Do you believe in Extraterrestial Life?

haha I fugured as much :heh: but what would it sound like? is a much better question..:rock:
theere has to be life out there, for all the fools who say they've been "abducted" there has to be at least one of them that really was. I mean really... all the stuff that happens that we can't explain we say that it is unexplainable but there are logical explanations for the supernatural, like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster...but really calling extraterrestrials, "little :ill: green men", is down right derogitory and frankly it upsets me...

Haha interesting thought about the music they would like. Well if you believed this one particular source the Zeta Reticulun's (or otherwise commonly known as "Greys") have a fondess for classical music and strawberry ice cream. However I'm sure we could get them banging those big heads of theirs...

In all seriousness though, I honestly beleive that abductions are a reality.......but that is a something I deduced after studying this subject for 13years. Now obviously I have taken information from various "experts" in the field and perhaps ones work you should look into is - Budd Hopkins. If you want to find out about the potential reality of this phenomenon. I say potential becuase I can't prove it with fact, however to me and many others it is a reality. "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence" of my favourite quotes relevant to this subject.
Then if you want to take it one stepy further, follow that up by looking into the work of Dr Roger Leir. Who is involved with the extraction of "alien inplants".

However, sadly for the time being alien abductions will be largely viewed by the public as untrue. I don't think I really need to specify why that is.....and also I would have to end up writing a ton of stuff, which I wasn;t plannign on doing right now. I've discussed this a lot over the last 13years. Something you may be interested to know though.....which is sometihng the general public doesn't know -
Finally the scientific community has begun it's willingness to even accept this as a possible reality. This is largely down to the work of a couple of Harvard Astro-physicists. This all goes on behind the scenes of's not something which will be broadcast on the evening news.

Oh and the little green men comment. Well we always just use the joke that.......people really should now be saying "little grey men" :lol:
in my opinion, abductions are not true. read this real quick:
"The researchers tie such abduction stories to a phenomenon they call "dreaming with your eyes wide open." The episodes occur just as people awaken from a dream. Dreams include full-body paralysis, a nice adaptation that prevents people from jumping out of bed to escape their demons, or otherwise making moves in a dream that could injure them in reality. The sleeper awakens from a dream before the paralysis goes away, and experiences hallucinations like seeing flashing lights and some kinds of living things lurking around the bed.

Sleep paralysis is common and no more indicative of mental illness than a hiccup, the researchers point out. But when the hallucination and paralysis occur together, many people find the combination frightening, and they attempt to find a meaning in it.

Some individuals consult psychiatrists or psychologists who hypnotize them to recover presumably repressed memories that lie behind the strange events. During such sessions, a person may recover false memories of being transported up into spacecraft where they were subjected to medical and sexual experiments.

Psychological interviews and tests conducted on the abductees reveal little evidence of mental illness, but they enjoy a rich fantasy life. When they listen to music or watch movies they often imagine they are somewhere else or part of the movie plot. The typical abductee, notes McNally, "has a longstanding interest in 'New Age' practices and beliefs such as reincarnation, astral projection, mental telepathy, alternative healing practices, energy therapies, and astrology."

i also remember seeing something on the science channel a few years ago that talked about a natural phenomenon inducing hallucinations of abductions and even paranormal (ghosts!) activities. it was a while ago so i dont remember exactly, but i do remember there was something with electric currents jumping between the earth and your brain and activating parts of your brain that induce hallucinations that sometimes turn out to be vivid dreams of abduction or ghostly experiences. it also said something about certain places throughout the world that were more susceptible to this phenomenon and had more electrical energy running through it. it could even happen to someone as they were awake, which could also explain a paranormal experiences.

i am 110% positive that there is life in this universe, and they may even know of our existence. but, if they have the technology and means to travel all the way to earth, their civilization is probably so advanced and developed technologically and morally. they more than likely zip on through our system, see our barbaric acts of war and heartless killing, and deduce that we are a young and naive race who have yet to evolve to a truly civilized and respectable race. they could even be observing us and waiting for us to reach that moment of self-actualization when we see the pointlessness of war and of killing your fellow man. and, for any star trek fans, they may also have something similar to the prime directive, and they cannot interfere with our evolution/technological advancement for fear of permanently damaging our moral evolution. in conclusion, they think we need to evolve on our own and let our history go as it will without interruption.

heres something else:
"P(a planet with life in a particular solar system)=5 * 10-14
He then views the universe of solar systems as being mutually independent coin tosses with respect to having life: P(Heads)=P(life)=5*10-14 and P(Tails)= P(no life)=1-5 * 10-14=0.99999999999995. From the standard probability of mutually independent coin tosses, the probability of never having a head among n independent coins is the same as the probability of all tails:
The probability of AT LEAST ONE other solar system having life among n stars is
1-P(all tails)=1-(.99999999999995)n
The current estimate for the number of stars in the universe (n) is about 3 * 1022, because there are about 3*1011 stars in each of 1011 galaxies. An elementary calculation with logarithms will show that P(all tails) is almost 0. This answer doesn't change much if we radically lower our estimates to 1010 stars per galaxy for 109 galaxies. The vastness of the universe overwhelms the low probability of life evolving from the primordial soup in any given solar system."
I'll need to re-read the chapter tomorrow, but I recall reading some pretty interesting stuff on Alien Abductions as a psychologically reactionary. In those terms, the question of whether they were real or not is transcended and it's more about what they actually mean.
Clearly, what we think of as "the HIV virus" is a highly advanced alien species that has traveled uncountable miles to communicate with us, and the outcome of that communication is AIDS.
Not really. I have a pic though. Took it on the way from school. You decide what it is since i have no idea:lol:
There should be if theories we get stuck in our heads daily by society and nowdays education are true. If life comes from life, first earth organisms couldn't just form out of nowhere. These organisms have an origin, unknown to us but that doesn't make it unexistent. Maybe those organisms aren't as complex as we are or are far more complex, maybe similar maybe different but there have to be something, a start of everything.
The possibility of a planet forming within the extremely small size, mass, density, gravity, temperature and chemical restrictions that could house the type of life that we recognize is nearly infinitesimal. The probability that life then would evolve on such a planet is also presumably quite unlikely. However, as many planets as there are out there, it's not hard to imagine that such a thing might still happen once in a while and the fact that we already have evidence that it's happened before is encouraging.

So yes, I believe that extraterrestrial life probably does exist somewhere, though maybe not in a form that we would recognize. Hell, a great deal of the living things on Earth aren't presented in a form we recognize.
So yes, I believe that extraterrestrial life probably does exist somewhere, though maybe not in a form that we would recognize. Hell, a great deal of the living things on Earth aren't presented in a form we recognize.

True, maybe this extraterrestrial life is nearer than we thought, maybe these organisms are microscopic, or just on places not far but maybe never reached or explored before.
Yes, I do. And not for what happened in Roswell (in my opinion it's all bullshit), but because the universe is so big that some extraterrestrial life should exist. I'm not 100% sure, but 95% I am.