the influence of "black culture"

metu said:
Should I take my time to argue this last one point by point? Not tonight.

I'll go with the original topic. Calling it black culture even in quotes (well done on the quotes) is problematic. I understand what you mean, but I think you should look at the target audience for this movement which is, at its heart, a marketing scheme.

The desired effect is what you get.

If you want to get an impression of the real "black culture" of the United States, listen to some of their gospel music. That shit doesn't sell like guns and gold, (same everywhere) but it's the lynchpin of the culture of our ancestors' former slaves.
i agree. what these people are calling "black culture" isn't even african. its enjoyed by a growing number of caucasians and just about anyone who wants to fit in with the thug trend.

real "black" culture is, as metu put it, something unique in that only black people are a part of. there are so few nonblack gospel singers and fans, that if any kind of music scene is to be called black culture, gospel & blues would be it.

about what redaV_htraD said,
i think that is highly subjective and incapable of such sweeping judgment.
yes, china has not been "modernized" or technologically advanced until british colonial rule, however, that does not equate to the inferiority/superiority of their people. in fact, asians are well known to live much longer than "white" people because of their lifestyles and traditions that, for those 1000 years that you call "stagnation" has held them in high honor as one of (if not) the most philosophically and medically aware culture.
for example, lets take a major "white" nation as you like to call them: britain. in the past 1000 years, britain has endured plagues, wars, and constant need for conquest of other nations whose lifestyles and secrets they sought. in those same 1000 years, china has maintained a decent peaceful way of life and spiritual awareness. i could go on in more detail and use more examples, but my point is:
technology and industry are not the measure by which one judges a society. rather, their ideals, beliefs, and philosophy are more important. a full simple life is better spent than one wasted as just a cog in a vast corporate machine.

white or not, i do not think your argument holds any weight.
well I think would whe should rather insult rap/hiphop/r'n'b(doesn't matter is all the same any way) instead of saying things about "black people".
And to the question of if it's the same everywhere, yes all over the world the kids are spoiled even in Switzerland.
I admit a few years ago I listened to that crap too but luckily my brother "saved" me and now I listen to metal.
rap/hiphop/r'n'b are not actually the same. in fact, a lot of you probably have no prob with r'n'b. this big trend is mostly with hiphop and to a lesser extent rap. hiphop is the poppy version of rap, r'n'b is closer to soul & the blues.
I know that it "In theory" it isn't exactly the same but here in switzerland r'n'b is as much of a "plague" as hiphop and rap.
And who cares, I still hate it even though I must admit it isn't as terrible as the other two.
I agree that they're the same in their mainstream, market-driven form. Genres of music are not the problem. The problem is that bored teenagers with disposable income are such prime targets for the market.

We all know what sells... I sure eat it up... sex and violence. The added bling is for the rags to riches American (capitalist) dream. A dream which serves the market very well. As I don't see a difference between the influence of mainstream rap and r&b, I don't see the difference between the influence Beyonce and Brittany.

The phenomenon wasn't because Elvis was playing "black music." It was because he shook his hips in such a scandelous way on national television.

The NBA problem is harder for me to explain because I'm a music fanatic, but just a recreational sports fan. The problem with the NBA, though, lies in where the recruiting begins. Biggie Smalls once said, "either ya slingin' crack rock or ya got a wicked jumpshot." In many ways, that's true.

Along with the urban decay of the United States came an environment where kids are either cast aside or put on a pedestal. With the financial strife, the far too often broken families will raise one of their own as their one chance to make good on the American (capitalist) dream and, as the Jeffersons did, "get a delux appartment in the sky." When a kid is good enough in a bad enough neighborhood, almost everyone (family, coaches, principals, teachers, grocers, pastors...) looks at them and sees $$$.

The NBA feeds on this and recruits from highschools, but the overall recruitment process starts much younger.

It's the short-sighted material greed which permiates every marketplace in the world.

This problem is indeed a global one. It's not a problem of musical genres. (I'm very much in favor of Indonesians rapping. For one thing, they're good at it, for another, it's cheap.) It's a problem of inclusion. If your friends all go out to the club and you don't have enough money, you feel left out. If you do go to the club, there will probably be Indonesian music playing, and it almost definitely won't be Indonesian rap, but it will be the same garbage with the same motive and an Indonesian flavor to make it more appealing.

Also, it preceeds the WTO.

