Do you have stuff on top of your monitors?


Bass playing guy.
Dec 28, 2010
Washington DC
So my desk is pretty cluttered and the other day I realized that I tend to put stuff on top of my monitors because they end up as the only vacant surface. Mostly shot glasses, tiny bottles of jager, guitar slides, gundam model kits etc... I was just curious if other people do this and whether it's detrimental to the sound. I kind of assume having anything in contact with the monitors is less than ideal but then again I wonder if I would really be able to notice a difference anyways. Any thoughts on this matter?

Clients seem to like the gundam model kit.
I have a Behritone on top of the left monitor with one of those little office stacks of square paper on top of that then on the right monitor I have a monitor (17" screen) balanced precariously.

I kind of like the whole cluttered ghetto-setup, makes it feel like a workshop.
I have little homies figurines on top of mine, and some small dominican shot glasses in a leather like casing that I never use. Haven't noticed any difference with or without.
I can hear it now...

"Man if I had only taken that Robotech model off my monitors, that snare would have sounded ten times better."
A pick and a Wittner taktell en the left one, a 22" screen on the right one. The 32" screen in the middle takes everything/wouldn't need to dual monitor anymore, I just don't know where to put it.
These:) Yellow and black.
Sweetwater catalogs and medical exams on the left, a smurfs drinking cup on the right.

*oh and a small ART pre under the papers, didn't even remember I had one of those :lol: