Do you put a lot of stuff on top of your cab(s)?

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
..As in, another 2x12 and 2 amp heads, on top of a 2x12.

I know 4x12 are built to accommodate at least one another on top, however I'm concerned as to put too much stress on the wood of what would be the bottom cabinet, a 2x12 Mesa (planning to leave those things stacked in there for a LONG time, that'd be). What's the maximum weight (safe) limit for these things?

Thanks much, appreciate any opinion.
Saw something like this in a rehearsal space sometime ago (from bottom to top)
Harley Benton 2x12 cab (the cheap one, so probably not built like a tank)
Engl XXL 4x12 cab (weighs like 60kg)
A headcase featuring a rack (that thing alone weighs 35kg) including a Engl Invader
that weighs around 25kg afaik, a Digitech 1101 and a Rocktron Velocity 300 (backup
poweramp), these two things weigh another 15kg or so together, so you get 60kg
for the cabinet and 75 for the headcase thing, 135 kg on one cheapass 2x12 cab.
There was another head on the headcase from time to time, so it went up to 160kgs
sometimes, I am sure it's ok for your cab :D
I'm pretty sure that in the history of humanity, no one has ever see a cabinet collapse under weight.

Unless you put a fucking car on it!
I've never been worried about the weight on a cab. It's ability to fall over when stacked too high is another thing though!
Yeah, I'm sure you're totally fine. I had a 4U rack (filled), 5150, and Mark IV stacked on my 4x12 at one point. Only time I get nervous is when it seems like it wants to flop over (casters still attached), or when I've played live where a backline was provided and they had (2) 4x12 cabs stacked into a full stack.
Talking about cabs falling over, I played a gig where the stage wasn't too stable and the whole of stage right almost toppled over when the guitarist couldn't stop jumping up and down :|

On topic, I've never really even thought about having too much on the cab, have had 3 amps on a cheap harley benton and no problems at all. Could it effect the sound though?
Look at it this way, a full stack is something like a 4x12 on top of another 4x12 and a head. Mesa Boogie cabinets for example weight about 50kg each. Add 20kg for the head, so your PERFECTLY safe with 70kg on top of your cabinet. I'm sure you can add more... I currently have 4 heads on a 4x12 cabinet and it seems fine and the coasters roll perfectly on the floor. Apparently your 2x12 is a Mesa so you're fine really, very good construction.
could go for days, where the engineers at to tell us of the structural integrity of cabinet design. 4 heads has gotta be close to or maybe over 100kgs

Thanks much all for the responses!

I've never been worried about the weight on a cab. It's ability to fall over when stacked too high is another thing though!

A couple of days ago I moved stuff around to have a 12U roto-rack (nearly full), two amps and a load box on top of a piece of furniture I have with drawers in it for cables, mics, etc. It's more comfortable to have all the knobs and everything else right by the desk.

However, that amounts to 2 meters high, and moving it even a bit with all that stuff on top sort of causes the sides of the furniture to 'tilt' a little -or at least feels like it- which is scary of course.

From what you're saying, I might be better off moving at least the amps on top of the cab, even though those won't be as easy to dial from there (especially because of the lighting in the room).
Regular old one head on cab. Woohoo! Those things are made to take some abuse. The casters might give out eventually depending on how good they are.
Forgot to mention I have a Great Gramma under the cab, so that has to take the weight. Auralex says the weight limit for it is 300lbs, so I guess I would still be fine.