This is a major reason why ordinary people in so many countries hate the "West", in particular the U.S. They see letting our culture in at all as opening the floodgates. But it's short-sightedness rearing it's ugly head again.

Once you get past the mainstream, there's alot to be offered by the musical influence of the "West." If you can sample a sitar and rap in Hindi in the true tradition of rap (representation), you have my full support. If you're from Nepal, Cambodia, Namibia, or Honduras and want to tell me, and anyone who wants to listen, in a very straight-forward, no-nonsense way, what your neighborhood is like, you have my full support.

This is happening all over the world. This is what happens when you weed through the bullshit and find inspiration in the substance.

As I believe that mainstream r&b and rap are the same, I believe that underground rap and metal are the same.
live and let live I say. You don't like the culture? Ignore it. Why would what other people do with their lives bother me? I have an open enough mind to accept all walks of life. Its amazing the negative remarks this thread has contained, shocking so many people have these thoughts.
Life Sucks said:
really pisses me off. I don't know if this unfortunate trend is something specific to America, or if it has infected other nations as well. But I am sick of hip hop being the music that almost everyone listens to, and I hate how so many people look up to and try to immitate rappers and basketball players, who are actually no more than sub-simian thugs. Now, this isn't wholly a race thing, since African and Caribbean blacks aren't part of this culture, as well as even some American blacks, while there are countless white people that are. But this "culture" sucks and needs to be annihilated. Anyone else sick of the dominance of "black culture?"

Rap used to be cool. Stuff like Ice-T, NWA, Public Enemy, all the old hardcore shit. It's easy to see why some thrash bands saw them as kindred spirits. Nowdays it's gotten all pussified with R&B hooks and everybody trying to "out-stupid" each other.
redaV_htraD said:
Black Culture is an oxymoron. You can measure the value of a culture by how many people who are not part of that culture want to get in.

There is not now, nor has there ever been, a mass immigration to a "black" nation. Instead, blacks and other non-whites all want ot over run the white nations, and live off of welfare or whatever else they can get. Then only nations that have ever produced enough wealth and things of value to attract everyone else are the White nations.

Sadly, most white nations have been run by people who think it is compassionate to steal wealth and the products of civilization building from other white people, and give it to non-whites who did nothing to earn it. As a consequence, all white nations are in some form of decline as they are overrun by non-whites.


Even Asian nations are inferior. China stagnated for over 1000 years before the British made Hong Kong a rich port and the Aisans began to adopt the culture of "white" people. But even now the Chinese are moving in to Hong Kong, killing it off.

This is one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard. The things your saying are the principles that organization such as the Nazis and the KKK were and still are based on. I don't know if you're a part of either group but I personally despise both of them and all other similar groups.

I think your opinion couldn't be farther from the truth. I am white and not ashamed to be so but white nations have attempted to rule the entire world for thousands of years. White nations may have been the most successful but they have always been extremely megalomaniacal and power-hungry. This caused them to kill millions in an attempt to take over the earth. During the 1800's almost the entire world was ruled by european nations. This is one of the many problems that arises as the result of government. Non-white groups may never have had as much power as white nations did but at least they were free. I would personally rather be free than successful any day.

Very few blacks actually "immigrated" freely to the US. Most of them are the descendents of african slaves. Are they better off now? Probably, but they never actually chose to come here. Also, whites have always been present in non-white nations. During the 1800's most of Africa was controlled by white Europeans. They may not have "immigrated" there but they did take it over.
"A" for effort sonof, but I think you missed the mark. The post you quoted is meant to disrupt the conversation with the hopes that well meaning, but uninformed people will take the bate and give a weak argument. I mean no offense, but I think you've fallen into the trap. Redav has apparently fallen into what can be called an information movement. It's a propaganda campaign which is carefully crafted to support specific political goals and Redav's post is an example of the proponents' tactics.

I don't blame Redav for falling into this information movement. There are many such movements swarming the internet and a lot of good people, most of them teenagers, are falling into them. They have appeal for various reasons; one they have in common is simplicity. They take a few carefully selected examples and fill in the blanks in a way that they think will best suit their cause.

Here's how I suggest you handle those who are swept up into these movements.


"Black Culture is an oxymoron. You can measure the value of a culture by how many people who are not part of that culture want to get in."

How do you define culture? A vast portion of white America has been pretending that they were black for over a decade. Most of us have embraced their musical culture since the 50s.

