Do you know where Australia is?

Keeping with this joke of which country people think the USA should bomb next...

I assume North Korea has to be next now that they've actually tested a nuke. It's not like Iraq where people thought there might be WMDs, this is a the real deal.

Who's ready for a draft?
Meh, I don't think we'll have to do anything. China hates N. Korea at the moment and all the illegal immigrants that keep coming across the border. Also, right-wingers in Japan have been looking for any excuse to expand their self defense force and possibly use it offensively.

If we're smart we won't give the baby the attention he wants and let the powers in the region deal with the matter themselves.
Erik said:
the only problem is that if you attack a country that actually has nukes you will get all thermonuclear devastated

Now THAT's a war needing to be televised. People would get pay-per-view to see that, provided tv still works during nuclear winter. :loco:
Reign in Acai said:
That guy was probably standing on that sidewalk for 8 hours to get that 1min 45 secs worth of footage. A bunch of snippets of comments made by ditsy blondes, a spic, and a homeless my pals, clipped together is not an accurate assessment of the intelligence of the average american. Liberal propaganda bullshit.

thank you for realizing this