Do i go for a Bugera 6260 or Peavey 6505

hmm thanks for replying...

id get a used 6505 or 5150, but they still sell in excess of 500 in the uk!! and i dont have that sorta cash straight out. Im tempted at getting the 6260 caus of the money issues, but i need summat that is gnna be reliable and wont break down on me. Id love the peavey but i really need to justify me spending £680 on finance for basically a one channel amp thats great in the studio, but cud be a bit tricky live

im also looking to getting an orange tiny terror regardless, tried one out the other day, and mann these things are insanely good!!

Push the store you are looking at getting the 6505 from and you can get it for £600. That is the "bottom line" on a new one, the Orange you should pay around £230 for (again, bottom line price).
....I have yet to have a single problem with mine, no weird noise, no hissing, no stuttering, nothing.

I found what was the problem on mine, it happened again yesterday, and it never turned on till I changed a preamp tube that was fucked up!
Now it's working like a charm.
Hell yes ! ;)
Strange because usually preamp tubes has less troubles than poweramp tubes.
Those bugera tubes are not trust worthy :zombie:
Maurizio, I have replaced all four 12AX7s in mine with Mesa/Boogie preamp tubes, I bought a set of six because I originally wanted to just upgrade the tubes in my MP-2, but the price was good and they only had 6 left at the store so I bought them all. TBH there isn't a huge difference in the 333, but does sound a little more aggressive...just a little. I also feel it sounds a little tighter than before with the same settings on the amp. I think I may do a comparison clip or something.

The difference was more noticeable in the MP-2, really made an improvement on the tone overall, I think the tubes in the unit were the originals from like the 80s LOL! The guy I got it from said he bought it new when they came out and has owned it all these years and only used it maybe for a year total altogether.

Well, if you want to see any REAL tonal difference in the head, you have change the Power Tubes. That's where your tone and resonance comes from in a head. The MP2, being just a preamp, will of course have big tonal differences when the 12AX7's are changed. But, yeah, you want your head to really smoke... Drop some "Ruby 6L6GC Master" tubes in that puppy. It'll tear your fucking head off. :kickass:
I would go peavey..just for the fact that you would have an easier time finding someone to repair the amp and get parts from peavey if it craps out on you...and they probably have better tech support...
I just tested a 333 head out. In just a few minutes I could tell it's the real deal in terms of sound. Super tight chunks with lots of gain on tap and quiet (has a noise gate). The knobs themselves don't look or feel bad, it's how the rest on their posts - they wiggle, and the pots themselves don't turn very smoothly. Doesn't seem to be a huge deal, but turning them makes them feel cheaper than they look.

The only thing stopping me from getting the combo version of the 333 is I don't like the hassle of tubes these days. I don't know how to bias an amp (and don't have time to learn), a full set of power and preamp tubes aint' cheap, and taking it to a shop is pricey and a pain in the ass (if I can even find a reliable shop around here that's close to my house). I don't mind a 1-power tube amp that doesn't require biasing though. End of tube rant.
Mate - one of the great not-so-secret guitar retailers:

Even if you don't buy from them, and I've got nothing but good things to say about them, then use their advertised price to hassle other shops.

bloody hell £599 :0, now im rethinking buying the krank rev jr on monday

but im thinking ive got an amp quite capable of live performance, and the amp is really gonna be for in studio use, and they are hella loud and currently cant afford a power attenuator, but cheers for that link!!:rock:
Hey dude, I have had a 6260 for about 4months or so now and I've had zero issues. I even modded it to take some tip/ ring midi switching XD
I've played 8 or 9 gigs with it now, some douchebag dropped it off a chair and it still lives. With an OD up front, I can't think of a better rhythm tone for me :)
Cheers dude COMMON ENEMY Bugera all over it :)