"There is not now, nor has there ever been, a mass immigration to a "black" nation. Instead, blacks and other non-whites all want ot over run the white nations, and live off of welfare or whatever else they can get. Then only nations that have ever produced enough wealth and things of value to attract everyone else are the White nations."

People aren't moving to sub-Saharan Africa because the living conditions are worse there. Do they want to run our nations or do they want to live on welfare? They leave their homelands with the hope of providing better lives for their children. Wealth and things of value is exactly what the European colonists saught in foreign lands. Your logic is flawed.

"Sadly, most white nations have been run by people who think it is compassionate to steal wealth and the products of civilization building from other white people, and give it to non-whites who did nothing to earn it. As a consequence, all white nations are in some form of decline as they are overrun by non-whites."

Fortunately, most of the Americas and Europe is now being run by people who elect their representatives. There are many hard working people and many worthless people in all societies regardless of skin-tone. The European concept of aristocracy comes to mind as an example of an institution which supported worthless people for centuries. Your reasoning is inherently flawed in your claim of cause. You've shown no linkage, but only made assumptions using vague terms like "some form of decline". All states and nations have problems, they're never so simple.

"Even Asian nations are inferior. China stagnated for over 1000 years before the British made Hong Kong a rich port and the Aisans began to adopt the culture of "white" people. But even now the Chinese are moving in to Hong Kong, killing it off."

The Ming Dynasty made the mistake of thinking that they were so superior to the rest of the world that the rest of the world had nothing to offer them. They were preaching the same concepts which you have preached and it was their downfall. China's revival has been in the works since a bloody revolution was followed by a Japanese occupation which was followed by another bloody revolution. Honk Kong is doing better than ever.

I won't call you names, Revad. I don't know you and I don't know why you've fallen in with this information movement, but you have. The differences between groups of people are far more complicated than the simple skin tone explanation. The European domination of the globe is a small chapter in World history. The influence of the rigid discipline of the Roman Empire manifested in the Catholic Church combined with the utilization of the Chinese invention of gunpowder combined with the halt of Ghengis Khan's armies combined with the Phoenician knowledge of seafaring only scratches the surface of the deep historical and geographical complications involved.


Sonof, I advise that you don't bother arguing this type of comment at all unless you're willing and prepared to do so point by point. Also, be prepared to handle any response in a similar manner.

For your information, the bulk of European colonial occupation of Africa lasted until 1960. Recent African history is tremendously complicated. I think that you should be sure to study it before making an argument with this type of post because those who propagate this type of message have got a very consolidated and specified information movement at their fingertips.

Be careful not to fall into the anti-European information movements. Every ethnic group is equally subject to the corruption, helplessness, and adiction to power. The reasons for European domination are very complicated.


Returning to my previous point about the NBA, I suggest the film "Hoop Dreams" to help understand how the financial factors screw over kids who are good at basketball in shitty neighborhoods.

Also, I saw some B.B. King footage today and it reminded me of being downtown Detroit one night. Downtown is usually dominated by white folks during business hours, but this night there were middle-aged, upper-middle-class black folks everywhere. It turns out B.B. was playing the Fox. That strikes me as another prime example of black culture. B.B. is absolutely reveered by the African American community.

Most of the black people who are still into the mainstream rap are the ones who are young and look up to that gang on the corner who sell drugs and have a bunch of money to flash around. In this way, the problem perpetuates itself. This is more of a problem FOR black culture than a problem of it.

Whoever had my back with my original post, sorry I'm too lazy to check, thank you. I feel that I should mention that there is such a thing as white gospel music. The thing is that it's very different from black gospel music. I forget who said it first, but it's true that we are never more segregated than we are on Sunday mornings. That's why I suggest that if people really want to know African American culture, they should listen to "their" gospel music.

The blues influence is far less pure. The Native Americans and Scots-Irish had more influence on the blues than on black gospel, I think. For example if you compare the African vocals on some of those Paul Simon songs from a few years back to either style, I think it's pretty clear that it's far closer to black gospel music.

The black influence on the traditional blues, on the other hand, seems to have been more cultivated in the Caribbean. The "field holler" songs seem to be more of an influence than the homeland traditional. This seems to imply that the blues is further removed from the homeland and more adaptable to change. This could explane why it mingled so smoothly with the Scots-Irish and Native American sounds.

Its inception, like its influence, is complicated.


Is Funkadelic black enough for ya?

