do you edit metal breakdowns?


May 15, 2011
Koblenz, Germany
Hey Guys,

my first post in this forum. at first: sorry for my english :rolleyes:

i recorded a metal/hardcore band a few days ago and now i'm doing the drum and guitar edit. i edit the guitar only in breakdowns.

do you cut the guitar exactly on the kickdrum? really love this mechanical style. is there a faster way to do it than cut and fade every hit for itself? (of course in groups).

here's a snippet of a song (no mixing done yet)

the first 10 seconds are cut on every single kick and after that there are rough guitars.

guitars are 6505. drums are real drums with replaced kick und 50/50 blended sneap snare.
Depends on what DAW you're using, they all have slightly different methods. FWIW, it sounds super robotic and fake to me, but if that's what you're going for, it works.
I personally edit metal breakdowns, because in today's society, thats what the kids seem to find more interesting. If the breakdown isnt on time it might not have as big as an impact. but then again, its personal preference.,
Depends on what the breakdown sounds like. Usually I'll just edit them to line up closely at the beginning and end of the kick beat, but not necessarily exactly to the grid. If it's a breakdown that's played behind another, more fluid guitar riff, then I usually won't edit it, unless the playing is so far off that it's epic failing hardcore.
TBH this type of editing sounds absurd to me unless it's just for a special effect. It seems particularly offensive to me in this instance b/c the playing that isn't "choke edited" isn't played very tightly.
i try not to edit breakdowns if i dont need to. but if i need to i usually set the edits a few ms before the kick drum, pretty much to where the cross fade ends is where the kick drum starts. but tend to edit the bass guitar a little tighter so it doesnt clutter so much with the kick.