacy based on what i am aware of to this point.

propagandize all you want crusader of science, you cannot convert me. this is something key that the crusaders of old should have realized. you cannot claim the soul of a being who does not give it to your cause. if they do not arrive at your doorstep unsolicited and unprovoked, they will never truly believe in your cause because you either forced them to it against their will or you have misled them, and it will become aparent in time. that is why you have failed.
Smarkum said:
that's "thread" :lol:

You really are an ignorant little bastard, aren't you? Nice to see you're most intelligent contribution to this discussion was to point out a couple typographical errors. Way to go genius.
Not that I owe you the slightest explanation but I was furious and typing fast and then didn't bother to proof read my posts thoroughly.
Grow the hell up you moron.
Darth Kur said:
your arguments in this thread are rather representative of that picture. you have made not one single claim with substantial evidence. claims without evidence are unfounded propaganda.
It still amazes me that some "people" can still feign ignorance when a plethora of hard cold facts have been presented to them. The only explanation is that they are either selectively blind through indoctrination of leftist propaganda or they do see it but willingly choose to ignore it and "pretend" not to see it. That, as far as I'm concerned, makes them bald faced liars. Just emulating their zionist masters I suppose.
Darth Kur said:
It still amazes me that some "people" can still feign ignorance when a plethora of hard cold facts have been presented to them. The only explanation is that they are either selectively blind through indoctrination of leftist propaganda or they do see it but willingly choose to ignore it and "pretend" not to see it. That, as far as I'm concerned, makes them bald faced liars. Just emulating their zionist masters I suppose.
incorrect. i am not feigning ignorance, i am calling out and questioning your lack of evidence. i have no masters. left, right, it makes no difference. i consider myself independent, i have no political allegiance but to my self.

i believe it is you who is blind, blind to everything but whatever foolish nonsense was beat into you. present me even one piece of evidence for _anything_ you say.
cold and hard it may be, but truth?? surely you jest. that is laughable. :lol:

your source comes from an organization "National Vanguard" who has such wonderously bad photoshop jobs of white power propaganda that the few intelligent remarks to be found are vastly overshadowed by incredible stupidity. propaganda indeed. just look at the front page, let alone any of their "articles".

i stand by my claim that you have presented nothing of value to this discussion to this point. at least in your latest post you presented SOMETHING besides enraged insulting and patronizing. however, your source is _clearly_ strongly biased on the issue and intends to spread false propaganda to further their cause. there is no research or documentation for any of the claims except faulty logic and "because we say so" attitudes.
Bullshit. And a typical response from a hardcore lemming. Live your lives staring blankly at the ass of the lemmings in front of you as you all head towards your inevitable doom as you'll fall off the precipice that you refuse to see.
All you goddamn sheeple make me sick. Each and every thing on that report can be looked up as stated on there. Don't expect me to do your my pals work for you. Do it your christ fucking self, you brainless mongoloid.
Darth Kur said:
Don't expect me to do your my pals work for you. Do it your christ fucking self, you brainless mongoloid.
this is exactly the racist, biased stupidity i quote your source presenting. therefore, it is a void argument.

if you want to prove that racial differences exist, and that one is superior to another, show me DNA reports. there are none. furthermore, you stoop to insulting me and everyone else you argue with in _every_ post, because you yourself are aware you have nothing more to say besides "yo mamma"
You're use of my pals slang proves your stupidity. Oh for shame, I used the dreaded "N" word. That means everything I state is a lie (note extreme sarcasm). But that's what your gay liberal and x-tain masters program you with isn't it? But then again, Massachusetts boy, you have nothing against homo's do you? That makes you a fucking hypocrite!
Romans - 1:26-27 Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
Leviticus - 18:23 do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman: that is detestable.

But you don't have a problem with that, right Boston boy? When are you and your boyfriend going to get married? Perhaps you can all go and have a great big circle jerk together with Ted Kennedy and John Kerry while you're at it.

All that aside, sunshine, here's a cornucopia of PROOF! Read them if you DARE.

Even a complete blind, incompetent fool such as yourself can't deny all of that.
Darth Kur said:
You're use of my pals slang proves your stupidity. Oh for shame, I used the dreaded "N" word. That means everything I state is a lie (note extreme sarcasm). But that's what your gay liberal and x-tain masters program you with isn't it? But then again, Massachusetts boy, you have nothing against homo's do you? That makes you a fucking hypocrite!


Darth Kur said:
Romans - 1:26-27 Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
Leviticus - 18:23 do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman: that is detestable.
well, at least that spittle was a little enlightening
Darth Kur said:
But you don't have a problem with that, right Boston boy? When are you and your boyfriend going to get married? Perhaps you can all go and have a great big circle jerk together with Ted Kennedy and John Kerry while you're at it.

All that aside, sunshine, here's a cornucopia of PROOF! Read them if you DARE.




man I can NOT wait until your inbred white ass gets sent to jail for whatever supremecist violence you are breeding in the world and some big black guy makes you his best girl
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I KNEW IT! You're just a stupid little impressionable kid. I assume that's you in your new avatar. Now I feel more sorry for you than anything. You're just another victim of the Z.O.G. propaganda machine.
Listen sonny, I figured you'd just discount all of the proof I supplied you just on the account of where it's from. If you bothered to look you would have seen that the information is backed by a vast amount of different sources.
I also noticed you didn't and couldn't refute those quotes from your great book of lies.
Just answer one question. No x-tian rhetoric, no leftist programmed responses and no bullshit side tracking. Did you even bother to read the information on those links? Just a simple yes or no. No other frivolous tripe is required. YES or NO?