Everybody Is Going To Make It This Time
{G Clinton, B Worrell}

Our mothers and our fathers
They had lives to live
Oh, and today, is proof that mistakes were made
There's not a doubt in my heart
They've done the best that they knew how
And there's still time for us to make a change

We got to learn from the mistakes that were made in the past
We got to clean so that we can clean our minds
'Cause in order to get it together
We got to get our heads together
Everybody is going to make it this time (x2)

Our country and our cities, they have been betrayed for money
Ooooh, and somehow, the people, they will make a change, yeah
There's not a doubt in my mind
If hunger and anger place the blame
There won't be a country left to change

We got to see what we're doing in the name of comfort
We've got to see, we've got to feel the warning signs
But in order to get it together
We've got to get our heads together
Everybody is going to make it this time (x2)

We've got to learn from the mistakes
That were made in the past
We've got to clean so that we can use our minds
But in order to get it together
We've got to get our heads together
Everybody is going to make it this time (x2)
(Everybody, make it, yeah whoa!)
Everybody is going to make it this time (x9)
(Got to make it, this time, whoaa! Wooo, woo, woo, hey!)
metu said:
"A" for effort sonof, but I think you missed the mark. The post you quoted is meant to disrupt the conversation with the hopes that well meaning, but uninformed people will take the bate and give a weak argument. I mean no offense, but I think you've fallen into the trap. Redav has apparently fallen into what can be called an information movement. It's a propaganda campaign which is carefully crafted to support specific political goals and Redav's post is an example of the proponents' tactics.

Yea, your probably right dude. I just get pissed off when people make comments like this.
sonofhendrix13 said:
This is one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard. The things your saying are the principles that organization such as the Nazis and the KKK were and still are based on. I don't know if you're a part of either group but I personally despise both of them and all other similar groups.

I think your opinion couldn't be farther from the truth. I am white and not ashamed to be so but white nations have attempted to rule the entire world for thousands of years. White nations may have been the most successful but they have always been extremely megalomaniacal and power-hungry. This caused them to kill millions in an attempt to take over the earth. During the 1800's almost the entire world was ruled by european nations. This is one of the many problems that arises as the result of government. Non-white groups may never have had as much power as white nations did but at least they were free. I would personally rather be free than successful any day.

Very few blacks actually "immigrated" freely to the US. Most of them are the descendents of african slaves. Are they better off now? Probably, but they never actually chose to come here. Also, whites have always been present in non-white nations. During the 1800's most of Africa was controlled by white Europeans. They may not have "immigrated" there but they did take it over.

Did you read the scientific fact being presented?? You can't deny science or it's findings.
"science" is, as best we know it, a collection of guesses that many people agree upon, but is by no means fact.

further, it is tainted inevitably with bias of those conducting the research, and in many cases it's "fudged" or otherwise manipulated to display a particular goal. any data can be used to represent any case. it's just a matter of changing the scale factors or the axis, and you can make it do whatever you want.

science =/= fact. they are independent things. in all actuality, there is no such thing as truth or fact. what is taken to be the truth or the facts is merely a consensus of what most believe. when this is proven wrong (and in the field of science, it often is), a new "truth" or "fact" is established.

you cannot quote numbers with no sources, and present them as the cold, hard facts. they are opinions, or the result of opinions, and as metu stated above, they are the product of an information war where the various sides manipulate data to show "Facts" as they see them.
Silent Song said:
"science" is, as best we know it, a collection of guesses that many people agree upon, but is by no means fact.

further, it is tainted inevitably with bias of those conducting the research, and in many cases it's "fudged" or otherwise manipulated to display a particular goal. any data can be used to represent any case. it's just a matter of changing the scale factors or the axis, and you can make it do whatever you want.

science =/= fact. they are independent things. in all actuality, there is no such thing as truth or fact. what is taken to be the truth or the facts is merely a consensus of what most believe. when this is proven wrong (and in the field of science, it often is), a new "truth" or "fact" is established.

you cannot quote numbers with no sources, and present them as the cold, hard facts. they are opinions, or the result of opinions, and as metu stated above, they are the product of an information war where the various sides manipulate data to show "Facts" as they see them.

Have you not read the sources he even showed in the link?


