the influence of "black culture"

For the racist zealots: The only reasonable conclusion to the question of the origin of man is "not enough info." African polyrhythms are anything but simple. What is wrong with Chritianity is what is wrong with ancestor worship; it breeds closed-minded arrogance.

For the rap-haters: Rap is cheap to produce. While that fact makes rap more appealing to record companies and advertising executives, it also makes rap a medium for the voices of the poor. The worst in rap is strongly marketed while the best in rap is systematically ignored. I couldn't care less if you like the music, but commercial rap and street rap are completely different.
metu said:
For the racist zealots: The only reasonable conclusion to the question of the origin of man is "not enough info." African polyrhythms are anything but simple. What is wrong with Chritianity is what is wrong with ancestor worship; it breeds closed-minded arrogance.

For the rap-haters: Rap is cheap to produce. While that fact makes rap more appealing to record companies and advertising executives, it also makes rap a medium for the voices of the poor. The worst in rap is strongly marketed while the best in rap is systematically ignored. I couldn't care less if you like the music, but commercial rap and street rap are completely different.

You, metu, so far, are the only recognizably sane voice in this whole vile vat of RACIST SHIT.
If you don't like it, don't listen to it and don't buy it, because it is all about the benjamins (my son cringes when I say that!!! :grin: )
If I lived through disco in the '70's, you can survive rap & hip hop, you frightened, intimidated...rrghrghhahhhhhghgghhaaaa :yell:
You, metu, so far, are the only recognizably sane voice in this whole vile vat of RACIST SHIT.
If you don't like it, don't listen to it and don't buy it, because it is all about the benjamins (my son cringes when I say that!!! )
If I lived through disco in the '70's, you can survive rap & hip hop, you frightened, intimidated...rrghrghhahhhhhghgghhaaaa

agreed!! Im from New Zealand and we have the same problem here, I would even go as far to say that it's worse here. I mean our "black" races aren't even african americans but they listen to their music and dress and talk like them. its sad!!! when i was at school, about 80 percent of people were into rap/hip hop. I was one of the few who liked rock/metal etc.. Im sick of it
Smarkum: Thank you for the compliment. :)

I think that the marketing aspects have progressed drastically over the past 2+ decades. They still market a "lifestyle" based on clothing, but the advertisers target younger teenagers to a greater extent than they would have even five years ago.

Irresponsible spending is a blight upon our society. Teenagers are by nature less responsible than their elders. That's one of the things which makes them such good targets. We've got a serious problem on our hands. The biggest problem I have with people pointing the finger at rap is that it's the wrong target.

Thanks again.


Edge: Right on. Same game - same bullshit.
I agree with the first post by Life Sucks 100%. This worthless garbage needs to be swept away post fucking haste! I'm old enough to have seen this wave of putrid diuretic filth grow since it's inception in the late 80's to present time. Back at the beginning it seemed like a stupid but benign little trend that probably wouldn't last more than a few months. In horror I've watched it mutate into a powerful tool wielded by a very sly enemy hidden in the shadows to bring forth the downfall of a good sized portion of our society. It has corrupted a vast majority of today's youth into brainless, abusive, druggie low life's. This is of coarse the "stereotype" that this twisted movement reveres. To be ignorant, have no regard for life, overtly aggressive and to foster a heard mentality are the cardinal rules to follow to be part of this so called "culture". Today's youth are so damned moronic that they are incapable to utilize proper grammar. It's is encouraged to purposely misspell words and/or replace them with numerals so as to be "in" with the gang mindset. To be studious and act intelligent is frowned upon and reviled. How can a system of thought that idolizes criminality and stupidity be anything positive? The answer is plain, it can not.
The truly insidious part of it is that is has so infiltrated society in almost all aspects. One can not view a movie, a television show nor a commercial for that matter, look at a magazine, turn on the radio without being assaulted by this venomous presence. It's everywhere you look, signs, billboards, ect. And the vast majority of it is aimed at the youth demographic, especially white females, and the impoverished. This is by no means a mistake. It is a well planed and precise attack carried out by those that run the media. In fact the same "group" monopolizes on just about every form of media there is: movie production companies, television studios, newspapers, magazine and book publishers and advertising companies. MTV is a major culprit in this scam. The massive multi-billion dollar corporation Via-com owns MTV, Nickelodeon and a plethora of other media interests. Each and every one of them push this sub-human agenda to the masses. Don't believe? Look up just who runs the media on google. It won't take long for it to sink in. That is unless you're already one of the brainwashed multitudes that will vehemently deny any and ALL form of proof and evidence produced to the contrary of you present leftist/liberal agenda.
And it's not just the "black culture" thing. That is just the current successful tool being utilized. This is decades and generations worth of effort. The real obvious signs of downfall occurred in the 1960's with the feminist and liberal movements. It's been all downhill from there. And it's moving now at an exponential rate. If it is not curbed soon the damage may very well become permanent.
It's refreshing to see a lot of people on here that have not been blinded to the truth. For once the voice of reason outnumbers the queer minded x-tian liberal lobby.
Darth that has to be one of the stupidest things i've read on UM in months.

