do i have any motivation for my job today?

today i decided i need a job again. neither of my temp agencies had anything today. now that ive stuffed envelopes for 10.25/hr, i wont stuff envelopes for anything less. i dont want to look for permanent work because i dont like anything. i mean, im not qualified to do anything.
i am overpaid. i keep getting raises and i am slowly going mad and doing my job less and less. i called in today and i am going to call in tomorrow. when i get back, they'll be paying me even more to be insane.
you know i just had a meeting with a career counselor and she determined that based on my personality type i would be best suited for some type of non-profit job.

if they are paying you more and more to less and less then maybe my counselor has struck a golden idea.

i would love to be paid to be insane!