African Business Magazine, Dec. '91
American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 92, pg 822+
American Renaissance, Dec. '90, Box 2504, Menlo Park, CA 94026
American Sociological Review, Vol 45, pg. 859
Basham, A.L., The Wonder That Was India, Grove Press, New York, NY 1954
Buckley, William F. syndicated column, Jan. 5. 1993
"But What about Africa?" Harper's, May '90
"The Christian Heritage of South Africa Under Attack!", Peter Hammond, Herald the Coming, Dec. '92.
Coon, Carleton S. The Origin of Races, 1962, Alfred A. Knopf
Fagan, Myron C. How the Greatest White Nations Were Mongrelized - Then Negroized, Sons of Liberty Books.
Fields, Dr. Ed, The Dangers of Interracial Marriage, PO Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061
Howells, William. Mankind So Far, Doubleday, Garden City, NY 1945.
Harris, Marvin, 1981. Why Nothing Works. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY
Jacob, A. White Man, Think Again! 1965, publ. by author.
Jensen, Arthur R. Bias in Mental Testing, The Free Press, New York 1980
Jensen, Arthur R. Straight Talk About Mental Tests, The Free Press. (Macmillan) New York, 1981
McCall's, May '92, pg 76
McGurk, Frank, "A Scientist's Report on Race Differences." U.S. News and World Report, Sept. 21, 1956. Washington, D.C.
Pearson, Roger, Eugenics and Race, 1966, Noontide Press
Pearson, Roger. Race, Intelligence, and Bias in Academe, Scott-Townsend Publishers, N.W. Washington, D.C.
Pendell, Elmer, Sex Versus Civilization, Noontide Press.
Putnam, Carleton. Race and Reason, 1961, Howard Allen Press, Cape Canaveral, FL
Putnam, Carleton. Race and Reality, a Search for Solutions, 1967, Howard Allen, Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
Putnam, Carleton. A Study in Racial Realities, an address at the University of California at Davis, Dec. 17, 1964
Scott, Ralph. Education and Ethnicity: The U.S. Experiment in School Integration, Scott-Townsend. Washington, D.C. 1989
Shuey, Audrey H., The Testing of Negro Intelligence, Social Science Press, New York, 1966
Simpson, William Gayley. Which Way Western Man? 1978, National Alliance Press, Box 3535, Washington, D. C. 20007
Social Forces, Vol. 69, pg.1+, Sept. '90
"South Africa: Time to Choose Sides" Soldier of Fortune, Dec. '89.
Snyderman, Mark, and Rothman, Stanely. The IQ Controversy, the Media and Public Policy. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, NJ 1990.
Stell v Savannah-Chattham County Board of Education, U.S. District Court, Southern Georgia, May 13, 1963.
Taylor, Jared, Paved with Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America. 1992, Carrol & Graf. New York, NY
World Almanacs, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92
United Nations World Census, 1990
Van Loon, Henrick, 1940, Van Loon's Geography, Garden City Publ.
The Voice, Feb. 27, 1990.
Waddell, L. A.: The Makers of Civilization, 1929, Angriff Press, Hollywood, CA
Weisman, Charles A. America: Free, White and Christian, 1989, SFA, Box 766-c, LaPorte, CO 80535
Weisman, Charles A. The Origins of Race and Civilization, 1990, SFA
Weyl, Nathaniel. The Geography of American Achievement, Scott-Townsend, Washington, D.C. 1989.
Martin Luther King (Man Behind the Myth) by Des Griffin.
William Shockley, Ph.D, Harvard Education Review, 1969. Harvard University Press
Charles Darwin, The origin of Species by means of Natual Selection, Or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Stuggle for Life, Dutton, 1872.

Science>PC/Liberal Thinking
Warlord Of Death said:
Have you not read the sources he even showed in the link?

Science>PC/Liberal Thinking

tell me how science explains love then. tell me how science shows there are distinct races and that one is superior to another. science is useful but it is not absolute. it is not fact, it is interpretation of data. most of those sources are second or tertiary in nature. they have been interpreted and reinterpreted. they are opinions, nothing more.
^ i second, especially since he nailed the "love" part so well, for what cannot be measured . . .
Silent Song said:
tell me how science explains love then. tell me how science shows there are distinct races and that one is superior to another. science is useful but it is not absolute. it is not fact, it is interpretation of data. most of those sources are second or tertiary in nature. they have been interpreted and reinterpreted. they are opinions, nothing more.

According to scientist's Love is the product or chemicals in our brains, that being Oxytocin which is released upon orgasm by both sexes, Vasopressin is responsible for bonding and so forth.