you completely ignore the downfalls of what some call the "white culture" and its drug abuses, crimes, and the like. race has nothing to do with those things.

and then you go and bring in the liberal bullshit and christian bashing (a word you are still too afraid to spell). you strike me as a very paranoid, scared and vengeful being ignorant of everything but the desire for violence.
Silent Song said:
Darth that has to be one of the stupidest things i've read on UM in months.
Darth Kur said:
Today's youth are so damned moronic that they are incapable to utilize proper grammar. It's is encouraged to purposely misspell words and/or replace them with numerals so as to be "in" with the gang mindset...This is of coarse the "stereotype" that this twisted movement reveres.
that's "course"
Darth Kur said:
It is a well planed and precise attack
that's "planned"
Darth Kur said:
The real obvious signs of downfall occurred in the 1960's with the feminist and liberal movements. It's been all downhill from there. And it's moving now at an exponential rate. If it is not curbed soon the damage may very well become permanent.
poor lil' conservative white boy feeling marginalized?

welcome to the real world
The two of you are fucking retarded. I am sick to fucking death of your kind. SS has this irrational thought that if someone has a deep aversion, or in my case, an intense seething hatred for his worthless fucking religion then they must be "afraid" of it. FUCK YOU! In fact fuck you both and all the rest of the goddamn lemmings on this planet. You fucktards lap up everything the media tells you to be the truth. Fine, sit and be content in your little politically correct worlds. Just don't be shocked when one day you wake up to the fact that you've been living a lie and feverishly defending it all along. Blind and fucking stupid, every last one. When the shit finally does hit the fan you'll have only yourselves to blame. And don't expect the people that have known and have tried to warn you to help you when it all comes down. You make your bed with the enemy so fucking lie in it.
And, shitbird, don't go correcting my diction. I run everything through a spell checker so fuck off.
You are so FUCKING GAY! Aren't you afraid your pretend god will be offended by your coarse language? You better perform 1,000 acts of worthless contrition to purge your puny soul.
I've come to the conclusion that I have developed an deep hatred towards you. You represent everything in this world that I despise. In fact if I were to come across you lying in a ditch dieing I wouldn't even take the time to piss upon your forehead.
this is the point man. the word "fuck" is just a word. a word that doesn't mean a whole lot. i know when it is necessary to use it and when it is not.

the word Christ is (to me anyway) far more than just a word, and therefore i am careful how i will use it.

you've developed a deep hatred towards everybody on here, at least every post i've seen has you frothing at the mouth and hardly able to make intelligent conversation.

i harbor no hate towards homosexuals, so calling me "gay" is no different than calling me "orange". it has no meaning to me.

now, if you're through venting your frustrations, let us continue this discussion. why are you so afraid of typing "christianity"? clearly you are, or you would have done so to humor me and prove my assessment wrong already.

as for your comments on so called "black culture", they are groundless rantings that have no basis in fact or reason, two concepts i would have thought you (as a science worshipper) would place in high regard. perhaps i am mistaken.
jesus-fucking-christ! (there ya go buddy) All that I have been presenting are FACTS!!!! I'd be willing to bet that you never bothered to look up any of it. Soon as you recognized it as not being "politically correct" your eyes slammed shut. Get on Google and type "Who runs the media" and find out yourself. Plus a couple other in this tread posted several facts and links. Bet you never read those either.
are you saying you endorse Google? there's more than one search engine dude.

actually, much to your shock and surprise, i did read everything that people posted as "evidence". all its ever shown is groundless propaganda. "facts" my ass dude. those are no less factual than your nonsensical rantings about religion (a topic you clearly know very little about)
What the hell does some one have to do to make you SEE????? Did you look up that fucking reference that I told you to? Did you read all of the information on who it is exactly that runs all of the goddamn media????? I bet you didn't. You and your leftist kind make me want to vomit uncontrollably and defecate all at the same time.
I'll tell you exactly how it is. Your kind does NOT WANT TO SEE! You are completely BLIND. I give up on you and all like you. Eat shit and gobble the cocks of your zionist masters you ignorant pussy. Don't even bother with another retort because I'm through with you.