Royer in front of a guitar cab...


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
I have to reamp some guitars tomorrow, I will have the following mics : 57, Royer R121 and an SM7 (don't think we'll use it but it worth a try).
Amps will be PV 5150 and Engl Powerball ; the cab is a Bogner 2x12" oversized with Celestion Vintage 30. I will bring my Maxon OD-808 tubescreamer if I need to tighten the low end a bit.
Pres will be Purple Biz, API and Great River, going to Rosetta 800.

I have a good experience using 57s, they always sound great when placed correctly.
I have the R121 since a long time and this is a great sounding mic. When used on guitars I always find he has a particular sound and brings a lot of clarity and detail, but I end up in usually not using it because it had a muddy low end.
I think the reason for that is just wrong placement.

Where do you put it in front of your cab ? Close ? Far ? Facing the middle of the speaker ?
I tend to say very close from the grill but not directly aiming at the speaker center.

And pics are welcome !!!

Last time I did some guitar tests using : a 57, Purple Biz, PV 5150, Mesa 4x12" cab, Fireface 800. The result was : 57 Purple.wav
(raw track, one take per side)
Quite good I think, a bit boxy maybe. Now I want to add the Royer "cream" on top of that !
try rhis matey!!



its got a flight case now!! poor thing.
yeah tape was only there while setting up; took it off when tracking
Royer have that cab crammed up against the wall of what appears to be a large room.:err:

Should we really be paying attention to their miking techniques then?