As far as race goes, if you can't tell the differen between yourself and an Aboriginee or Sub Saharan Africa I feel sorry for you. Anyone dumb enough to discredit science must be liberal and christian, wake up goddamnit :wave:

by Glayde Whitney

It's Official: Races Differ Genetically
“Ethnicity can be inferred from the frequencies of alternative forms, or alleles, of genes; allele patterns differ by racial origin.”
Thus spake Science magazine, the official organ of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

We live in confused times. As science increasingly proves the fallacy of the egalitarian myth, politicians and scientists who know better keep feeding the public absurd and wrong banalities to the effect that races do not exist (see cover story). The absurdity of these proclamations is all the greater in that sequencing of genomes from the different “ethnic groups” is only now beginning.

Even so it is already easy to categorize people by race just by looking at their genes. This is because there are many DNA sequences (such as STRs, or Short Tandem Repeats, and SNPs, or Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) that differ absolutely from one race to another. Many SNPs common in various African tribes have not been found among Caucasians or East Asians, and vice-versa: there are Asian-specific and Caucasian-specific markers not found among sub-Saharan Africans. Also there are markers that are found in all races but at very different frequencies. Combining the results of just a few such markers can determine race with virtual certainty (one out of many millions).

Forensic genetics–DNA profiling–makes use of these differences and could soon replace fingerprinting. In October, 1998, the FBI started CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) to consolidate DNA identification from the various state systems. CODIS looks at only 13 STR chromosome markers, but that is enough for absolutely certain individual identification: As Science notes,
“The chance of two [unrelated] individuals on average having the same DNA profile [of just those 13 STRs] is about one in a million billion.”
Soon to be added will be markers on the Y-chromosome, which is transmitted only in the male line, from father to son, and already a number of race-specific Y-markers have been found. In forensic applications Y-markers will be useful because many violent crimes are male-on-female, and the resulting “bodily fluids” are often a messy mix of DNA from both perpetrator and victim. Analysis of Y-markers will automatically concentrate only on the male DNA.

Forensic identification is also just beginning to use another source of DNA called mitochondrial DNA, or mtDNA. This stuff is interesting because it exists outside the nucleus of the cell–in the mitochondria–and is passed in the egg, from mother to offspring. Thus all the individuals in a female line of descent have the same mtDNA. Of course, families differ, and races may be thought of as extended families, or sets of people related by common descent.

MtDNA is useful also because there is a lot of it: As Science notes, “there's probably 10,000 times as much mtDNA as there is nuclear DNA. In a sample that's aged or degraded, it's quite common that the nuclear DNA has been degraded beyond the point of recovery, and yet there is mtDNA that can be recovered.”

This is why mtDNA is extracted from ancient remains, such as 100,000-year-old Neanderthals. It was mtDNA that linked the 9,000 year-old “Cheddar Man” to a “relative living today just down the road in Cheddar, England.” It is mtDNA that would have to be analyzed to determine Kennewick Man's race.

For criminal identification the best is yet to come. There is research at places like the Galton Laboratory (University College London) on determining physical appearance from DNA. “Geneticists can assess the likelihood that a person is a redhead simply by testing for mutations in the gene for the receptor for a hormone that spurs production of the pigment melanin. All facial characteristics are on the agenda. A noble Romanesque profile or deeply cleft chin could be a villain's downfall. . . . [W]ithin 10 years we might be looking at genetic tests for the basis of the main facial characteristics like, for example, nose, chin, and forehead shape.” [Watson, A., “A new breed of high-tech detectives,” Science, Vol. 289, 11 Aug. 2000, Pp. 850-854].
Africans (Part one)


Africa is not home to one subspecies but two: Bushmen (Capoids) and Negroes and Pygmies (Congoids).

Just as Mongoloids displaced Australoids in SE Asia and Indonesia, the Caucasoids, Berbers and Arabs displaced the Africans.

In the recent past Negroes have lived in most of Africa between the Sahara and Limpopo River whereas the Bushmen and Hottentots have occupied South Africa and parts of southern Rhodesia. The boundary between the two is clinal and not an impenetrable barrier. The two subspecies could not have evolved each on its own side because isolation is needed for subspecies to evolve. We must assume then that at least one of the two subspecies must have moved into its present territory after each had evolved during the Pleistocene.

North Africa is not the kind of environment in which Pygmies could have evolved. It is not and has never been a tropical rain forest. The Pygmies current home is in the rain forest of the Congo and other sections of West Africa.

