Do you have autographs from any band?

only dark tranquillity. i didn't talk with many bands in my life, at least that i recall, but that's because i attended far too few shows. :( besides, asking for autographs is the possibly last thing on my mind.

I don´t want you to look bad, so I won´t bother rebuting what you just wrote...even though you hurt me by ridiculing me before in another post. See how nice a guy I am? You are very lucky to have me here on the forum to lighten up the atmosphere.

See: :):):)
I have a few autographs...some I won't mention. My most prized one of late is of all the members of Arch Enemy:headbang: . I have turned the walls of my apt. into a display case for all my autographs:D. What's sad is that I have met quite a few bands but never got their autographs. *bangs head on desk*
ya i have mikaels,anders and michael all signed damage done for me
and in flames i have anders,bjorn and jesper on whoracle
and i got ville from sentenced to sign my cold white light cd
The only autograph I have is from Björn Gelotte of In Flames 3 months ago. Very nice guy by the way.

Dark Tranquillity (all guys, all albums, except DD which I don't own yet :p + pics)
Opeth (all guys, except Lopez, all albums + pics)
Lacuna Coil (all guys.. and Cristina of course, all albums.. got some pics too)

I think that's all..
Ok, since others have their fanboys on display...

I have Tobias Sammet on both Avantasia CDs.
All of Edguy on all their CDs.
Kai & Henjo on 3 Gamma Ray CDs.
Kai on the first 3 Helloween CDs.
Jon Schaeffer on the past 3 Iced Earth CDs.
All of Angra on 'Rebirth.'

And I think that's it.
ive met most of my favorite bands, which was thrilling (including DT, IF, AE...) but i dont care much about having autographs and I feel silly asking for them, like its a reminder of the infinite coolness gulf between us. i did get pictures with bjorn and jesper though, because we are in love.
I would like to have a signature from Ander Friden into the contract about owning the Fredman Studios..