Do i go for a Bugera 6260 or Peavey 6505


more metal, more booze!!!
the obvious choice is to go with the peavey, however its the financial situation. If i get the Bugera, i can buy it straight off, no hastle, however with the Peavey id have to do a 6 month interest free finance offer. this sounds cushty, but im only employed at my current job until the end of august, and they only accept a one off lump sum payment at the end of the 6 months... im pretty bad with saving, so after 3 months id be able to pay it off, but i cant, and im weary that i wont have the cash in 6 months time :-/

a 6505!
I bought my Bugera 333, 2 months or more ago (can't remember) but yeah the knobs suck, and it had a problem with the switching and sometimes it still has (it's a while since it happened).
When it doens't switch the channels I have to turn the amp off and then on, it sucks, but this amp is only for the studio so I don't give a shit.
For the money I think bugera's are great as long if you use them in the studio lol!
And I can tell ya the sound is so close to the original, the 333 is like a triplexxx with more mids
man tbh id say the bugera and with using impulses.Ive not heard anyone do this yet but i bet its just the ones with the 5150 so my guess would be that it'd slay and it would barely be turned on so hows it gonna break like that? oh and the plus is you get brutaly good tone and its silent if it needs to be....i see win/win tbh :saint:
I would never overdo my budget and do financing. I would buy the Bugera for the money I have and take some care of it or I would wait 5 months and buy a 6505 (or earlier, if I get a used one). Or... buy the Bugera now play it for 8 months, save more money in the meanwhile, sell the Bugera and buy the 6505 using the saved money + the bucks you get for the used Bugera. So you might have spend like 150 bucks "interest" over the time for "renting" the Bugera.
I've had my 333 for a while now with ZERO problems. The knobs (the physical knobs they put on the pots) do suck, they are just plastic...but they work. I have yet to have any switching or stuttering issues. Kao - that's the first problem I have heard about the 333, everything else I hear about has to do with the 6260.

That said, you can pick up a used 5150/6105 for the same price as a new Bugera 6260 or 333. Peavey's construction and durability is definitely in a whole other league compared to the Bugera. But then again, I'm only using mine as a studio amp so I would expect it to hold up just fine sitting in the same place every day, lol.

hmm thanks for replying...

id get a used 6505 or 5150, but they still sell in excess of 500 in the uk!! and i dont have that sorta cash straight out. Im tempted at getting the 6260 caus of the money issues, but i need summat that is gnna be reliable and wont break down on me. Id love the peavey but i really need to justify me spending £680 on finance for basically a one channel amp thats great in the studio, but cud be a bit tricky live

im also looking to getting an orange tiny terror regardless, tried one out the other day, and mann these things are insanely good!!
They definitely rock :headbang:

I want a Rockerverb 50 soooooo bad. First up is the Krank Rev Jr. though, that's the next amp I'm getting.

the tone of the tiny terror is sick, and the volume it has!! however its always gnna be a secondary amp used for clean and more southern rock reamps/tones. still need wither the bugera or peavey for main stuff

so whats the actuall issue with the bugera pots? are they smooth? and what are the breakdown issues you have all been mentioning?
If you wanted to use it live, that's when I'd really stay away from the Bugera, cuz the last thing you wanna do is rely on something unreliable! Just finance the 6505, you'll find a way to make it work :) OR, look for a Peavey Ultra on ebay, those things fucking rule, as they're the predecessor to the XXX
wey my current peavey (XXL) is unreal for a SS amp, all the clips in my sig are done with it, i just want the power and warmth of the valve amp again though.

Think my plan is to get the orange tiny terror, then wait for the next pay check and tax rebate and get the peavey, maybe vica versa (get the peavey on finance now and then get the tiny terror with my rebate)
I have not played with any other Bugera amps other than the 333 that I bought without even trying it out. I have yet to have a single problem with mine, no weird noise, no hissing, no stuttering, nothing. The pots themselves are fine, it's the knobs they put on them, they are just made of plastic. It's nothing major, you can even get some metal knobs to replace them if you wanted. The pots are smooth.

As I've already said, Peavey's reliability is top-notch compared to the numerous Bugera stories floating around. I'm only using mine as a studio amp, I have no plans on taking it out.