Pygmies are related to Negroes. The Negro's natural environment must have been the savannah at the edge of the forest. They could not have evolved their ability to withstand damp heat during the last 12,000 years in which the Caucasoids pushed their predecessors out of North Africa. The South American Indians of the Amazon have not evolved heat-adaption in an equal amount of time. The African forest and its peripheral are therefore the Congoid home, West Africa.

The Bushmen are not heat-adapted. So they don't fit this environment. The evidence indicates that the ancestors of the Bushmen were full-sized people. That they evolved in North Africa, north of the Saharra barrier. When the Caucasoids invaded from the north near the end of the Pleistocene, they pushed the Capoids south along East Africa. Here the Capoids encountered humans of a lower evolutionary grade, who were related to the ancestors of the Negroes and Pygmies and were absorbed by the invading Capoids. Much later, some Negroes of West Africa moved east absorbing many of the Bushmen tribes.

Human remains have been found in Ternefine, Algeria. They are about 400,000 years old. There is only part of the cranium and its size is between Sinathropus and Neanderthal -- or approximately the size of Swanscombe. We don't know whether it belonged to a large Homo erectus or a small Homo sapiens. The morphology and endocranial surface suggest the former; it is like Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus.

There are 3 mandibles. No. 3 is almost Australopithocenes. In some ways it is like Sinathropus but it is also like Neanderthals who lived 300,000 years later. Heidelberg jaw is so different it must have come from an entirely separate evolutionary line. Nos. 1 & 2 are similar to 3 in shape but are much smaller suggesting great sexual dimorphism as in Sinanthropi. Two of the mandibles have multiple mental foramina. In this respect, Ternefine resembles both Sinathropus and Neanderthal.

Despite being the largest Ternefine jaw, No 3 does not have the largest teeth. No 2, a female, has molars and premolars larger than Sinanthropus and also larger than Pithecanthropus who lived more than 100,000 earlier. These teeth resemble those of Australopithocenes, Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus but are closest to Sinanthropus. Except for taurodontism, they have little in common with Heidelberg teeth.

A mandible was found in a cave, Litorina, near Casablanca Morocco. It is similar to Sinanthropus and Ternefine, despite that it is 200,000 years younger.

Another mandible was found in another cave, Smuggler's Cave, less than 50 miles from Litorina. It's age is about the same as the one found in Litorina. It is the similar to Ternefine and Litorina in most respects but it is smaller.

In Rabut, quarrymen blasted a complete skull from the sandy soil. Only fragmented pieces were recovered. The cranial fragments were not much thicker than modern skulls. The teeth are like Sinanthropus and Neanderthal. These remains are probably about 100,000 years old.

A part of the maxilla (upper jaw) of a child was found in the northern end of the Morrocan coast, Tangier. It is dated between 50,000 and 100,000 years old. It is like other early North African finds.

From Tangier to Rabut to Smuggler's Cave to Litorina to Ternefine, these specimens form a single line. They were not Caucasoid nor typically Negroid. They share similarities to Australopithocenes on the one hand and Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus on the other, especially Sinanthropus.

They probably belonged to the erectus grade. Whether they achieved the sapiens grade before the Caucasoids invaded about 10,000 years ago is not known.

Either the Ternefine-Tangier people are descended from immigrants from East Asia or the ancestors of Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus come from North Africa or they all originate from some geographical point in between.

It is most likely all three originated in North Africa and at an earlier evolutionary level than the genus Homo.

It seems fairly likely that the Ternefine-Tangier people had something to do with the origins of Neanderthals.

Several of the features found in Saccopastore and later Neanderthals are also present in North Africans as well as Sinanthropus. North Africa is nearer to the Neanderthal home than China.

A human madible was found among a Lower Levalloisior-Mousterian level. The industry resembles Tabun in Palestine but the date of this find was only 32,000 BC. The mandible is dated at about 38,000BC. Tabun is dated between 100,000 to 150,000 years ago.

This mandible is much smaller than any of the NW African ones in all dimensions and falls within the size range of the Mount Carmel series. It is closest to Tabun 1 but has some similarities to Tabun 2. The teeth also fit into the Mount Carmel range. This suggests then, a presumably sapiens Caucasoid people, like those of Mount Carmel, may have entered NE Africa. These people must have had contact with NW Africans of that period. If NW Africans had not yet become sapiens by local evolution, here was their opportunity to rise to sapiens grade through gene flow some 25,000 years before the arrival of the Mouillians.

Not long before 10,000BC, a Caucasoid people who either came from Spain or the Near East entered North Africa. Coon thinks they came from the Near East.

The Mouillian culture lasted well into the post-Pleistocene period. Their physical type -- stocky, broad-faced, snub-nosed can still be seen among individual Berbers.

The Capsian affinities are Palestinian. The oldest Capsian date is 6450BC in Tunesia. Although both Mouillian and Capsian are Caucasoid, the broad-faced, heavily muscled Mouillian is less common among Capsians who are more like the Near Eastern prototype.

The Mouillians are better known that the Capsians and these descriptions apply mostly to the former. The mean cranial capacity is 1,614cc for males, 1,519cc for females. The skulls are large and show considerable sexual dimorphism. They generally resemble Upper Paleolithic Europeans. They are high vaulted and are brachycephalic. Most have short, broad faces with low orbits and deep broad mandible. In many males, the brow ridge is heavy. The chin projecting.

Half of the Capsian skulls are generally Mediterranean. The modern Mediterranean element common in North Africa was largely, if not wholly, a Capsian introduction.

The males stood about 5' 8", females about 5' 5." Sexual dimorphism appears to be less than Upper Paleolithic Europeans. However, like UP Europeans, they had relatively long forearms and lower legs. Their hands and feet were large.

This skull has all the features of Homo erectus. Its length of 209mm is excessive and its breadth of 133mm is narrow. Its breadth would fit the Heidelberg jaw. It probable vault height of 109mm is low. It cranial capacity was between 1,100cc and 1,200cc -- close to both the largest Solo and Sinanthropus skulls. This skull is about 360,000 years old and could be a common ancestor to both Caucasoids and Congoids. Evidence suggests that Chellian-3's ancestors did not evolve locally from East African Australopithocenes but came from farther north in Africa.

These are 4 specimens found in Kenya. No one knows how old they are. They could be 30,000-40,000 years old or as much as 150,000 years old. The cranial capacity is between 1,350cc and 1,400cc. The morphology and cranial capacity indicate they are sapiens of a primitive grade and are probably Negro but not Pygmy.

A mandible and skullcap was found in South Africa among hand axes and flake tools. The age of these remains is not certain. They are somewhere between 40,000 and 100,000 years old. The cranial capacity is estimated at between 1,200cc and 1,250cc -- a little over Chellian-3 from Tanzania. They resemble each other closely. It is Homo erectus. Its index of upper facial flatness, 20, is high for modern Negroes but normal for Caucasoids. The mandible resembles Heidelberg more than Ternefine and Sinanthropus. These remains come from the same line as Chellian-3 in Tanzania but they are a few hundred thousand years younger. This line resembles Caucasoids more closely than it does Australoid, Mongoloid or Capoid.

These bones were found in a cave in northern Rhodesia. With them were found tools of an African flake culture from the Middle Stone Age -- about 23,000BC.

Broken Hill skull is the only complete skull of its evolutionary grade. It is unusual looking. It closely resembles Chellian-3 and Saldanha. Its cranial capacity is 1,280cc -- a little more than other Homo erectus.

Since this skull was protected in a cave, it was in good condition. Studying the inside of the brain case, "one finds the middle meningeal artey was simple as in Sinanthropus, Solo, and Ternefine but that its anterior branch was large. The prefrontal, upper parietal, and lower temporal areas of the cortex were poorly developed when compared to living man and Neanderthal."

Rhodesia man has the broadest, most massive brow ridge of any human skull yet found, matching that of Zinjanthropus.

The teeth are as large as Sinanthropus and some as large as Zinjanthropus or larger. These teeth resemble modern Negroes more than any other races.

The upper face height is the greatest of any fossil skull except Neanderthal La Ferrassie which is 3mm larger. The orbits were high, wide and deep -- the largest orbits of any Homo yet found.

Different facial indexes indicate that the upper portion of the face is Caucasoid, the middle Congoid, and the lower pongid (ape).

Morphologically, the face is mostly Negro, Congoid.

The post cranial bones are similar to modern Negroes. Rhodesia man stood about 5' 7."

"Eyasi man" was found in East Africa. It was likely a female member of the Rhodesia population.

A human mandible was found in Ethiopia. It was large, with the size range of Heidelberg, Ternefine-Tangier, larger Sinanthropus and some Neanderthals. The teeth are smaller than Broken Hill and within modern range.

A mandible was found in South Africa, Cave of Hearths. Its age is 40,000 +/- 10,000 years. It most closely resembles Heidelberg. It is probably of European origin.